The 90s were a ridiculous decade, full of Nirvana and Pokemon and all manner of absurd snack foods. And, while many of those snacks have since been discontinued, these are the 15 that have remained in our hearts—and that we’d like to see return!

Do you remember Squeezeits? They were fruit-flavored juices, sold in plastic bottles and sporting anchor-shaped stoppers you had to tear off. Drinking them was almost half as fun as winging the torn-off cap at your friends across the cafeteria.
Shark Bites

Shark Bites gummies were notable among 90s kids because they had sharks on their packaging, you see. Also, the gummies were shaped like sharks. Listen, it didn’t take much to impress kids back in the day: throw a shark or a guitar or a skateboard on something and we loved it.
Butterfinger BBs

There was a weird trend of small, bite-sized versions of existing candies back in the 90s. One of the most notable examples is Butterfingers BBs, which were essentially Whoppers but with Butterfinger filling instead of wafer cookie. They were also quite good!
Choco Taco

The Choco Taco used to be the main reason to go to Taco Bell for 90s kids. After you chowed down on your three tacos and obliterated a Mexican pizza, you’d enjoy your dessert: a chocolate, taco-shaped shell around ice cream. Oh, and all of that cost about five bucks.
Doritos 3D

Doritos 3D were great because normal Doritos were two-dimensional! You know, except for their depth, which would be typically referred to as a third dimension. Look, things were weird in the 90s, okay? These were Doritos-flavored corn chips with a lattice pattern.
Hi-C Ecto Cooler

Is it weird that Hi-C had a Ghostbusters tie-in that lasted all the way through the mid-90s? Yes, it is. However, Ecto Cooler was great. Like many great 90s snacks, it had a weird color: it was green! You know, like Slimer! Because that’s exactly what kids wanted in their drinks in the 90s, Slimer from Ghostbusters. It was a weird decade.
Mickey’s Parade Pops

On a slightly less gross note, Disney’s renaissance was in full swing in the 90s. Part of that was a successful push to make their classic characters, like Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, culturally relevant again. Mickey’s Parade Pops let you get a good look at these lovable cartoon characters while… devouring them.
Rice Krispies Treats Cereal

Yes, you can still buy both Rice Krispies cereal and Rice Krispies Treats at the supermarket. And no, it’s not the same. Rice Krispies Treats Cereal wasn’t quite just the normal Treats torn up and placed in a bag, it had a unique composition that made it ideal for being drenched in milk. You just had to be there, okay?
Melody Pops

Melody Pops might take the award for “most annoying snack to give a child.” See, these weird lollipops were shaped like whistles. As you’d eat it and dissolve the structure of the whistle, it would play different notes when you’d blow through it.

While Fanta still exists, Fruitopia was like its more juice-based cousin. It was found in vending machines and lunch boxes all over the place in the 90s, and the name still evokes a kind of distant nostalgia in 90s kids who miss the unique fruit flavors of this discontinued drink.
The Bubble Beeper

If you were born after the 90s, here’s a quick technology history lesson. Before cell phones were commonplace, people had beepers: waist-mounted devices that would beep when someone dialed their phone number. The Bubble Beeper was a beeper-shaped pack of gum. Again, this was a weird decade, okay?
Crispy M&M’s

You might know many of M&M’s weirder flavor variants, like Peanut or Peanut Butter, but there’s one that a lot of 90s kids miss. Crispy M&M’s were filled with a wafer-like cookie substance, not unlike Whoppers candy. In the 90s a lot of candy brands were just trying to be Whoppers, for whatever reason.
Lifesavers Holes

The joke with Lifesavers Holes is basically the same one going on with donut holes. Just because an item is shaped like a lifesaver doesn’t mean that there’s material that was “removed” from the middle of it. In any event, Lifesavers Holes were basically Tic Tacs with Lifesaver branding.
Read More: 10 Discontinued Trader Joe’s Items We Want Back
Surge Soda

Surge Soda was beloved in the 90s because it was absolutely loaded with sugar and caffeine. This was an era before the advent of things like Red Bull and Monster Energy, so Surge was a favorite of gamers and a common fixture of kids’ birthday parties.
Read More: The 10 Best Commercials of the 90s
Oreo O’s Cereal

Oreos are great and sugary breakfast cereals are great. Why not put them together? Oreo O’s Cereal took the iconic chocolate-flavored Oreo cookie material and made it into a cereal. The creamy filling wasn’t represented in the cereal itself, but was replicated by the milk you’d douse it with. This one was even better when it got soggy.
Read More: 20 Things Only 90s Kids Will Ever Understand