People get really, extremely mad about some hot (spicy?) takes regarding how other people like their food. For whatever reason, we’re just wired to have strong reactions to discussions revolving food and flavor. Here are twenty hot takes about food that might make you super mad.
Cereal is Not Soup

When you picture a bowl of soup, even if you’re not picturing something hot or savory, you’re certainly not picturing cereal. A bowl of cereal shares so few culinary identifiers with soup that to even suggest they’re in the same category is an exercise in frustrating people online for the heck of it.
Keep the Crust on the Sandwich

Look, this isn’t to be too mean to people with texture issues, but cutting the crust off your sandwich after you’re an adult just looks weird. Keep the crust on, okay? It tastes fine and actually adds some much-needed balance to the consistency of sandwich bread.
Mayo is Fine on French Fries

This one gets people really heated for whatever reason. It’s okay to have mayo with your fries! That’s the main way a lot of countries like to have their fries, since ketchup is somewhat uniquely American. Mayo can be good on fries sometimes, guys!
Soft or Crunchy Tacos?

Where do you fall on the soft or crunchy taco debate? Sometimes, you really want a nice crunch to your lunch. Other times, a soft taco just hits the spot. Though, sometimes, a soft taco gets so close to burrito territory that you end up just wanting a burrito instead.
Pineapples Belong on (Some) Pizzas

Hawaiian pizza is good, despite what a bunch of very angry people on the internet say. Honestly, the most questionable thing about it for the majority of refined palates is the ham. Sometimes that extra saltiness pushes a Hawaiian pizza over the top.
Butter on Pop-Tarts?

Some people put butter on their (hopefully unfrosted) Pop-Tarts. This makes more sense if you heat your Pop-Tarts up before eating them (itself another food hot take for a different day). However, the visceral reaction people have to this mode of eating breakfast shows how seriously people take their Pop-Tarts.
Smooth Peanut Butter is the Correct Option

Nothing against crunchy peanut butter lovers, but smooth peanut butter is the correct option, okay? It’s supposed to uniformly coat your bread and offer a perfectly smooth canvas for the other condiments, like jelly or Nutella. Having big chunks of peanut in it can really mess up the flow.
You Eat the Kit-Kat One Bar at a Time

This one is serious, guys. Do not bite directly into the Kit-Kat like it’s traditional candy bar. That’s really messed up! It’s perforated into four individual bars for a reason! The chaotic energy of disregarding the intended eating structure in favor of just wolfing the thing down is very unappealing.
Thin Crust or Deep Dish? (It’s Neither)

A raging debate among pizza fans pits Chicago-style against New York-style pies. In reality, both are inferior to hand-tossed crust. Hand-tossed crust perfectly combines the rich flavors of deep dish with the handheld and balanced texture of thin crust. Other takes are patently wrong.
Cilantro Does Taste Like Soap

Look, I know it’s a genetic thing, but I can’t help what I taste. Cilantro tastes like soap! It’s not a refreshing herb you can just add to any meal to give it a cool flavor, it’s a meal-ruiner that tastes genuinely awful. Please stop just showering everything with cilantro, it’s so off-putting for people with a certain genetic mutation.
Start Your Sandwiches from the Corner or the Middle?

Some people argue that you should take your first bite of a sandwich from the middle. Others say that’s a weird place to start and that you should instead begin with the smallest part, a corner. A third faction says it doesn’t matter either way, because if you’re hungry enough you’ll just wolf the whole thing down!
White Chocolate isn’t Chocolate (But It’s Good)

Perhaps this is more of an argument of semantics than a hot take, but white chocolate is, definitionally, not chocolate. There’s no cocoa in it! It’s a milk-based product that is made to resemble the texture of chocolate. It’s still super yummy, though!
Steak Should be Rare (or at Least Not Well Done)

This one can make people super angry. I’m going to level with you: if you want your steak well-done, it’s your prerogative. But hear me out. You’re wasting money! Steak is an expensive way to enjoy beef, and getting it well done robs it of much of the texture and taste that you’re paying for. If you can’t stand your steak any way but well done, I implore you to instead try other beef dishes like hamburger steak or ground beef.
Do You Fold the Pizza?

Here’s another pizza argument, again centered around New York. Do you fold your big slices of pizza or do you bust out the fork and knife? The correct answer is the one that’s the most efficient. You fold that sucker. Who wants to dirty a fork and knife just to eat pizza? It’s the most handheld food ever.
Butter or Jam on Toast?

It’s breakfast time and you’ve got a few slices of toast. Are you reaching for the butter or the jam? Trick question, the real answer is apple butter. Jokes aside, your choice of toast topper says a lot about you. Interestingly, a similar debate rages in the UK, where they argue about whether to put jam or cream on scones.
Edge or Center of Brownies?

You’ve got a fresh tray of brownies. Are you cutting a slice from the corners to get a crispy, crunchy bite? Or are you going to the middle of the pan to get a soft, gooey serving? This one remains a point of heated debate, so make sure you make friends who prefer the one you don’t so you don’t step on each other’s toes.
Ranch is Good on Pizza (Sometimes)

Ranch is pretty tasty on the right kind of pizza. Sometimes it’s a bit overwhelming, but a little dab of ranch on a greasy cheese pizza can create a yummy flavor combination. If you’re really against ranch dressing on pizza, maybe you can meet us in the middle and at least try it on your crust!
Salt on Watermelon

Watermelon is a sweet summertime treat, but have you ever tried it with salt? This might sound weird, but your Southern friends will assure you that it’s not only normal, it actually enhances the sweetness of the fruit. A little bit of salt contrasts neatly with the sweet watermelon and creates a tasty, complex flavor profile.
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A Hotdog is Not a Sandwich

If I tell you we’re going to eat sandwiches for dinner and you arrive ready to chow down, you’re going to be a bit confused when I produce a platter of hot dogs, right? A hot dog, which is a tube of meat in an open-faced bun, might check off some of the rote, literal descriptors of a “sandwich,” but bending definitions to fit something that is definitively not a sandwich into this category is both pedantic and disingenuous.
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A Burrito is Not a Sandwich

Again, just because something shares a few characteristics with a category, that doesn’t mean it belongs in that category. While a burrito might have some sandwich-like properties, it’s a burrito. You don’t call cats “dogs” just because both have paws, whiskers, and tails, do you?
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