The Quick Report

10 Underrated Zodiac Love (and Friend) Matches

Some astro girlies believe that certain zodiac signs will never get along with other specific signs. But that’s just not true. We can all get along. Read on to learn about 10 romantic and/or platonic zodiac pairings that surprisingly work.

Gemini and Virgo

More romance in the street

It’s hard to think of free-spirited Gemini and analytical Virgo as twins, but they have more in common than you think. Mercury, the planet of focus and education, rules both of these signs. And both are known to be quite studious. Gemini is a bit more eclectic in their studies and Virgo tends to be more analytical, but they can bond over an intense passion for knowledge.

Taurus and Libra

Sunset Romance

Taurus and Libra are ruled by Venus, the planet that governs our romantic inclinations as well as our luxurious and aesthetic tastes. These two signs actually have a lot in common with each other. They both love a good social gathering and they strive to make their loved ones feel safe. If they can get past Taurus’ obstinance and Libra’s tendency to equivocate, these two can get along quite well.

Aries and Scorpio 

Romance in Rome

Anyone who has ever met an Aries and a Scorpio probably won’t be surprised to learn that these two are planetary twins. Aries and Scorpio are ruled by Mars, the planet of passion. Both of these signs are quite intense and they share a love of adventure. Their passionate natures are just different enough to bring out the best in each other. Aries brings light to the water sign’s dark broodiness, and Scorpio encourages the fire sign to express their sensuality.

Sagittarius and Pisces

man and woman kissing
Photo by freestocks

These signs are truly two sides of the same coin. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces. The gas giant governs our fortune and our philosophical views. These two can bond over a shared interest in philosophy. But these signs can also learn a lot from each other as well. Sagittarius can teach the water sign to be more introspective. And empathetic Pisces can teach Sagittarius to be more outward-looking.

Capricorn and Aquarius

Romance is in the air

Saturn rules no-nonsense Capricorn and rebellious Aquarius. Saturn is the planet that governs our sense of discipline and authority. Their shared ruling planet inspires both of these signs to be fiercely protective. Capricorn wants their community to feel safe and guided. And Aquarius wants their community to feel seen and heard. If these two combined their strengths, they would be unstoppable.

Cancer and Leo

man and woman dancing at center of trees
Photo by Scott Broome

Cancer and Leo are ruled by our celestial parents, so they are not really similar, but they are complementary. Leo is ruled by the sun, which governs our energy. Cancer is ruled by the moon, which rules our emotions. Leo encourages the creative water sign to shine. And Cancer brings a sense of peace and calm to the lively fire sign. 

Aries and Libra 

woman in black jacket and gray pants raising her right hand
Photo by pure julia

Aries is the warrior of the zodiac and Libra is the peacemaker. Though they seem like they are at opposite sides of the spectrum, they actually want the same thing. Aries and Libra strive for justice. Libra can teach Aries to think and consider the facts before jumping into action. And Aries can inspire Libra to approach conflict in a constructive way rather than avoiding it.

Taurus and Scorpio

couple kissing in front of trees
Photo by Danie Franco

Taurus and Scorpio can find common ground in their shared love of epicurean delights. Taureans are wholesome hedonists and Scorpios are also hedonists but they are less wholesome. Scorpio can inspire Taurus to step out of their comfort zone. And Taurus can give the adventurous Scorpio a place to recharge and feel safe.

Read More: What We Can Learn From JLo’s Zodiac Chart

Cancer and Capricorn

woman holding man hand
Photo by Brooke Cagle

These two signs have one very important thing in common. They will go above and beyond to protect their loved ones. Cancerians provide emotional security, and Capricorns provide physical security. If these two can put their differences aside and join forces they could be the heroes that they both need.

Read More: 10 Big Misconceptions About Astrology

Virgo and Pisces

couple kissing on beach during daytime
Photo by Marionel Luciano

These are two of the kindest and most innovative signs in the zodiac. So if Virgo can learn to lighten up and Pisces can learn to take things more seriously, they can create some beautiful things together. They can really nurture one another’s creativity.

Read More: Hey Leo, These Are Your Best and Worst Zodiac Love Matches