We all know what tarot cards are. But how much do we really know about them? Read on to learn more about these beautiful divination cards.
Tarot Has Italian Roots

The earliest references to tarot date back to the mid 15th century in northern Italian cities. The cards were used for games in the same way that we play games with a regular deck of playing cards. Instead of the suits of hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades, the original renaissance cards had suits of cups, coins, batons, and swords.
Tarot Is Not Fortune Telling

A tarot spread cannot predict your future. The cards cannot tell you what will happen the next day. They cannot tell you specifically what you should do to change the outcome of your future. A tarot spread is a visualization of your current situation. Think of it as a pretty Rorschach test. It can help you visualize what’s going on in your life — and in your head — and can guide you to a few possible solutions or outcomes. Now, if you use your deck to communicate with spirits, angels, deities, etc., that’s perfectly fine. Your spiritual techniques are your own to practice.
The Devil Card Does Not Mean Satanism

If the Devil card pops up in your spread, don’t freak out! In tarot, The Devil card represents pent-up power and the frustration and resentment one feels when they lack the opportunity to use it. This card can also represent an adversary, meaning a person or a situation who is standing in your way. It does not mean you are evil or that you are going to spit up pea soup. If you’re a practicing LaVeyan satanist or a member of the TST and this card pops up for you in a reading, it’s most likely a coincidence not an indication of your beliefs.
The Death Card Does Not Mean Death

Like with the aforementioned Devil card, the Death card is nothing to freak out about. It does not mean that you or someone you know is going to die. It simply reminds us that it is best to let the past die. This card inspires us to leave situations that no longer serve us. It may be painful to let go of certain things. But letting go will allow the querent to set out on new adventures.Â
The Lover’s Card Does Not Always Mean Romance

I’m sorry to say that the Lovers card does not always mean you will fall in love. Now in certain readings, and in certain placements, it can allude to romance. But most of the time it represents a hard choice. The card says that we should go with the choice that makes us the happiest. But proceed with caution. A choice that makes you happy in the moment may not make you happy in the long term.
Yes, You Can Buy Your First Deck

There are so many stuck up neopagans out there that will swear up and down that you are not allowed to buy your first deck. They will say you have to be gifted your first deck. Don’t listen to the gatekeepers. If you want to learn the art of tarot reading, the best way to learn is to practice. And you can’t practice without a deck. Go forth, baby witches and buy that pretty deck from the book store. Ignore the gatekeepers!
The Suits Are Connected To The Elements

Each tarot suit has a connection to the four elements. The Wands, the suit of self-expression and individuality is connected to fire. Wands represent independence, creativity, and spontaneity. The Pentacles suit is connected to earth and represent stability, practicality, and organization. The Swords suit is linked to air and represents logic, focus, and communication. The Cups suit is connected to water and represents harmony and matters of the heart.
A Tarot Card For Each Zodiac Sign

Every astrological sign is connected to a specific card in the Major Arcana. For example, Aries is connected to The Emperor, Taurus is connected to the Hierophant, and Pisces is connected to the moon.Â
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A Tarot Card For Each Celestial Body

Just like how every astrological sign is connected to a specific card, every celestial body in our solar system is connected to a card in the Major Arcana. Some of the connections are obvious, like how the sun is connected to the Sun card. But some aren’t so obvious. The moon is connected to The Chariot card, not the moon card. Go figure.
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You Can Do A Tarot Reading With A Regular Deck Of Playing Cards

I mentioned at the very beginning of this tarot tirade, that the original cards from the 1400’s were used as playing cards. Well did you know you can do a tarot spread with a regular deck of cards? Just substitute cups for hearts, coins or pentacles for diamonds, swords for spades, and batons or wands for clubs. The court card meanings will remain the same, even though there are no page equivalents in a regular deck. And, of course, there will be no Major Arcana in the reading. But if you need to do an emergency reading, a deck of playing cards will do in a pinch.
Read More: Want to Learn Tarot? Here Are the Meanings of the Numeral Cards