The Quick Report

10 Power Colors And Their Magickal Meanings

Colors have energies. And wearing certain colors or surrounding yourself with them can help attract those energies to you. Read on to learn more.


a woman in a red dress holding a flower
Photo by Shedrack Salami

Red is the color of love, passion, and seduction. It can also be a color of strength. If you are feeling a little insecure, red can help boost your confidence. Wear red shoes, a red blazer, or red lipstick before a big business meeting to command the room. If you want to have a passionate night with your partner, light red candles or lay a red blanket or red rose petals on the bed. If you are an Aries or Scorpio, red is one of your power colors.


red maple leaves in close up photography
Photo by Yoksel 🌿 Zok

Orange is the color of inspiration and creativity. If you are a writer or artist who is suffering from a creative block, this is the color for you. If you are trying to summon your muse and get your creative juices flowing, try donning an orange outfit or accessory. You can also buy yourself orange flowers or eat a delicious orange. When autumn arrives and the colors of nature change, the sight of orange leaves may reignite your imagination. If you are an Aries or Leo, orange is one of your power colors.


person holding its pocket
Photo by Alesia Kazantceva

Yellow is the color of joy and its shinier counterpart, gold, is the color of vitality and fortune. If you are feeling a bit down in the dumps, wearing a sunflower dress or a yellow neck tie may help to elevate your mood a bit. And If you are feeling a bit languid, fatigued, or lacking in ambition, gold is the color for you. If you are a Gemini, yellow is your power color. And if you are a Leo, gold is one of your power colors.


a person holding a round object
Photo by Tiny Rituals

Green is the color of luck, fertility, and earthly prosperity. Has a dark cloud of bad luck been following you? Have you been trying to start a family or a business? If so, then this is the color for you. Decorating your home with verdant plants or wearing accessories with aventurine or jade can help invite fortune and financial stability into your life. If you are a Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, or Pisces, green is one of your power colors.


man in black bubble hoodie looking at the stars
Photo by Joshua Earle

Blue is the color of peace and clarity. Do you suffer from anxiety? Do you always feel like you’re on edge? If you are feeling blue, try surrounding yourself with more blue! The color blue can have a calming effect and can help you clear your mind and gather your thoughts. Snuggling up in a warm blue blanket while gazing out the window at the beautiful blue sky can make your day feel a bit more harmonious. If you are a Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, or Aquarius, blue is one of your power colors.


a woman in a dress holding a bouquet of flowers
Photo by Katelyn Greer

Purple is the color of magick and intuition. If you naturally have psychic or empathic abilities, purple can help enhance them. Like orange, purple can also help promote creativity and imagination. Purple accessories like scarves, cardigans, and amethyst jewelry can help you connect to your witchy magickal side. If you are a Sagittarius or Pisces, purple is one of your power colors.


person spreading glittered nail polish on pink nails
Photo by Element5 Digital

Like red, pink is the color of love. But just as pink is a lighter, softer shade of red, this love is softer and more gentle. Pink helps promote sweet love. If you are trying to attract a kind partner, or are trying to strengthen your relationship with your current partner, pink is the color for you. Soft pink makeup, home decor, and flowers can help draw this sort of innocent romance into your life. If you are a Taurus or a Libra, pink is one of your power colors.


woman in black halter dress standing on beach during daytime
Photo by Alonso Reyes

Black is the color of protection and banishment. If you ever feel insecure, unsafe, or bogged down by bad energy, this is the color you need in your life. Not only can black dresses, sweaters, and jackets be the most versatile clothing, they can also boost your confidence and deflect bad energy that is directed towards you. If you are a Scorpio or a Capricorn, black is one of your power colors.


gold and white flower on pink textile
Photo by Katsia Jazwinska

White is the color of cleansing, peace, protection, and balance. This color can help balance your mood and bring you peace of mind. Lighting a white candle is a great and simple way to invite good spiritual energy into your home while simultaneously protecting your space from bad energies. If you are an Aries or Cancerian, white is one of your power colors.

Read More: 10 Crystals That Attract Positive Energy 


a close-up of a ring
Photo by Lisette Harzing

Gray is the color of calm and stability, and its sparkly twin, silver, is the color of dreams, intuition, and meditation. Along with white and blue, gray can ease your anxiety and help stabilize your mood. And silver can endow you with vivid dreams and make you more at one with your inner self. If you are looking for a pet and are a naturally anxious person, you may want to consider adopting a gray cat. And silver jewelry can help you become more in touch with your innermost thoughts and desires. If you are a Capricorn, gray is one of your power colors. And if you are a Cancerian silver is one of your power colors.

Read More: What Your Clothing Colors Say About You