In the world of astrology, some zodiac signs rank higher than others when it comes to personal connections… especially of the romantic kind. Which signs are cold and icy? Which are lovey-dovey? Read on to find out where your sign falls on the list.
It’s Time To Get All Lovey-Dovey

Cuffing season is right around the corner. Let’s celebrate by analyzing which zodiac signs are the most romantic.
12. Capricorn

Don’t be upset Capricorn! You are very caring, charming, and lovable. You’re just not the wine-and-dine type. You’re a bit too no-nonsense for that. However, you are a very supportive and protective partner. You will always go out of your way to make sure that your partner feels safe and secure.
11. Virgo

You are pretty practical and no-nonsense just like your cardinal counterpart. You may not be the most proactively romantic partner. But you do appreciate when your partner is romantic and try to reciprocate the best way you know how. Just don’t overthink your romantic gestures.
10. Sagittarius

Like all fire signs, Sagittarians are extremely flirty and passionate. Your broodiness and intellect can charm your partner. But you’re a bit too introspective to be outwardly romantic.
9. Aquarius

Aquarians are too quiet and solipsistic to be considered very romantic. However, they are compassionate partners. Though they may never express their love with a grand romantic gesture, they will happily sit and have a deep conversation with you.
8. Gemini

Geminis are so sweet and sympathetic. They have a love for the written word, so they will happily write you a love poem. However, they are easily distracted and flighty so they may not give you all the attention that you need.
7. Cancer

Cancerians love hard and care deeply. Like Geminis they will dedicate love songs and poems to you. And like Capricorn they will protect you. Plus they are ruled by the moon. And what’s more romantic than the moon? However, they are homebodies so they will prefer to stay home and binge watch a show with you rather than going out for a romantic dinner.
6. Pisces

Pisces has all the same romantic qualities as their cardinal counterpart. Except they will actually want to go on romantic adventures with you. They are so empathetic that they will always validate you emotionally. However, they need a lot of alone time to recharge their batteries.
5. Leo

Leo loves to be doted on and spoiled. But that doesn’t mean they don’t want to spoil their partners. The fixed fire sign is warm-hearted and generous with their time and money. They may not be the most emotionally validating partners. But they will go out of their way to make you happy.
4. Aries

Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of passion. So naturally they will be incredibly passionate partners. They are more sensitive than people give them credit for, so they will always be there for you emotionally. They will also love to experience new things with you. The only problem is that they can be a little too impulsive.
3. Scorpio

Like Aries, Scorpio is also ruled by Mars. Mars is their ancient ruler. The fixed water sign is known to be the most sensual sign in the zodiac. So it would only make sense that they would be one of the most romantic signs as well. However, sometimes their haughtiness can get in the way of romance.
2. Taurus

Remember when I asked what could be more romantic than the moon? The answer is Venus. Venus is more romantic than the moon because it is the planet that governs romantic inclinations. It is also the ruling planet Taurus. Taureans love romance. They go out of their way to make sure their partners are happy and taken care of in every sense of the word.
1. Libra

And the most romantic sign in the zodiac is none other than Libra. Like Taurus, Libra is also ruled by Venus. The cardinal air sign not only wants a passionate relationship. They want their partners to feel loved and special. They also want their partners to be at peace in a sweet and harmonious partnership.
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Not Ranked: Ophiuchus

Ophiuchus can’t be romantic because Ophiuchus does not exist!
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Wait, What’s Ophiuchus?

Ophiuchus is allegedly the 13th zodiac. But most astrologers don’t acknowledge the existence of the sign, and neither do we.
Read More: Each Zodiac Sign’s Best Traits