Having pets is wonderful! They bring you so much joy with their companionship. But did you know there are household items that are toxic to pets? Keep these 10 common products away from your fur babies!
Over-the-Counter Medicines

Over-the-counter medicines are extremely dangerous for pets. If ingested, you need to take them to the vet right away. Common over-the-counter medicines that you should keep away from your pets include the following ingredients: Aspirin, Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, and Naproxen. These are all pain relievers that are found in our medicine cabinets.

When going for a sweet treat, make sure it is not reachable by your pets! Chocolate is toxic to cats and dogs. The more cacao in the chocolate, the worse it is for your pet. Even a small amount of chocolate can cause a medical emergency.

When animals ingest grapes, they can become very sick with vomiting, diarrhea, or kidney failure. Grapes contain something called tartaric acid, which causes the symptoms previously mentioned. Enjoy your grapes but make sure your pet doesn’t steal a bite.
Plants and Flowers

Plants and flowers can liven up your home. But if you have pets, you should be careful about what plants and flowers you have around. Some toxic plants include azalea, daffodils, hydrangea, ivy, and lilies. All beautiful plants, but all bad for your pet. Be mindful of what plants you buy to place inside your home!
Household Toxicants

Many household items can be toxic to pets. Cleaning products such as bleaches and ammonia can be extremely powerful to humans, so imagine how they are to your pets. Home repair items such as glue, paints, and spackle are also very harmful to pets. Less obvious toxicants are essential oils, soaps, and common beauty products. These are all products that can negatively impact your pet.

Getting rid of rodents seems easy enough, just get some rodenticide. However, before you buy that, you should think of your pet. Rodenticides are usually sweet (they have to be appealing so they work) which makes them more appealing to any animal. The best way to deal with rodents when you have pets is to call professionals to take care of them. Professionals can get rid of your pests in a way that is less harmful to other animals.

Garlic may be a tasty ingredient to add to your meals, but it is extremely toxic for pets. Garlic contains something called thiosulfate, which when ingested by a pet can cause damage to their red blood cells, causing hemolytic anemia which is very bad. Next time you are chopping garlic, make sure none of it gets on the floor where your dog or cat can reach it.
Veterinary Products

Veterinary products can be good for keeping pets healthy. However, if a pet ingests something like a topical flea medicine or takes medicine not meant for them, it could prove toxic, possibly resulting in death. It is important to make sure that your pet takes the medicine prescribed to them and doesn’t take more than the recommended dosage. If your pet does end up taking more than prescribed, it is important to bring them to the vet right away.

Getting rid of pesky insects is a common thing to do in a household. However, the toxicity of bug sprays, ant bait, and lawn products makes them a nightmare for pets. If you must use insecticides, make sure they are locked away in a place that your pet can’t reach.
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Garden Products

When sprucing up your garden, be mindful of the products you are using. Some products can cause serious harm to animals! Harmful garden products include mulch, fertilizers, and slug and snail baits. If your pet goes outdoors, make sure they stay away from these types of products so they stay healthy.
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