The Quick Report

12 Brunch Cocktails Perfect for Each Sign of the Zodiac

Autumn is almost here. And soon we will be able to enjoy brunch outside without the sun trying to kill us! Read on to find out which drink you will love based on your zodiac sign!

Aries – Bloody Mary

clear drinking glass with brown liquid and ice cubes
Photo by Misunderstood Whiskey

This cardinal fire signs are the warriors of the zodiac. And as the warriors, Aries will enjoy this drink while pretending it’s the blood of their enemies! Plus, the fiery sign will love any drink that has a spicy kick to it.

Taurus – Orange Mimosa

clear drinking glasses on table
Photo by Monika Grabkowska

Taureans love to host parties and have friends over. So if they were to ever host brunch, they would have to serve the quintessential brunch drink. Taureans are known to be sweet-natured and the orange juice will pair with that sweetness nicely. And as earth signs, they will enjoy the dry, earthy flavor of the champagne.

Gemini – Espresso Martini

two glasses of chocolate drink sitting on a bar
Photo by Krists Luhaers

You know those people who sit in coffee shops and write on their laptops or in their journals while drinking huge cups of coffee? Chances are, they have Gemini in a prominent place in their chart. Since the mutable air signs love their caffeinated beverages, it just makes sense to pair them with a caffeinated brunch beverage.

Cancer – Peach Bellini

a drink with a garnish garnish on top of it
Photo by Paola F

Peach Bellinis are commonly made with Prosecco, an Italian white wine, and peach purée. Cancerians are known to be dedicated to their homes and loved ones. They love their houses to serve as safe spaces for the ones that they care about. This drink is perfect for them because it is believed in some cultures that peach branches can protect one’s home from evil spirits. So rest assured that the cardinal water sign will feel safe when drinking this cocktail at brunch.

Leo – Aperol Spritz

man in gray crew neck t-shirt holding clear wine glass
Photo by Kike Salazar N

Leos love basking in the sun during summertime and feeling fancy. And that is why an Aperol spritz is the perfect drink for them. This is the perfect cocktail for Leo to enjoy on a hot summer day. The drink even looks like a golden sunset, which is just perfect for a sign ruled by the sun.

Virgo – Pimm’s Cup

clear glass tumbler on brown wooden tray
Photo by Ash Edmonds

This cocktail probably has the cutest name on this list. But don’t let the cute name fool you. This gin-based beverage can pack a punch. I paired this drink with Virgo because the mutable earth sign is known to be one of the most health-conscious signs in the zodiac. And if you can believe it, back in the early 1800’s this drink was considered a health tonic.

Libra – Mojito

photo of beverage with yellow straw
Photo by Alex Block

Libras are all about balance. So naturally, I had to pair them with a drink that has a perfectly balanced blend of flavors. A Mojito is a nice crisp cocktail made with white rum, soda water, lime juice, mint, and sugar. If the drink is made just right, none of the flavors will overpower the others. It will be the perfect blend of sweet, sour, and minty.

Scorpio – Screwdriver

sliced lemon beside clear drinking glass
Photo by The Pop’d Shop

Scorpio and Taurus are solar opposites. Meaning they complement each other but are still quite different. So I had no choice but to pair Scorpio with a cocktail that was similar, yet very different, from Taurus’ cocktail. Some people order a mimosa when what they really want is a screwdriver. And the latter pairs much better with Scorpio’s sweet and sour personality.

Sagittarius – Sangria

black glass bottle beside clear drinking glass
Photo by Sangria Señorial

Sangria is a punch that is often made with red wine and fruits such as peaches, berries, and nectarines. Though it originated from Spain and Portugal, the locals do not drink it as much as the tourists who visit the Iberian peninsula. So it only made sense to pair this drink with the mutable fire sign that is driven by their insatiable wanderlust. 

Capricorn – Irish Coffee

glass cup filled with ice latte on tabletop
Photo by Demi DeHerrera

The strong sea-goat will love this strong classic beverage. And since Capricorns are always busy, they will appreciate an alcoholic beverage that is just caffeinated enough for them to focus on whatever situation they find themselves in.

Read More: 10 Underrated Zodiac Love (and Friend) Matches

Aquarius – Earl Grey-Aquavit Spritz

a glass of wine sitting on top of a wooden table
Photo by Miikka Luotio

Remember what I said about Geminis always needing huge cups of coffee? Well, Aquarians have a similar quirk with tea. The intellectual air sign loves nothing more than to have deep conversations with fascinating people over a nice cup of tea. So if they find themselves having one of these deep conversations over brunch, they will love this refreshing tea-infused cocktail.

Read More: Hey Leo, These Are Your Best and Worst Zodiac Love Matches

Pisces – Jon Daly

liquor pouring on clear shot glass
Photo by Adam Jaime

Did you know that an alcoholic Arnold Palmer is called a Jon Daly? Well, you do now! Pisces are driven by their nostalgia and child-like innocence. And imbibing an alcoholic version of a childhood favorite will satiate their sentimental sensibilities. Like the mutable water sign, this cocktail is sweet and simplistic. And it pairs nicely with a brunch omelet.

Read More: 15 Three-Ingredient Cocktails