The Quick Report

Surprising Zodiac Matches That Make Lasting Friendships

People love to say that certain zodiac signs don’t get along with other zodiac signs. But there are no astrological rules where friendship is concerned. Read on to learn about 10 unlikely zodiac friendships.

Aries and Taurus 

photo of woman beside another woman at seashore
Photo by Thought Catalog

You would probably think that hyperactive Aries would get on down-to-earth Taurus’ nerves. And you would only be kind of right. Though Taurus may find Aries to be a bit irritating, they are still delighted by their passion and optimism. And Aries admires the earth sign’s can-do attitude and love of creature comforts. These two make a great team.

Capricorn and Pisces

grayscale photography of kids walking on road
Photo by Annie Spratt

On the surface, it may seem like you do not have much in common with the cardinal earth sign. Capricorn is a workaholic and Pisces is a daydreamer. But once you get to know them, you will come to realize that you bring out the very best in each other. Capricorns will make Pisces feel emotionally and physically safe. And the mutable water sign will gradually erode away at the earth sign’s hard exterior.

Aries and Capricorn

man in black crew neck shirt wearing black framed eyeglasses and black hat

The cardinal ram and the cardinal goat will surely bump heads. They are both leaders, but their leadership styles are very different. Capricorns like to be calm and in control at all times or else they become anxious and shut down. Aries tend to fly by the seat of their pants. But this friendship can work if Aries learns to trust the earth sign’s judgment and if Capricorn embraces the fire sign’s lovable chaos. Both of these signs are strong, brave, and fiercely protective of the people they love.

Taurus and Leo

man and woman holding stainless steel cooking pot during daytime
Photo by Karl Hedin

These signs both have a penchant for luxury and living life to the fullest. However, Taureans are much more level headed than the wild fire sign. There are several hurdles that these would have to jump over. But Taureans inspire Leos to burn brightly like the stars they are. And Leos warm the earth signs with their generosity and words of encouragement. In this friendship, Leo will feel safe with Taurus and Taurus will feel comfortable with Leo.

Gemini and Cancer

Two autistic friends sitting outside using stim toys and laughing at their phones
Photo by Hiki App

Air signs and water signs rarely have much in common. Geminis are verbally expressive and tend to say whatever comes to their minds. And while Cancerians are expressive in their own ways, they tend to keep their thoughts to themselves until they feel comfortable around someone. These two may feel like they can’t have a good conversation with each other. But the cardinal water sign will be intrigued by the air sign’s intelligence and Gemini will be in awe of Cancer’s wisdom. 

Gemini and Virgo

woman in black jacket carrying girl in orange jacket
Photo by Maxim Hopman

It’s hard to think of free-spirited Gemini and analytical Virgo as friends, but they have more in common than you think. Gemini and Virgo are ruled by Mercury,  the planet of focus and education. And both of these signs are known to be quite studious. Gemini is a bit more eclectic in their studies and Virgo tends to be more analytical, but they can bond over an intense passion for knowledge. A love of learning is a great foundation for friendship.

Virgo and Libra

women sitting on rock near body of water
Photo by Roberto Nickson

These signs are both loyal friends. But Virgos will want Libra to take life more seriously than they are willing to take it. And Libras will always want the earth signs to loosen up. But it’s perfectly alright to have your head in the clouds as long as your feet are firmly planted in the ground. And that’s why Libras need Virgos. Without the mutable earth sign grounding them, Libras would get carried away. And on the flip side, Libras breathe life into Virgos. Without the air sign, Virgos would get stuck in the mud.

Scorpio and Sagittarius

woman in white long sleeve shirt sitting on bed beside brown dog
Photo by Chewy

Scorpio and Sagittarius are well matched in broodiness. But, Sagittarians like to be the life of the party, while Scorpios prefer to have quiet yet emotionally stimulating conversations with their significant others. But even though Sagittarians DO love being the life of the party, they also tend to be so introspective that they tend to emotionally crash after a night of enjoyment. And that’s why they need a friend like Scorpio. As a broody yet empathetic water sign, Scorpio will be able to tend to Sagittarius’ emotional needs.

Read More: Could You Tell if Your Relationship Was Toxic?

Aquarius and Scorpio

woman in blue denim jacket with red rose on ear
Photo by Becca Tapert

As broody as Scorpios are, they do enjoy being around people. And you may think that they have nothing in common with loner Aquarius. But actually, they will probably get along better than you would assume. They both enjoy intellectually stimulating conversations and they both enjoy dark humor. Aquarius will let Scorpio chill out and recharge their batteries. And the water sign will make the air sign feel included without overwhelming them. 

Read More: Hey Virgo, These Are Your Best (and Worst) Love Matches

Aquarius and Pisces

two children standing near cliff watching on ocean at daytime
Photo by Torsten Dederichs

The fixed air sign prefers to be mentally and intellectually stimulated rather than emotionally stimulated, and they may not be charmed by Pisces’ emotional intensity. But the Water-bearer is often portrayed as a person holding a heavy jar of water that is gradually spilling out. Instead of containing water, imagine that it holds all of their thoughts and emotions. Enter empathic Pisces, who will happily help Aquarians carry their metaphorical jar of thoughts and feelings. And intellectual Aquarius will recognize and validate Pisces’ wisdom and knowledge.

Read More: 10 Underrated Zodiac Love (and Friend) Matches

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