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This Is Your Tarot Card, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Did you know that each of the zodiac signs has a specific tarot card assigned to them? Read on to find out which one is connected to your sign!

Aries – The Emperor

The Emperor Tarot Card

The Emperor can symbolize a father figure or an authoritative masculine figure. It can also symbolize our ability to achieve our goals by asserting ourselves. If you have ever felt overlooked or under-appreciated, this card wants you to stand up for yourself.

Taurus – The Hierophant

The Hierophant Tarot Card

The Hierophant represents wisdom and spiritual enlightenment that is gained from ancient knowledge rather than material wealth. It can also represent a person in your life whose wisdom will prove invaluable to you. This wise confidant could also be the querent themselves. 

Gemini – The Lovers

The Lovers Tarot Card

When the Lovers card pops up, it usually means that when presented with a hard choice you should go with the one that makes you the happiest. This card does not want you to play it safe, but you should still proceed with caution. A choice that makes you happy in the moment may not make you happy in the long term.

Cancer – The Chariot

The Chariot Tarot Card

The Chariot represents a notable life change. This may be a major or seemingly minor life change, but it is significant either way. It is more than likely positive, but either way it is necessary. The Chariot can also represent a change that needs to happen within.

Leo – Strength

Strength Tarot Card

The Strength card reminds Leos of their ability to overcome their troubles. This card can also inspire Leos to be a strong presence in other people’s lives. It is good to remember our own strength, but it is also important to remember that our loved ones may need us to be strong sometimes too.

Virgo – The Hermit

The Hermit Tarot Card

The Hermit represents the need to follow your own path. Just as the lantern guides the hermit through the dark, this card reminds you to stick to your principles even if you feel lost. This card is the perfect card for the earth sign, because it represents the wisdom that comes from age and experience. 

Libra – Justice

Justice Tarot card

The Justice card represents fairness and, well, justice. In essence it is the perfect card for the cardinal air sign. This card reminds us to stand up not only for those who need defending, but to also stand up for ourselves. It also inspires us to fight against forces who would exploit or intimidate vulnerable beings.

Scorpio – Death

Death Tarot Card

The Death card reminds us that it is best to let the past die. This card inspires us to leave situations that no longer serve us. It may be painful to let go of certain things. But letting go will allow us to set out on new adventures.

Sagittarius – Temperance

Temperance Tarot Card

The Temperance card inspires us to make healthy choices when it comes to their own physical and emotional well-being. This card will not help us let go of darker emotions or impulses, but it will motivate us to understand the cause and reasoning behind them. 

Capricorn – The Devil

The Devil Tarot Card

The Devil card represents pent-up power and the frustration and resentment we feel when with no opportunity to use it. This card can also represent an adversary, meaning a person or a situation who is standing in your way. It encourages you to free the power and the passion that are trapped inside of you. 

Read More: Astrology Meets Tarot: The Cards and The Planets

Aquarius – The Star

The Star Tarot Card

The Star card is a literal manifestation of the phrase “shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you will land amongst stars.” This card can also represent the imposter syndrome that can overtake us when we’re too apprehensive to follow our dreams. It represents our determination to make them a reality.

Read More: Want to Learn Tarot? Here Are the Meanings of the Numeral Cards

Pisces – The Moon

The Moon Tarot Card

The Moon card represents creativity, compassion, and spirituality. It also represents the need to move on to the next phase of your life. This card discourages the querent from taking the easy way out or staying in a situation that is no longer good for them. If this card pops up in a reading, it may be warning you about people who expect too much emotional labor from you.

Read More: Want to Learn Tarot? Here Is What You Need to Know First.