It may be Leo season but it’s also lunar Aquarius season. Read on to find out how you can celebrate the Full Aquarius Moon.
10. Leave Out Moon Water

You should really leave your moon water out under every full moon, not just the Aquarius moon. When you leave water under the full moon, it charges it with properties of the sign it resides in. Aquarius moon water would be endowed with the spirit of freedom, compassion, rebellion, and revelry. If you plan to drink the water, remember to keep it in an sealed container.
9. Meditate

Before you perform any sort of full moon ritual, it’s important to meditate on what exactly you are seeking from the moon at this time. Take time to really think about where you are in life and ask yourself what you truly want. Which of your desires align with the compassionate and rebellious energy of Aquarius?
8. Write A List Of Intentions

Now that you have meditated on what you truly want, it’s time to write them out on a piece of paper or parchment while they are fresh in your mind. You can read these intentions out under the moon when you are finished writing.
7. Stand Up For Yourself

In your everyday life, if you feel like you are being teased or taken advantage of, make your concerns known. If you feel like an injustice is being committed against you, fight against it. Love yourself enough to speak up for yourself.
6. Free Yourself From A Bad Situation

Are you stuck in a dead end job where you feel unappreciated? Are you in a toxic relationship? Has your relationship simply run its course? Is your living situation less than ideal? The Aquarius moon really wants you to examine your circumstances. It may be time to move forward and leave what doesn’t fulfill you in the past.
5. Be There For A Friend

If a friend reaches out to you with problems, be there for them. Or if you haven’t heard from a friend in a while and you’re worried about them, reach out. An Aquarius moon has a lot of “older sibling” energy. You may find yourself filled to the brim with sympathy for others.
4. Pamper Yourself

This moon wants you to take care of others. But it also wants you to take care of yourself. Take some extra “me” time. Take a luxurious bubble bath or an extra long nap. Or treat yourself to your favorite dessert. More importantly, listen to yourself. Don’t neglect your own emotional and physical needs.
3. Volunteer Your Time

I often call Aquarius the revolutionary of the zodiac. But I could just as easily call them the humanitarian of the zodiac. At this time you should consider volunteering at a soup kitchen or joining a local peaceful protest. You could also organize a neighborhood clean up. If you are able to make a monetary donation to your favorite charity, now would be a good time do so.
2. Express Your Creativity

The Aquarius moon wants you to create something. Now is a great time to journal, write poetry, paint a portrait, sing and/or dance. One of Aquarius’ ruling planets is Uranus, the planet of innovation. Let the innovative energy of this full moon glow through you.
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1. Host A Party

It’s time for revelry! It’s time for togetherness. Host a full blown party or a small intimate get together with friends. Dance around a bonfire or play a fun board game. Indulge in copious amounts of wine, cheese, fruit, and chocolate. Don’t go on a bender. Don’t lose yourself in the moment. Be present. Be aware of your surroundings and the love that is filling your space. And have a happy full moon.
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