The Quick Report

10 Things You Should Know About the Virgos in Your Life

What does it mean to be a Virgo? How does this mutable earth sign show up in the world? And how does that affect your relationships? Read on to find out!

10. Virgos Are Earth Signs

Young man crouching on the beach drizzling sand and making sand castles
Photo by Ps Guo

Earth signs are characterized by their dependability, their stability, and their pragmatism. But they are also known for their stubbornness, arrogance, and inflexibility. They may be a little too grounded, but that is what makes them trustworthy. Virgos know that they can’t help people without providing a stable and secure foundation for themselves.

9. Mercury is Virgo’s Ruling Planet

a close up of a planet with stars in the background
Photo by Carlos Kenobi

Virgos are ruled by Mercury, the planet that governs our communication and technological prowess. And anyone that knows a Virgo, knows they always try to keep the lines of communication open to avoid misunderstandings. And on the subject of technological prowess, their minds can be quite analytical like a computer. 

8. Virgos Are Mutable Signs

man in blue crew neck t-shirt standing beside brown cardboard boxes
Photo by Ismael Paramo

Mutable signs come at the end of each season. They are improvisers and the wild cards. It is easy for these signs to adapt to new information and go with the flow. As stable as Virgo is, they are still governed by the ever-changing Mercury. This planet allows them to help others and provide structures by staying alert and adapting easily to change. It helps to think of them as the “Jack-Of-All-Trades.”

7. Virgo Has A Connection To The Hermit Card

The Hermit Tarot Card

In tarot readings, The Hermit card represents the need to follow your own path. Just as the lantern guides the hermit through the dark, this card reminds the querent to stick to your path and principles even if you feel lost. This card is the perfect card for Virgo because it represents the wisdom that comes from age and experience. This card reminds Virgos to gather their thoughts and to consider their options before making major decisions.

6. Virgos Are One Of The Most Common Signs

people standing on street during daytime
Photo by Scott Evans

Virgos are the second most common zodiac sign in the United States. The most common is Scorpio. Virgos make up about 9.4% of the U.S. population. We should all be grateful to live in a world with so many wonderfully kind and practical earth signs.

5. Virgos Are The Powerhouse Of The Zodiac

two women talking while looking at laptop computer
Photo by KOBU Agency

Virgos are no-nonsense and high-minded individuals who are incredibly organized and just a tad bit fussy. They catch on quickly when it comes to learning new things that interest them. But they rarely have patience for things that they deem a waste of time. They excel in occupations that set clear rules and objectives. They are also unwavering in their desire to help others. 

4. Virgos Are Logical, Pragmatic, And Kind 

person sitting on floor near people
Photo by Tom Parsons

I’ve referred to Virgos as “practical” many times on this list because I can’t stress enough how much practicality and logic mean to them. But that does not mean that they are overly analytical robots. They are one of the most kind hearted-signs in the zodiac. Most of the time, they find that being kind is the most logical thing to be. 

3. Virgos Are Anxious And Over-Critical

woman with head resting on hand
Photo by Niklas Hamann

Virgos are naturally timid and nervous people. They tend to scare easily and suffer from anxiety. When stressed, Virgos can become hypercritical of those around them. Their constructive criticism can come off as a bit harsh. They usually save the harshest criticism for themselves.

Read More: Hey Virgo, These Are Your Best (and Worst) Love Matches

2. Virgos Have A Hard Time Relaxing

person washing fork
Photo by Catt Liu

Most Virgos can’t just sit back and relax. They find no solace in shutting their brains off and doing nothing. They relax by keeping themselves busy and accomplishing tasks.

Read More: 10 Things To Know About This Virgo Season

1. Virgos Are Wonderful Friends To Have

woman in white tank top holding microphone
Photo by Boxed Water Is Better

Virgo is not necessarily a “mom-friend.” They are more like an “older-sibling-friend.” They will take care of their friends and family, but they don’t sugar-coat when delivering hard truths. Though they are almost always happy to take care of their loved ones when they are in need, they will still encourage them to help themselves. Their loyalty knows no bounds. They are always ready with food, aid, or just a kind word.

Read More: 10 Fictional Characters Who Are Obviously Virgos