The Quick Report

10 Items to NEVER Buy at Aldi

While Aldi is an excellent budget-friendly place to shop, no store is the perfect place to find everything. As great as Aldi is for most things, here are 10 items that you’ll want to shop for elsewhere.

10. Paper Products

Sliced Bread on White Paper Plate
Photo by Polina Tankilevitch

Aldi isn’t the best place to purchase paper products such as paper towels and toilet paper. According to comments by many Aldi shoppers, using coupons and looking for sales can get you much better deals on paper products at other stores. This way, you don’t have to settle for generic brands and can get higher quality products for less.

9. Poultry

a plate of chicken
Photo by Elena Leya

At first glance, the prices on poultry at Aldi seem like an incredible deal. However, according to reviewers, chicken purchased at Aldi requires more time “cleaning it up” than poultry bought at other markets. One user commented that after cutting away fat and veins, they weren’t left with much chicken.

8. Produce

PIcture perfect produce

Aldi shoppers are divided over its produce. Many shoppers say the store’s produce is “hit or miss.” A common complaint is produce that’s too ripe and goes bad too quickly after a purchase. Shoppers are advised to purchase produce in small amounts and consume it quickly after buying. Also, carefully inspect all produce before you purchase it.

7. Name-Brand Products

Aldi Food Market Grocery Store

The appeal of Aldi is the incredibly low prices on its generic house brands. However, Aldi doesn’t accept coupons. The pricing is as good as it’s going to get. Coupons might get you a better deal elsewhere. Chips are a prime example. You can often use coupons to get a better deal on name-brand chips compared to Aldi’s generic brand.

6. Soda

blue and silver can with water droplets
Photo by NIKHIL

Diehard soda drinkers are hard-pressed to drink generic brands. But even for those who are okay with generic soda, they say Aldi’s store brand Summit GT is one to skip. Its taste is subjective, but some reviewers feel the brand lacks carbonation. While the brand’s super-low price is tempting, you can often come close with sales on name brands elsewhere.

5. Deodorant

woman holding blue and white bottle
Photo by Ana Essentiels

In its selections of deodorants, Aldi only offers name brands. There are no generic options. While the store has significant discounts on most products, deodorants aren’t one of them. You’re likely to find much better deals elsewhere on deodorants, especially if you’re purchasing them in multi-packs, at large retailers, or online.

4. Kitty Litter

a close up of a cat laying on a couch
Photo by Felippe Lopes

Ask any cat owner — kitty litter is not a product to skimp on. If you do, you’ll have many problems such as clumping, dust, odors, or having to use more of the product. According to reviewers, Aldi’s store brand Heart to Tail Scoopable Cat Litter, has issues. It’s worth it to pay a little more for higher quality.

3. Toothbrushes

girl with red and white toothbrush in mouth
Photo by Diana Polekhina

Toothbrushes are one of those products that many people feel comfortable purchasing when it comes to choosing a generic brand. Aldi would appear to have some of the cheapest prices around. However, deals experts say you can buy generic toothbrushes in bulk on Amazon for almost 40 cents less per brush.

Read More: 10 Overpriced Products That People STILL Buy

2. Yogurt

ice cream with green leaf on top
Photo by Usman Yousaf

As the saying goes, “your mileage may vary,” so whether or not you’ll like Aldi’s brand of yogurt is a matter of personal taste. However, plenty of users have expressed their disappointment, with one calling the brand’s taste, “A little off.” This is one of those hit-or-miss products, so the choice is yours.

Read More: 20 Grocery Store Rip-Offs You Should Never Buy

1. Graham Crackers and Cookies

a stack of waffle sandwiches on a plate next to a cup of coffee
Photo by Mikki Speid

Like many stores, Aldi has its own brand of products, and graham crackers are one of them. Aldi brand also features graham cookies that are shaped like a bear. But these are no Teddy Grahams. Many Aldi threads online have expressed disappointment in both the crackers and cookies. You can try them for yourself but you’ve been warned.

Read More: 10 Things You Should Be Buying at Aldi