The Quick Report

The 15 Travel Items You’re Most Likely to Forget at Home 

It’s not always easy to remember everything you need to pack before taking a trip. Here are the 15 most forgotten items and some crucial items you may have never considered packing that you must prepare to take in advance.

15. Phone Charger

black iPhone 4
Photo by Brett Jordan

At the top of the list of most forgotten items is a phone charger. If your phone goes dead before reaching your destination, you may be unable to make confirmation calls or reach those you need to notify. It can also be expensive and/or difficult to purchase a new one at your destination.

14. Brush/Comb

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This one is near the top of the list as one of the most forgotten items. It’s no fun waking up in the morning and discovering you’ve forgotten a brush or comb. Short hair can be matted down with water. However, long hair can be challenging, having to use your fingers to untangle the mess.

13. Cash

person holding fan of U.S. dollars banknote
Photo by Alexander Grey

It’s always important to have at least some cash in local currency before arriving at your destination. You never know when there can be an issue with ATMs or electronic payment systems. You at least want to carry enough cash for a taxi to your hotel and meal in case something goes wrong.

12. Toothbrush/Toothpaste

a person is holding a toothbrush with toothpaste on it
Photo by Roman Marchenko

These two items are also near the top of the list of most forgotten items. If you normally use an electric toothbrush, you should pack a manual toothbrush as a backup. Forgetting one or the other can be a real pain. Luckily, it’s usually fairly easy to find a replacement in airports or small stores throughout your journey.

11. Prescriptions/Medication

a group of pills
Photo by Etactics Inc

For those taking daily medication, this would seem like an obvious thing to pack. Surprisingly, it’s among the most-forgotten items by travelers. It can be difficult to get from local doctors at your destination. It’s also wise to pack a little extra just in case you’re delayed during your trip so that you don’t run out of your meds.

10. International SIM Card

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For those traveling internationally, one of the biggest complaints is the cost they incur trying to stay connected. There is an affordable solution. Travelers can obtain an international SIM card. This will allow you to receive calls for free in most countries. It can reduce your roaming charges by up to 95%.

9. Copies of Travel Documents

passport booklet on top of white paper
Photo by Nicole Geri

An important step many travelers neglect to take is making a backup copy of their travel documents. Don’t rely solely on your phone to hold your document. If your phone dies, is lost, or is stolen, you could have major problems. Make backup hard copies of your travel documents and passports.

8. Sunglasses

person holding brown framed sunglasses
Photo by S O C I A L . C U T

A trip in summer can be a real bummer if you forget your sunglasses. In most cases, they’re pretty easy to replace. However, it can be hard if you wear prescription sunglasses or have a special pair. For example, if you wear glasses, you might have sunglasses that fit over your glasses just right. 

7. Snacks

Cheetos Baked chip bag lot
Photo by Ryan Quintal

You can’t always rely on getting snacks on a plane or snacks that might cure your hunger or even seem edible. It’s a good idea to bring along snacks that will provide some quality nutrition. Beef jerky is great for protein and trail mix can fill the void for a quick energy boost.

6. Warm Clothing

person standing on road
Photo by Tamara Bellis

The biggest mistake people make when traveling in summer is underestimating nighttime temperatures at their destination. Sometimes the plane and airports can also be freezing. Even if you’re trying to travel light and don’t have room for a jacket, bring a sweatshirt or sweater which don’t take up much space.

5. Corkscrew/Bottle Opener

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If you’re someone who enjoys alcoholic beverages, you want to make sure you have a way of opening your beer or wine at your destination. For drinkers, the most commonly forgotten item is a corkscrew and/or a bottle opener. These items are not always easy to find at your destination.

4. Extra Memory Card

A person sitting in front of a laptop computer
Photo by Samsung Memory

It’s a common occurrence on a vacation, especially in a picturesque place, to be shooting photos and videos and suddenly run out of space. A magic moment can be lost. Prevent this by bringing an extra backup SD card or micro SD card for your devices. That way you don’t have to delete old photos to make room.

3. Portable Power

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When traveling, the use of apps, GPS, and the camera can quickly drain away your battery. There’s nothing worse than a dead phone when you’re lost. Many travelers neglect to take along a portable power bank for their devices. That way, you can keep them running if you’re away from sources of electricity.

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2. Travel Adapter

Image by Openverse

Travel adapters are a must. The US uses 110-120 volts, while Europe uses 220-240 volts. Not only that, the shapes of plugs between the US and Europe are different. Sometimes finding travel adapters at your destination can be near impossible. Before planning your trip, invest in a high-quality multi-travel adapter that is suitable for practically every country.

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1. Locks/Padlock

Image by Opeverse

Many travelers never think about this item. A lock or padlock, whether key or combo, and whether with a strap or chain, is essential to bring. You never know when you might need to lock your suitcase or backpack or lock your items in a storage locker. Not all have built-in locks, so you’ll need to have your own.

Read More: The 10 Packing Mistakes Most Likely to Ruin Your Travel Plans