The Quick Report

Workers are Recording and Posting Their Layoffs Online. Is This Wise?

Some workers are recording and posting videos of their layoffs and firings on social media. While this may feel transparent and empowering, some warn of the long-term implications. Is this wise or a really bad idea?

Woman getting fired over Zoom on her laptop

Workers Recording and Posting Their Layoffs and Firing Videos on Social Media

There’s a new trend that’s happening on social media, particularly on TikTok and X (formerly Twitter). Workers who have been laid off or fired are recording these dismissal meetings and posting them online. 

With the increase in remote work these days, many of these dismissals are happening via video calls, making it easier to record.

BBC recently reported on one such video posted by Brittany Pietsch, a former account executive at US IT company Cloudflare. Pietsch’s 9-minute TikTok video was captioned “When you know you’re about to get laid off so you film it.” In the video, Pietsch meets with two company representatives, and she’s told she has failed to meet “expectations for performance” and is being let go.

Pietsch’s video is one of many gaining traction across social media as layoffs continue to increase worldwide. Ironically, on the day of this writing, TikTok announced layoffs. It follows big tech layoff announcements by Google, Amazon, and Duolingo for 2024.

Solidarity in #layoffs

The hashtag #layoffs has garnered more than 366 million views on TikTok.

For remote workers in particular, there’s already a sense of isolation. Getting laid off or fired can feel even more isolating for young workers, especially those experiencing their first layoff.

For Gen-Z, a generation that has documented much (or all) of their life online, it may feel natural to post their layoffs or firing as normal content. They may feel a sense of support and solidarity by sharing their experiences with others going through the same thing. The empathy from others might help them feel less alone.

As one person who posted a comment on Pietsch’s video wrote: “Companies do not care about you, so might as well put these people on the spot.”

While such solidarity might sound good, recruiters caution that posting firing or layoff videos could come back to haunt you.

Why posting your layoff video might be a terrible idea

While it might be a great big world out there, the world of certain fields or industries can be a lot smaller than you think.

When you post a video it’s out there in the world where everyone can see it. This includes potential employers, job recruiters, other workers, etc.

Depending on what you say in one of these videos, it’s possible that it could cast you in a bad light. These videos could influence a particular employer against hiring you or make a recruiter reluctant to work with you.

One commenter criticized Pietsch and Cloudflare for handling the firing poorly, writing: “Getting fired is tough, but it’s important to handle it with dignity. Firing someone is also hard, requiring compassion and respect. Total disaster on both sides here.”

Well-known conservative commentator Candace Owens was a bit harsher, calling Pietsch “young and stupid” on X, formerly known as Twitter.

“Now any company that googles Brittany Pietsch will come across this video of her secretly recording the company she was employed at to expose them for doing their job,” Owens wrote. “Unbelievably shortsighted.”

“While these videos can offer support and solidarity, they also have the potential to affect that person’s future job prospects,” Farah Sharghi, a San Francisco-based tech recruiter and career coach told BBC. “Big tech, for example, is a small world in [companies’] respective vertices and if one of these videos has gone viral, more than likely a recruiter, hiring manager or interviewer has seen it.”

Companies may take exception with anyone who has previously exposed a company’s inner workings publicly. Further, there are potential legal ramifications. Publicly sharing any details about the layoff process could breach contract clauses. Further, comments could potentially go into cases of libel, slander, or defamation.

This trend of posting videos of layoffs and firings follows some people also not submitting appropriate and professional resignation letters. We’ve previously written about this topic “Quitting? Never Write These Things in a Resignation Letter.” Our article advises on how not to burn bridges when you leave a job.

Pause before you post

In conclusion, experts advise anyone who has been laid off or fired to take a pause before they post anything. Before you write comments or post a video, ask yourself: What is the point of this video? Further, stop and consider the potential ramifications of posting a public video or making comments and how they might affect your future or make you liable for damage.

Is remote work destroying professional decorum?

In-office work comes with a level of professional decorum. However, many people are working remotely now and are isolated away from expected practices. Workers who have always worked remotely may have never had the opportunity to learn what’s proper and professional behavior in the workplace.

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