An internship is an exciting time! You are going to be learning from people in your industry and getting some experience under your belt. Sometimes it is hard to choose the right internship, but if you use this criteria, you could find the opportunity of your dreams!
A Chance To Separate Yourself From Others

You don’t want to be another fish in the sea when it comes to your internship. You want to stand out and show people how you are different. This is the start of your professional career, after all, so you want to make sure you make a good impression.
An Opportunity To Figure Out Your Career Goals

You might have some idea as to what you want to do with your life, but an internship can help solidify that answer for you. You will learn whether you want to work in that environment after graduation or not. A good internship experience will help you define your career goals.
An Opportunity To Work With Motivated People

It is important to intern with a company where the people seem to be motivated. If there are good vibes in the workplace, you will naturally feel good about your work and might even work harder. This will also help you identify a work culture you will want to be in later on.
Learn From Mentors

Being able to learn from mentors is a good thing for your professional development. It is important to leverage these relationships, especially with higher-ups. You will not only get to learn more about the organization you are working for, but you will also learn valuable professional skills. Finding a good mentor is not always easy, but once you have one then you will feel more confident in your professional development.
Experience a New Place

If you have the means, choose an internship that is in another place from where you live! Going to a new surrounding will not only get you excited for your internship, but will also take you outside of your comfort zone. Traveling for your internship might seem scary, but think of all the new opportunities you could discover by being somewhere new.
Add New Skills to Your Skillset

Part of the reason you take internships is to learn something new. Adding professional skills to your skillset is a great idea. Seek out things you can’t necessarily learn sitting in a classroom.
Test Out What You Have Learned

Use this time to test out what you have learned in your internship. You want to make sure you enjoy what you are doing, so you can decide if this will be sustainable for you in the long run.
Identify If a Culture Reflects Your Values

When working with a company, it is important to make sure it aligns with your values. Otherwise you won’t feel comfortable working there. It is a good idea to know the company policies and procedures. This will help you choose if the company is the right one for you.
Make an Impact With Your Work

Ask what projects you will be working on and work as hard as you can on them. You want to have some great real-life examples for future interviews, but you also want to make sure you made a good imprint on the company you interned for.
Read More: 10 Things Gen X Values Most in Career Opportunities
A Way To Earn Money

Even though money isn’t everything, it still would be nice to be paid for your work during your internship. If you have finances of your own you have to pay, then look for internships that will compensate you for your time.
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