Cats are majestic creatures (even the cat haters have to agree with that). They are little furballs of joy who can be quite loving. For all you cat lovers out there, this list is for you! Check out these 10 things you didn’t know about cats.
Cats Have a Third Eyelid

Did you know that cats have a third eyelid? Well, now you do! The third eyelid called the nictitating membrane is tissue located in the inner corner of the eye. This eyelid works differently than the other eyelids, it moves horizontally to keep debris out of the eye. The only way you will see this eyelid is if your cat is not feeling very well, so definitely keep a close watch on that!
Cats Rub Against You to Mark Their Territory

If you are a cat owner, you will have had a time when your cat rubs against you. This is certainly a sign of affection, but your cat has an ulterior motive. It’s actually to mark its territory and you, my friend, are its territory! There are scent glands around their face, the base of their tails, and in their paws. They are literally rubbing their scent on you!
Cats Can’t Taste Sweetness

Cats literally can’t have a sweet tooth. They are missing the receptor that allows them to taste sweet things. A cat’s food preference? Something more meaty. No wonder they don’t ever want a bite of your dessert!’
A Group of Cats is Called a Clowder

Cats aren’t necessarily social creatures with each other. However, some feral cats and households with more than one cat form groups called clowders. They show others in the clowder love by playing with them, grooming them, and taking naps together. Cats might be independent but when they find a friend, they stay friends forever.
Cats Have a Great Sense of Smell

Cats can smell way better than humans can. Their sense of smell is also a way to survive. Their noses are used to smell possible dangers, find prey, and communicate with other cats.
Cats Only Meow at People

Did you think a cat meowed just to hear itself speak? Think again! Cats only meow at humans to tell them something. They do meow at their mothers when they are young, but when they get older they don’t meow at other cats anymore. So the next time you hear your cat meowing, listen to them!
Cats Recognize Their Owner’s Voice

Do you ever feel like your cat is ignoring you? Well, the joke is on you, because they are. Cats can actually recognize their owner’s voices, but that doesn’t mean they will always come when you call. They have to set boundaries, you know?
Cats Can Rotate Their Ears 180 Degrees!

Cats don’t have stationary ears like humans. The cool part about cats is that they have quite a few muscles in their ears, giving them the ability to rotate them 180 degrees. If a cat is hunting and hears its prey, it can turn its ears in the direction of the sound.
Cat Whiskers Are Similar to Human Fingertips

Did you know that cats’ whiskers are just as sensitive as human fingertips? Whiskers help guide a cat around, working as sensory equipment, not unlike antennas on insects. Whiskers are extremely sensitive and this might be a reason why your cat loves it when you rub its face.
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Cats Spend Most of Their Lives Sleeping

Cats like to nap… a lot. They spend about 13 to 16 hours of their day sleeping. That’s probably why they like to bother you in the middle of the night because they have all of their sleeping done during the day. They are cute when they are sleeping, but not when you are trying to sleep.
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