The Quick Report

10 Movies That Are So Bad They’re Good

We all have our opinion on what makes a movie good. Film criticism is subjective and not everyone will agree on which films are good and bad. But I think we can all agree that some films are so bad that they’re actually good. Here are ten movies that we love to hate and/or laugh at.

10. The Wicker Man

Nic Cage in Wicker Man
Warner Bros. Pictures

No I’m not talking about the original Wicker Man from the 70’s. That movie was actually good. I’m talking about the terrible remake starring Nic Cage, Ellen Burstyn, and a woman who everyone thought was Angelina Jolie but she was actually Kate Beahan. This film follows Edward, a police officer who is investigating the disappearance of a little girl who lived amongst a strange bee-loving cult. Even though the writing is heavy handed and the acting is awful, it’s still a hilarious watch. This movie walked so Midsommar could run.

9. Batman and Robin

Uma Thurman and Arnold Schwarzenegger in Batman and Robin
Warner Bros.

This movie is so bad that its director, Joel Schumacher, had to apologize for making it. While it is criticized for being one of the worst Batman movies to have ever existed, it is a fun watch. Once you turn off your brain and get past how absurd the bat nipples, bat credit card, and rubber lips are, it’s pretty easy to enjoy. Also, what does it say about our culture that the two villains in the movie wanted was better healthcare and environmental protections?

8. The Happening

Mark Wahlberg, John Leguizamo, Ashlyn Sanchez in The Happening
20th Century Fox

M. Night Shyamalan has written so many great movies like The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable and… um… The Sixth Sense. But he also wrote possibly the worst thriller of all time. For those of you who haven’t seen it I’m just going to go ahead and spoil it for you. It’s plants. Plants are emitting a toxin that makes people want to kill themselves. It’s safe to say that Shyamalan may have failed at his attempt at being eco-conscious, but Mark Wahlberg’s acting is so hilariously bad that it’s worth the watch.

7. Fateful Findings

Neil Breen in Fateful Findings
Neil Breen Films, LLC

This film tells the story of a man who through the power of, I don’t know… friendship magic or something, survives a car wreck and uncovers government secrets. The writing is bad. The directing is bad. And the acting is laughably horrible. If you enjoy this so-bad-it’s-good film, check out director Neil Breen’s other work. They are all hilariously nonsensical.

6. Freddy Got Fingered

Tom Green in Freddy Got Fingered
Regency Enterprises

Some movies just shouldn’t exist, and Freddy Got Fingered is certainly one of them. That being said, I’m kind of glad this gross-out comedy exists. It gives great insight into the writer/director/star’s psyche. And it also parodies sappy feel-good comedies decently well. I must warn anyone who wants to experience this for the first time, though. This movie is absolutely disgusting.

5. Teen Witch

Dan Gauthier and Robin Lively in Teen Witch
Trans World Entertainment

This movie was supposed to be like Teen Wolf but for girls. Teen Witch is a cheesy ’80s time capsule that tells the story of Louise Miller, a shy nerdy girl who yearns for the most popular boy at her school. She learns that she’s a witch and uses her powers to become popular and beautiful. The writing is vapid and the plot is weak, but the performances are endearing. This movie also has the cringiest rap scene ever put on film. Top that!

4. Plan 9 From Outer Space

Maila Nurmi in Plan 9 from outer space
Reynolds Pictures, Inc

For lovers of bad B-films and cult classics, this movie holds a special place in their hearts. This film tells the story of aliens who plan to take over the world by resurrecting the dead. It was written and directed by the world’s worst director Ed Wood, so you know it’s going to be enjoyably awful.

Fun Fact: This was Bela Lugosi’s last film.

3. Troll 2

Troll and goblin puppets
Epic Productions

Troll 2 is the heartwarming tale of a young boy peeing on a goblin infested feast to save his family from being eaten by the aforementioned goblins. Why is the movie called Troll 2 if the film is about goblins? Your guess is as good as mine! Grab a bowl full of popcorn and a glass of green sludge and enjoy this movie for the travesty it is.

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2. Show Girls

Gina Gershon and Al Ruscio in Show Girls
Carolco Pictures/Chargeurs/United Artists

This is probably the sexiest movie on the list. And by “sexy” I mean this movie has a lot of, shall we say, carnal scenes. This film actually got an NC-17 rating for the gratuitous nudity and “sexy” scenes. This film has some of the worst lines ever written, but they are so absurd and quotable, you just can’t help but love them. I do want to warn you that there are graphic assault scenes in this movie.

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1. The Room

Tommy Wiseau in The Room

Coming in at number 1 on the list is the Citizen Kane of bad movies! The Room tells the story of the love between a man and his future wife. It also tells the story of the love between his future wife and his best friend. This movie is famous for the writer/director/leading man Tommy Wiseau’s inept dialogue and over-the-top rage scenes.

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