The Quick Report

The Zodiac Signs, From Least to Most Toxic

Read on to find out where your sign falls on the scale of least to most toxic! Don’t forget to check your moon and rising signs in addition to your sun sign.

Are You The Most Toxic Sign?

man using smoking mask
Photo by Daniel Ramos

We can all be a little toxic sometimes. Is angry Aries the most toxic? Or is it secretive Scorpio? Today, we are going to settle once and for all which sign has the most tempestuous traits.

12. Pisces

a woman with her mouth open and a tie around her neck
Photo by Abstral Official

Pisces may have some self-destructive behaviors. They have a penchant for escapism and are known to run away from their problems.


three woman sitting near the flower
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦

But they are the least toxic sign because they are the most empathetic. They are always ready to lend an ear, and helpful hand, or a kind word.

11. Cancer

man wearing knit cap on grey background
Photo by Andrew Neel

Cancerians can be quite moody and irritable. They also tend to just a tad bit manipulative if they are not emotionally mature.


couple walks of grassy field
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦

However they are incredibly caring and compassionate. They are also the second most empathetic sign, so of course they would be the second least toxic sign.

10. Libra

a man leaning against a brick wall with his arms crossed
Photo by Sahand khorshidi

Libra can be a little toxic because they have a tendency to play both sides of an argument. Or they just won’t take any side at all.


focus photography of woman hand with peace sign
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦

However, they are ranked so low on this list because they are peacekeepers who are dedicated to fairness. They also go out of their way to make others feel safe and happy.

9. Taurus

woman laying on brown chaise lounge
Photo by Jesse Schoff

Due to their tenacity and hedonism, Taureans can be a little toxic. they also have an intense need for instant gratification.


a woman and a child are making cookies
Photo by Vitaly Gariev

However, they are the quintessential mom-friends. They are ranked low on this list because they love to take care of their loved ones.

8. Virgo

person holding white dandelion flower
Photo by Intricate Explorer

Virgo’s most negative trait is their hyper-critical nature. Offering unwarranted criticism can be pretty toxic.


people in a lavender field
Photo by Timur Isachenko

However, their kindness and willingness to help no matter what earns them a lower spot on the list. They will go out of their way to assist anyone regardless of who they are.

7. Aquarius 

person in black and white hoodie standing on road during daytime
Photo by Jonathan Cooper

Aquarius is right smack dab in the middle of the list. Because of Aquarius’ solipsistic nature and high-mindedness, they tend to act like they are better than other people.


a group of people sitting around a white table
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦

However, they care deeply for others even if they don’t always know how to show it. Their compassion and willingness to lend an ear to those who need it balance out the more toxic traits.

6. Gemini

2 women sitting on green grass lawn during daytime
Photo by Jarritos Mexican Soda

Gemini joins Aquarius in the middle of the list. Geminis are sweet people who are always willing to strike up a conversation with a total stranger.


close-up photo of Goosebumps Slappy the Dummy ventriloquist doll
Photo by Robert Zunikoff

But they are also incredibly unreliable. They can also be pretty two-faced and erratic.

5. Aries

a woman standing in front of a wall of speakers
Photo by Artur Voznenko

Aries may be on the lower of the most toxic side of the list. But they are among the most toxic signs in the zodiac. They can be pretty sweet. And they are passionate and loyal to a fault.


smiling girl in black and white striped shirt
Photo by Julien L

But their passion can quickly give way to anger. They tend to say nasty things in the heat of the moment whether they mean them or not.

4. Sagittarius 

a couple of men sitting next to each other
Photo by Mohammad Mardani

Sagittarians are charitable mutable signs. They love to make people smile with a joke or anecdote.

Sagittarius Continued

girl in white shirt with blue and red floral mask
Photo by Pascal Bernardon

But they are also incredibly broody and arrogant. They often consider themselves the smartest people in the room. And their jokes can be pretty hurtful.

3. Leo

smoke coming out from woman's mouth
Photo by Alex Mihai C

Leos are hot-headed but warmhearted. They are quite generous and loving. But only if they like you.


woman wearing brown fur coat
Photo by Daria Strategy

If you get on their bad side, they can go from zero to Regina George really quick. Emotionally immature Leos tend to be huge spotlight hogs. 

2. Scorpio

a woman eating a strawberry
Photo by Anna Barabanova

Scorpios are flirty and loyal. They are the sexiest signs in the zodiac, and they are also the most fun.


grayscale photo of woman doing silent hand sign
Photo by Kristina Flour

But they are also vindictive, vengeful, and secretive. Anyone who has ever had an encounter with a Scorpio who has not emotionally matured yet may be wondering why they are not ranked number 1. Well that’s because they still retain some of that famous water sign empathy.

1. Capricorn

man holding backpack and books standing near building structure
Photo by bruce mars

I’m sorry, Capricorns. The cardinal earth signs have their good qualities. They are fiercely protective over the ones they love. They can be quite charming and they are famous for their practicality.

Read More: Could You Tell if Your Relationship Was Toxic?


woman holding white mug while standing
Photo by Brooke Lark

But they are also hard headed, judgmental, and calculating. Emotionally immature Capricorns tend to manipulate the people around them and hit below the belt when in a fight.

Read More: Surprising Zodiac Matches That Make Lasting Friendships

Not Ranked: Ophiuchus 

woman in black button up long sleeve shirt
Photo by Chris

The most toxic thing about Ophiuchus is that it doesn’t exist!

Read More: Each Zodiac Sign’s Best — and Most Toxic — Traits

Wait, What’s Ophiuchus?

nope graffiti
Photo by Daniel Herron

Ophiuchus is allegedly the 13th zodiac sign. Every few years you’ll see articles telling you that your zodiac sign has been wrong all along, which sends people into a panic. But most astrologers don’t acknowledge the existence of the sign. And neither do we!

Read More: 10 Underrated Zodiac Love (and Friend) Matches

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