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10 Tarot Cards That Mean Love Is on the Way

If you are performing a tarot card reading for love, then there are 10 cards that you want to pop up in your spread. Keep reading to find out what they are.

10. The Empress

The Empress Tarot Card

The Empress card represents happiness and the overall well-being of loved ones. This card symbolizes a familial or maternal love. When this card pops up it can represent an ability to nurture and care for those around you. It prompts the querent to give a little extra love and attention to someone who may be in need. This card illustrates the need to care for those who may be unable to care for themselves.

9. The Four of Wands

king of diamonds playing card
Photo by Viva Luna Studios

The Four of Wands represents happiness and celebration. It can symbolize a wedding or a happy marriage. When this card pops up it can mean two people or a whole community coming together in a joyful celebration. It can also mean that someone will be returning home soon after a long time away.

8. The Lovers

The Lovers Tarot Card

The Lover’s card can represent love, but it can also symbolize a choice. This card is the literal manifestation of the phrase “listen to your heart.” When this card pops up, it usually means that when presented with a hard choice you should go with the choice that makes you the happiest. But remember, a choice that makes you happy in the moment may not make you happy in the long term.

7. Page of Cups

The Page of cups

The Page of Cups can represent a sensitive, idealistic, and in some cases psychic person in your life. It could represent a crush or a new romance. This card also symbolizes personal growth and the ability to trust ourselves and others.

6. Knight of Cups

Knight of Cups Tarot Card

The Knight of Cups card represents an ideal romantic partner. Some may call them a soul mate or a twin flame. This partner may be your true love, or a short-lived yet much needed fling. But it can also represent an over-idealized partner who is not emotionally mature enough to give you the support that you need.

5. Queen of Cups

Queen of Cups Tarot Card

The Queen of Cups can represent a feminine figure who is the object of affection or who is contemplating having kids. This is the card of love and commitment. It could symbolize a feminine person who has found love or will find love soon. When this card pops up in a reading, it means that the querent is ready for commitment.

4. King of Cups

King of Cups Tarot Card

The King of Cups represents wisdom and compassion. It can also signify a mature and loyal partner who cares about your emotional wellbeing. When this card pops up, it means there is a person who cares about you so deeply that they want to aid you in any way they can.

3. Ten of Cups

ten of cups

The Ten of Cups represents love, fidelity, children, a secure relationship, and a happy future. This is the card of happy and lasting love. When it pops up in a reading, it means you should follow your heart and choose passion over security. This card can also represent the need to rekindle the romance in a past relationship or a current relationship. 

Read More: Want to Learn Tarot? Here Is What You Need to Know First.

2. Two of Cups

The Two of Cups

The Two of Cups represents the union between two people. This card can also symbolize the beginning of a blossoming and beautiful romance. When this card pops up in a reading, it means you understand your prospective or current partner on an emotional and spiritual level.

Read More: Astrology Meets Tarot: The Cards and The Planets

1. Ace of Cups

Ace of Cups Tarot Card

The Ace of Cups represents love, marriage, family, and fertility. This is the card of growth and love. When it pops up in a reading it can mean you are going to find new love or you and your current love are going to take the next step in your relationship. This card can also symbolize a secret or unrequited love.

Read More: This Is Your Tarot Card, According to Your Zodiac Sign