The Quick Report

Roofing Jobs: Construction Job Demand Rising

Roofs are the crowning glory of any structure and they require skilled professionals to install, repair, and maintain them. In this article, we’ll explore the world of roofing jobs, how to get started, the benefits and drawbacks of joining the Roofers Union, salary expectations, and where to find roofing jobs in this growing field.

How to Get Started in a Roofing Career


Starting a career in roofing requires acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge. Here are two common paths.

Trade Schools

Many trade schools offer roofing programs that provide comprehensive training. These programs typically cover safety protocols, roofing materials, installation techniques, and repair procedures. Graduates often receive a certificate or diploma upon completion.

On-the-Job Training

Another way to enter the roofing field is through on-the-job training. Roofing companies often hire entry-level workers as apprentices. These apprentices learn the trade while working alongside experienced roofers. Over time, they acquire the skills needed to become journeymen.

Do You Need a License, Bonding, or Insurance?

In terms of licensing, bonding, and insurance, requirements vary by location. But that is usually the responsibility of the contractor, not individual workers. Some areas may require roofing contractors to be licensed and insured, while others do not. It’s essential to research your local regulations and ensure compliance if you plan to start your roofing business.

Should You Join the Roofers Union?


Joining the United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers, and Allied Workers (Roofers Union) is a choice many aspiring roofers consider. Ultimately, the decision to join a union should align with your career goals and priorities.

Here are some pros and cons to help you decide.


  • Training: Union apprenticeships often provide extensive training and education, ensuring you develop strong roofing skills.
  • Job Security: Union members may have more job security, as unions typically negotiate employment terms with employers.
  • Benefits: Union workers often receive competitive wages, healthcare, retirement benefits, and paid vacation.


  • Dues: Union members are required to pay dues, which can impact take-home pay. You may still have to pay monthly union dues even if you aren’t working.
  • Limited Freedom: Union workers may have less control over their work conditions and schedules.

How Much Do Roofers Make?


Roofing salaries can vary based on location, experience, and whether you’re part of a union. Here’s a general breakdown.

Apprentice Union Roofers

Apprentices typically start with lower wages, often around $15 to $20 per hour, but they receive regular raises as they gain experience.

Journeyman Union Roofers

Journeyman roofers, who have completed their apprenticeships, can earn significantly more. This often ranges from $25 to $40 per hour or more.

Nonunion Roofers

Nonunion roofers may earn less, with apprentices starting at around $12 to $15 per hour and experienced roofers averaging between $20 and $30 per hour.

Where to Find Roofing Jobs

Roofing Companies

Local and national roofing companies are always looking for skilled roofers. Check their websites or visit their offices to inquire about job openings.

Construction Job Boards

Websites like Indeed, LinkedIn, and Monster feature job listings for roofing positions.

Union Halls

If you’re a member of the Roofers Union, your local union hall can connect you with job opportunities.


Attend industry events, join roofing associations, and network with professionals in the field to discover job openings.

A High Paying, in Demand Career


The roofing industry is experiencing significant growth, offering promising career prospects for those willing to work hard and acquire the necessary skills. 

Whether you choose to start as an apprentice, join the Roofers Union, or pursue a nonunion career, roofing jobs provide opportunities for competitive salaries and job security. 

Keep your eyes open for job listings, stay informed about industry trends, and take the first step toward a rewarding roofing career.