The Quick Report

Passive Income Ideas to Make You Money in Your Sleep

Getting paid for your work is obvious. However, did you know that you can make money even while catching some z’s? Here are 10 passive income ideas you can do in your sleep.

Create a YouTube Channel

a person taking a picture of a group of people on a street
Photo by Sebastian Enrique

Now, creating a YouTube channel can be a lot of work. But when your channel hits it big, you will be raking in the money without even trying. Think big picture with this one — a lot of effort now will give you big returns later. The best part about creating your own YouTube channel is you can discuss whatever you want on it! The sky’s the limit.

Create an Online Course

man holding his chin facing laptop computer
Photo by Bruce Mars

This is another one that may take a lot of effort in the beginning but will be worth it in the end. You will have to record your course, so you may need additional software or equipment to help you get started. It might seem like this is something only teachers can do, but if you have a passion and have read up on a subject a lot, why not teach an online class?

Do Dropshipping

Photo by Openverse

What is dropshipping you might ask? It is when you set up an online store, but you don’t actually have the products. You work with a supplier and when people buy from your online store, the supplier is the one who ships the products to the customer. This could be a recipe for success or a recipe for disaster, it just depends on how well your online store does.

Start a Print-On-Demand Store

black retractable pen on opened book beside red and white go get'em-printed coffee cup
Photo by Kyle Glenn

If you are a designer and can create some cool designs, this might be the thing for you! Get your design on a mug or a t-shirt and sell your designs to the masses. The best part about being a print-on-demand shop is that you don’t have to do the actual printing yourself. You can just put your designs up and they will get printed once someone buys them. Imagine, you could make money in the middle of the night with this one!

Build an App

woman lying on brown floor
Photo by Bruno Gomiero

Designing an app may not be the easiest thing to do, but you can always hire developers to help you out. There will be a great deal of time and effort put into the app production, but once you get it up and running, you will be making money effortlessly. Patience is a virtue with this one, but the money you make will be worth the wait.

Invest in Stock

black android smartphone on brown wooden table
Photo by Jamie Street

Playing the stock market might seem extremely scary. But now there are apps that can help you decide which stocks to buy and you don’t even have to be rich to use them! Download an app today to help you make money tomorrow — it’s that simple!

Write a Book

pen on white lined paper selective focus photography
Photo by Aaron Burden

Writing a book sounds like something everyone does, but not everyone can make a best seller. If you can write your own book and get it published, then you can earn passive income every time someone buys your book. You will have to do some marketing on your own to make sure that people know your book exists, but it will all be worth it when you make money just by being a published author.

Sell Stock Photos

person holding Canon DSLR camera
Photo by William Bayreuther

Take a picture and sell it! If you are a good photographer, you should get into the stock photo selling game. You can take pictures and sell them to stock photo sites, which in turn will give you money every time someone uses it.

Read More: 10 Money Habits That Millionaires Stick To

Buy Rental Property

brown and white concrete house
Photo by Abby Rurenko

If you have the means to buy rental property, it can be a great source of passive income. You will have extra equity and make passive money when you rent out your place. Being a landlord isn’t easy, so you might need help with dealing with tenants via a property manager.

Read More: 20 Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your Home

Have Your Car Wrapped

black car gps turned on in car
Photo by Brock Wegner

Have you ever seen cars wrapped in advertisements? It might seem cheesy, but you can make some dough by driving around with an ad wrapped around your car. Driving is a necessity, so why not make some money while you do it?

Read More: 10 Quirky Businesses That Made a Fortune