The Quick Report

Here’s What Self Care Looks Like for Each Zodiac Sign

Sometimes you just need to unwind. Read on to find out the best ways for the zodiac signs to take care of themselves.

Aries – Hiking

man looking on mountain sitting on rock
Photo by Kalen Emsley

Sometimes the cardinal fire sign feels a bit burnt out. When this happens, they need to satiate their need for adventure and to reignite the spark within them. Hiking indulges this need and allows them to keep their bodies moving, since they absolutely abhor sitting still.

Taurus – A Hearty, Healthy Snack

person holding blue berry with strawberry dessert shallow focus photography
Photo by Epicurrence

Taureans love a good meal, and creating a good meal may be the perfect self-care if they already enjoy cooking as a hobby. If they don’t enjoy cooking as a hobby, then fixing themselves a tasty, easy snack may be the best option. It can be a healthy snack, but it doesn’t have to be too healthy. 

Gemini – Journaling

person writing on a book
Photo by Cathryn Lavery

When they are stressed, Gemini may feel like they have a million words and feelings tumbling around inside of them. The best way to relax is to get them all out on paper. For extroverted Geminis, you can start a journaling group. For introverted Geminis, you can journal from the comfort of your own home.   

Cancer – A Luxurious Nap

woman sleeping on blue throw pillow
Photo by bruce mars

Cancererians are ruled by the moon, so they may appreciate rest the most out of any sign in the zodiac. At the end of a long and stressful week, put on your favorite pajamas, get your softest blanket, put some relaxing music or an asmr video on in the background and curl up in bed. 

Leo – Clubbing/Small Get Together

silhouette of three woman with hands on the air while dancing during sunset
Photo by Levi Guzman

Leos love being the life of the party, and after a hard week they just want to blow off steam. They want to be surrounded by good people and good music. The fixed fire sign may want to get a group of friends together and go dancing and/or bar hopping, maybe even sing a little karaoke. Or they may just want to host a movie night with a few close friends.

Virgo – Word Puzzles

a person is holding a piece of paper with numbers on it
Photo by Richard Bell

The mind of a Virgo is never fully at rest. The powerhouse of the zodiac constantly has their wheels turning. So it may be a bit too much to expect them to completely sit still and relax. A word puzzle or a sudoku will allow them to physically rest while keeping their mind sharp. 

Libra – Listening To Music

woman laying on bed near gray radio
Photo by Eric Nopanen

After a long day of playing peacekeeper, Libras need to do something for themselves. Listening to their favorite song or album will allow them to shut the world out and leave their worries and their diplomatic obligations behind. The cardinal air sign may enjoy a concert — or just putting on headphones, closing their eyes, and taking in the music.

Scorpio – Dancing

man and woman dancing between brown wooden handrails
Photo by Clarisse Meyer

Dancing is a sure fire way to soothe a Scorpios restless spirit. You can go out dancing at a club with friends. Or if you’re craving something a bit more structured, you can take a ballet class, or a ballroom class with your significant other.  If you don’t feel like going out, you can just turn on some music and dance around your bedroom.

Sagittarius – Road Trip

yellow Volkswagen van on road
Photo by Dino Reichmuth

Sometimes, after a particularly difficult week, Sagittarians are overcome with the desire to run away for a little while. Plan a weekend trip to your favorite city, or venture to a place you have never been to before. You can bring along a group of friends or just explore your new surroundings by yourself. If you are taking this trip by yourself, be sure to let people know where you are going, just to be safe. 

Capricorn – Gaming

a close up of a game board
Photo by Gian-Luca Riner

Capricorns feel like they have to be serious and on their game at all times. Sometimes they just want to unwind and do something mindless and fun. Take a couple hours to play your favorite sport or video game. If you prefer to play games with others, see if Virgo needs another person for scrabble. Or you can host a DnD game. I bet Capricorns make the best Dungeon Masters. 

Read More: Hey Virgo, These Are Your Best (and Worst) Love Matches

Aquarius- Podcasts/Audiobooks

woman in blue sweater using white earbuds
Photo by Joyce Busola

Aquarians love reading and expanding their minds because they are already naturally studious. But sometimes it can be hard for them to read for pleasure because it feels like another assignment or task. That is why they are so thankful for podcasts and audiobooks. They allow them to sit back, relax, and take in a story. 

Read More: 10 Things You Should Know About the Virgos in Your Life

Pisces – Reading In A Bathtub

Woman Reading Magazine While Lying in the Bathtub

All the mutable water sign needs after a long day of work is a good book and a bubble bath. I’ve stated before that Pisces love poetry books because they are long music but in book form. Run the tap, read some Nikita Gill, and maybe even put on some calming instrumental music. 

Read More: 10 Underrated Zodiac Love (and Friend) Matches