Some days, all you need is a win. Here are ten small daily habits you should adopt to make things easier on yourself and get ahead.
10. Make Your Bed

I know this seems like I’m just quoting Jordan Peterson, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. Making your bed first thing in the morning helps stave off the desire to hurkle-durkle all day. Hurkle-durkle is a Scottish term meaning to lounge in bed long after you were supposed to get up.
9. Make A To-Do List

Making a to-do list will help motivate your productivity. There is a great feeling of accomplishment in crossing off an item from your to-do list. Pro Tip: If you make the first item on your to-do list “Make A To-Do List” you’ve already accomplished a task. Look at you go!
8. Start Your Day With A Bottle of Water

Drinking a bottle of water in the morning not only improves your hydration. It helps improve your digestion and boosts your immunity. It can also help clear your skin and energize you better than caffeine.
7. Eat Breakfast

Some people skip breakfast because they think it will help them lose weight. Or they just don’t have time to eat in the morning. But breakfast is called the most important meal of the day for a reason. It gives you energy that you need throughout the day and it improves your cognitive health and brain function.
6. Stretch And Exercise

To quote the wise philosopher and lawyer Elle Woods from Legally Blonde, “exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t.” Exercise does in fact increase serotonin levels in your brain, so a quick work out each day will make you feel like you’re on top of the world. Remember to stretch before and after.
5. Try To Complete At Least Three Tasks On Your To-Do List

Now that you have hydrated, eaten, and moved around a bit, it’s time to tackle your to-do list. In a perfect world, we would be able to accomplish every single thing on our to-do list. But we are imperfect people living in an imperfect world. So just try to accomplish what you can. Even if you were only able to do the three easiest things in the list, you still win for the day.
4. Take Regular Breaks

Some people may consider it more productive to work non stop from sunup to sundown. But that mentality can cause burn out and your productivity could actually decrease. Remember you are human. Not a machine. Take breaks in between your tasks.
3. Do Something Nice For Someone

In a properly functioning society, humans look out for one another. Reach out to a friend or do something kind for a stranger. These small acts of kindness will not only make the recipient feel better, but they will make you feel better.
Read More: 15 Habits That Will Keep Your Home Clean and Organized
2. Do Something Nice For Yourself

It’s become sort of a joke on social media that people are obsessed with giving themselves “little treats.” But it shouldn’t be treated as a joke. Being kind to yourself helps reinforce that you are a human being worthy of kindness. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that we are human. Not cogs in a machine.
Read More: 10 Ways to Turn into a Morning Person
1. Get 6-8 Hours of Sleep

Sleep is probably the most important thing on this list besides eating breakfast. It helps your metabolism and brain function. Everyone is different. Some people can run on six hours of sleep. But many people need at least eight hours of sleep. Regardless of how many hours you need, you need a proper amount of sleep. You can’t be happy and successful while burning the candle at both ends.
Read More: Sleep Better With this Bedtime Routine