The Quick Report

How to Stay Sane During This Week’s Pisces Full Moon

It may be Virgo season but it’s also lunar Pisces season. Read on to find out how you can celebrate the Full Pisces Moon.

10. Leave Out Moon Water

clear glass jar with smoke
Photo by Bailey Heedick

You should really leave your moon water out under every full moon, not just the Pisces moon. When you leave water under the full moon, it charges it with properties of the sign it resides in. Pisces moon water would be endowed with the spirit of empathy, creativity, psychic abilities.

9. Meditate

woman sitting on sand
Photo by Dingzeyu Li

Before you perform any sort of full moon ritual, it’s important to meditate on what exactly you are seeking from the moon at this time. Take time to really think about where you are in life and ask yourself what you truly want. Which of your desires align with the sensitive and dreamy energy of Pisces?

8. Write A List Of Intentions

person writing bucket list on book
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters

Now that you have meditated on what you truly want, it’s time to write them out on a piece of paper or parchment while they are fresh in your mind. You can read these intentions out under the moon when you are finished writing.

7. Protect Your Peace

woman sitting on cliff raising both hands
Photo by Becca Tapert

Under a Pisces moon, the one thing we crave more than anything is peace. Under this moon it is important that we avoid conflict. If someone tries to bait you into  an argument, ignore them or block them. Focus on your own peace of mind.

6. Don’t Take Things Too Personally 

woman sitting on floor wearing brown dress
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez

Our emotions are already running high under a full moon. But when the full moon is in emotional Pisces, it can send our emotions into a tailspin. It can be really easy to read too much into things. It’s important at this time not to take things too personally. You may end up breaking your own heart.

5. Check In On Your Friends

woman in black sleeveless dress lying on green grass field
Photo by Bence Halmosi

If you are feeling extra sensitive at this time, chances are your friends are as well. Pisces is one of the most empathetic signs in the zodiac. So you may feel compelled to reach out to your loved ones. Give your mom a call or send your best friend a meme that will make them smile.

4. Pamper Yourself

a person sitting on a couch next to a person in a white dress
Photo by Ej Agumbay

This moon wants you to take care of others. But it also wants you to take care of yourself. Take some extra “me” time. Take a luxurious bubble bath or an extra long nap. Or treat yourself to your favorite dessert. More importantly, listen to yourself. Don’t neglect your own emotional and physical needs.

3. Listen To Music

woman laying on bed near gray radio
Photo by Eric Nopanen

Pisces is known to be the most musically inclined sign in the zodiac. So now is the perfect time to put on your favorite Spotify playlist and engage in some deep listening. Listen to some cathartic heavy metal. Or you can listen to some peaceful ballads. You get bonus points for listening to Pisces musicians, like Hozier. You get double bonus points if you listen to musicians who are lunar Pisces, like Kesha.

2. Express Your Creativity

person in gray long sleeve shirt holding white and blue ceramic mug
Photo by laura adai

The Pisces moon wants you to create something. You may be feeling a lot of emotions right now. It’s time to channel your emotions into your art.Now is a great time to journal, write poetry, paint a portrait, sing and/or dance. One of Pisces’ ruling planets is Neptune, the planet of dreams and creative pursuits. Let the imaginative energy of this full moon glow through you.

1. Curl Up With A Good Book Or Movie 

woman lying on bed while eating puff corn

It’s important to relax during a full moon. Any relaxing activity is recommended. But the best way to relax under this emotionally expressive moon is with a good story. And the easiest way to indulge in a good story is through a book or a movie.