The Quick Report

10 Crafts to Do When You Are Stressed

Stress comes along when we least expect it. But did you know there is a way to take control over that stress? Here are 10 anxiety-busting crafts that you should pick up.


blue and white knitting
Photo by Nik

Knitting is a great way to de-stress! With every stitch you make, you are not only creating something wonderful but also letting your mind forget your stress. You have to focus on what you are doing when you knit, which makes it a great distraction! Watch your creation come to life right before your eyes. You will be wearing a new sweater in no time.


person holding paint brush
Photo by Bench Accounting

Painting is a great way to forget your stress! Each brush stroke helps you paint away all the bad feelings and come into good vibes only. Paint a picture or something more abstract. Either way, painting is stress-free — which is something that anyone would like!

Use an Adult Coloring Book

Owls - Adult Coloring Book
Photo by Openverse

Adult coloring books are great! They have a lot of different shapes for you to color in and you really have to focus to stay inside the lines. This is great for keeping your mind and your hands busy, all while saying goodbye to stress.

Make a DIY Bath Bomb

bath bombs
Photo by Openverse

Making your own bath bomb will not only get you excited to take a bath but also give you something to do that will distract you. You can easily make bath bombs in your kitchen (but do it at your own risk — this could get messy). To take your bath bombs to the next level, add essential oils like lavender or eucalyptus which have relaxing and soothing properties.

Create Pottery

person making clay pot on the floor
Photo by Taylor Heery

Creating pottery is a great way to focus on something other than your stress. Whether you use a wheel or hand-build your pottery, it will give you a sense of accomplishment when you are done. You got to make a mug that you can drink out of? Now that makes stress turn into joy!

Try Scrapbooking

a bunch of papers and scissors
Photo by Elena Mozhvilo

Scrapbooking is a great way to focus your energy on something other than your negative feelings. Get your favorite magazines, pictures, tickets, and stickers together and put them on the page! Once you are done with your masterpiece, you can show it off when you have guests over.


Write Ideas book on brown wooden board
Photo by Aaron Burden

Journaling is a great way to free your mind. I know it might sound counterintuitive because you are thinking the whole time you are writing, but there is something cathartic about getting your ideas on the page. Writing it all out may release all the inner turmoil you have because writing really is a good form of therapy! You will feel better after you do it, trust me.

Create a Stress Ball

Squeezing the stressball
Photo by Openverse

Creating your own stress ball is an easy way to, well, make de-stress yourself. Once you create your own stress ball, you can use it anytime you feel anxious. All you have to do is squeeze and your troubles should just float away.


woman holding DSLR camera
Photo by Marco Xu

Taking pictures with your camera or phone is a great way to distract yourself. It maskes you focus on the things around you and what will make a good picture, instead of what is troubling you. An even better stress reliever? Take photos with friends outside in nature!

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Cake Decorating

a person cutting a cake with a knife
Photo by Mick Haupt

Cake decorating is the perfect way to focus your attention on something else! Not only do you have to bake the cake you are going to decorate, but you also have to actually do the decorating. And when you are done, you can eat the results! That sounds like a win-win!

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