The Quick Report

Your Venus Sign, and What It Says About You

We all know what our sun signs mean. But what do our Venus signs mean? Venus rules over our romantic inclinations. You can find yours by Googling “Venus Sign Calculator.” Read on to find out what yours says about you.

Aries Venus

woman standing in grass field
Photo by Scott Webb

People with Venus placement in Aries like to show off when they flirt. They suck you in with their naive and child-like charm. Some people may be put off by their seemingly self-centered nature. But the right one will be endeared to their honesty and fun-loving ways. In terms of money and art, they can be impulsive buyers when something flashy or innovative catches their eye.

Taurus Venus

person standing beside window
Photo by Brooke Cagle

Taurus’ ruling planet is Venus, so people with their Venus placement in Taurus delight in physical sensations and creature comforts. They love to feel comfortable and secure with their partners. Loyalty and stability are very important to them. In terms of money and art, they can be responsible and frugal but they do like to splurge on certain beautiful items or the occasional luxury.

Gemini Venus

man and woman reading book on bed
Photo by Toa Heftiba

People with their Venus placement in Gemini are curious and conversational in nature. Gemini is an air sign, so Venus Geminis would rather fly free than be tied down. They love having deep conversations with their partner, but they don’t like to get too comfortable. In terms of money and art, they enjoy spending their money on books, social events, or art that utilizes verbal expression.

Cancer Venus

woman in grey sweater and blue denim dungarees sitting on brown and white sofa opening a yellow gift box closeup photography
Photo by Kira auf der Heide

People with their Venus placement in Cancer are more affectionate rather than flirtatious. They love to take care of their partners and make sure that all of their emotional needs are met. Sometimes if they feel neglected they may retreat into themselves. In terms of money, they can be frugal unless they are buying for friends and family. They prefer traditional or nostalgic art.

Leo Venus

a table with jewelry
Photo by sheilabox

People with their Venus placement in Leo beam with pride whenever they fall in love. They are generous and loyal to their partners. However, they need A LOT of attention from them in return.  In terms of money, they are anything but frugal. They are generous tippers and like to spend money on their loved ones. They love opulence and enjoy bold music and art.

Virgo Venus

woman kissing man's head
Photo by Justin Follis

People with their Venus placement in Virgo may not be the most flirtatious but they are more hopelessly devoted to their partners than Sandy Olsson. They can be timid and insecure but they love providing a stable environment for their partner to flourish. In terms of money, they handle their investments carefully. They prefer art and entertainment that is detailed and makes sense.

Libra Venus

silhouette of hugging couple
Photo by Oziel Gómez

Like Taurus, Libra’s ruling planet is also Venus, so people with this Venus placement will try to impress you with their sweetness and commitment. They do their best to find common ground with their partners. In terms of money, they can be generous spenders as long as they dont feel taken advantage of. They love their art and surroundings to be aesthetically balanced rather than gaudy and messy.  

Scorpio Venus

smiling topless man sitting near smiling woman beside waterfalls
Photo by Briona Baker

People with their Venus placements in Scorpio come off as emotionally and romantically intense. They will always give you their complete and undivided attention. Sometimes they can be possessive but their possessiveness has a certain charm to it. In terms of money, they want to spend their cash wisely on items that will last and investments that will grow. They prefer their art and entertainment to be surreal and edgy.

Sagittarius Venus

woman on bike reaching for man's hand behind her also on bike
Photo by Everton Vila

People with their Venus placements in Sagittarius are introspective and idealistic in terms of romance. Commitment does not always come easy to them, but they love spending quality time with their partners. In terms of money, they prefer to save up for travel. They prefer philosophy over art, but they do enjoy all kinds of music.

Capricorn Venus

closeup photo of painting collection
Photo by kevin laminto

People with their Venus placements in Capricorn do not like to date casually. They date with the goal of a long-term relationship. Practicality and dependability are very important to them. They prefer being consistent with their partners rather than spontaneous. In terms of money, they are especially frugal and value financial stability. They prefer high quality art rather than low-brow entertainment.

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Aquarius Venus

two abstract paintings hanged on wall
Photo by Alina Grubnyak

People with their Venus placements in Aquarius love to play hard to get. They like to entice their prospective partners with an air of mystery. Venus Aquarians prefer unconventional relationships rather than usual ones. In terms of money, they enjoy the freedom of having their own bank account rather than a shared one. They love abstract and eclectic art and entertainment.

Read More: This Is How Each Planet Affects Us in Astrology

Pisces Venus

a woman standing in a field with her hair blowing in the wind
Photo by Andrew Neel

People with their Venus placements in Pisces are charming and soft-hearted. They are more playful when flirting rather than overtly sexual. Their partners will appreciate but not always understand their empathic tendencies. In terms of money, they tend to be spendthrifts, but they are able to save and like a good bargain. They have a great love for nostalgia and poetry.

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