The Quick Report

15 Ways to Keep Your Pets Calm During Fireworks

Everyone loves fireworks, right? Well, not our pets. Or most wildlife, for that matter! But that doesn’t really keep people from shooting off fireworks like a war is starting on specific holidays, especially New Year’s Eve. Here are fifteen ways to keep your pets calm during fireworks.

Close Windows

brown and white medium-coated dog
Photo by Michelle Tresemer via Unsplash

No matter what kind of pet you have, when fireworks start it’s time to close the windows to dampen the sound as much as possible. Loud bangs and pops can greatly agitate cats, dogs, small pets, and birds. Muffle it as much as you can.

Close Blinds

scenery of sunset
Photo by Matt Brown via Unsplash

While you’re at it, close the blinds as tightly as possible to keep the flashes from the fireworks from dazzling your pet’s eyes. Such sudden bursts of light can hurt their eyes and cause them to panic. If you have them, use blackout curtains.

Get Your Walk in Early

person walking beside Golden retriever on the street
Photo by Andriyko Podilnyk via Unsplash

If you and your pet like to go on walks together, make sure you get their outdoor exercise in earlier in the day if you’re expecting fireworks in the evening. If the fireworks start unexpectedly when you’re outside, get them inside as soon as possible.

Create a Safe Zone

pug covered with blanket on bedspread
Photo by Matthew Henry via Unsplash

Make an area in your home away from any windows and filled with your pet’s favorite blankets, toys, and bedding. This will allow them to create a “safe zone” where they know they’re in no danger and can help them relax.

Stay Home

white throw pillow on gray sofa
Photo by Anastasiia Chepinska via Unsplash

Once the fireworks start, stay home with your pet. Even if they’re hiding and won’t come out, they’re going to feel better if they know you’re still there. Avoid going out, especially if the fireworks have already started. This can greatly distress your pets.

Play Music

person playing guitar
Photo by Jefferson Santos via Unsplash

Another way to keep your pets from noticing the worst of the sound is by playing your music at a louder than usual volume. If your pets are already accustomed to the sound of your music, then turning it up a bit to cover fireworks sounds will help them handle it.

Watch TV

turned-on flat screen television
via Unsplash

The same applies to watching TV! If you turn the sound up on a movie or TV show and just focus on that, it’ll help your pet focus on things that aren’t the scary sounds outside. Bonus points if this gives them a chance to cuddle up to you and relax.

Don’t Acknowledge the Sound

woman and dog on sofa
Photo by AllGo – An App For Plus Size People via Unsplash

If you react with fear or frustration at the constant pops and booms of a nearby fireworks show, your pet will pick up on that. Just ignore the sounds and act like nothing strange is happening and your pet won’t have additional reasons to feel stressed out.

Play with Them

man in white t-shirt sitting beside white and black short coated dog
Photo by Chewy via Unsplash

If your pet is calm enough to play with their toys, get down and play with them to help burn off some anxious energy. Don’t force them to play, though! If they seem stressed or agitated it’s better to leave them alone.


a vase of flowers on a table
Photo by volant via Unsplash

A pheromone diffuser or essential oil diffuser can help some pets stay calm. Ask your vet about the scents that could help your pet relax. Remember, some animals have allergies to certain oils or pheromones, so always check with your vet before you use any diffusers.

Leave Them Alone

brown and white cat
Photo by he gong via Unsplash

Some animals just want to be left alone when they’re stressed out by a fireworks display. Rather than getting in their face and forcing them to interact with you, the safest and least stressful course of action could be to just let them keep hiding.

Keep Them Indoors

selective focus photography of brown tabby cat under brown wooden frame
Photo by Chris Yang via Unsplash

If you can help it, try to keep your pets indoors when the fireworks start. This goes for cats and dogs alike. Cats are likely to run away and get lost during a fireworks display, while dogs could injure themselves trying to get out of the yard or off of their leash at the sound of the explosions.


person holding black samsung android smartphone
Photo by Maxim Hopman via Unsplash

If your pets are prone to escaping and running away during fireworks shows, you should get them microchipped and consider using GPS collars. This can help you locate them easily if they do slip outside and get lost. There are few feelings as satisfying and calming as finding your pet safe and sound with a GPS tracker.

Small Pets Need Bedding

two guinea pigs eating carrot
Photo by Bonnie Kittle via Unsplash

If you keep small pets like hamsters, gerbils, or guinea pigs, make sure to provide them with ample, fresh bedding ahead of the fireworks. This will give them somewhere to burrow, as well as some buffer against the loud, scary sounds.

Read More: Ancient Humans Bred Woolly Dogs for a Surprising Reason

Blanket Over Cage

a hamster in a cage
Photo by Matt Bero via Unsplash

Consider further muffling the sound of the fireworks for your small pets by putting a blanket over most of their cage or enclosure. Make sure you leave a small portion uncovered so they can still look out and see you, though. They’ll become even more anxious if they can’t see their person!

Read More: These Are the 10 Yappiest Dog Breeds Around

Bring Inside

white mouse on white textile
via Unsplash

If your small pets live outside, bring them in before the booms start. Even a bit of dampening from the sound by being inside will go a long way for your little furry friends, as they have sensitive hearing and can become physically ill if they’re too stressed out.

Read More: The Most Dog-Friendly City in Every U.S. State

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