The Quick Report

10 Must-Haves Birthday Gifts for the Leos in Your Life

All the Leos are celebrating their birthdays right now! Read on to find some cool gift idea for the Leo in your life. 

10. Detangling Hairbrush

black hair brush
Photo by Shari Sirotnak

As a lion, Leos have to take care of their manes! I don’t think I have ever met a Leo who didn’t have amazing hair. Some hairbrushes rip the hair right out of their follicles. That’s why it’s so important to get a good detangling brush. If you are a Leo looking for a better brush or if you are someone looking for a great gift for a loved one, try a Tangle Teezer, a Kitsch Detangler, or a Evolve Flow-Thru Detangler brush.

9. Glue-On or Press-On Nails

selective focus photography of woman's pink manicure

Sure, Leos have to take care of their manes, but they have to take care of their claws too. If you want to find something a little fancier and less messy than nail polish, visit the Glamnetic website. They have glue-on and press-on nails of all lengths with fabulous designs. 

8. Scented Candles

tea light on brown surface
Photo by Paolo Nicolello

Leos are first and foremost fire signs. So you can always give them the gift of fire! Seriously, fire signs love seeing stuff on fire so you can never go wrong with a candle. Find a gold and/or orange candle, since those are Leo’s power colors. If you want to get your Leo loved one a scented candle, try to find citrus, ginger, or rosemary scents.

7. Tickets To A Concert Or A Play

person holding two white tickets
Photo by Raychan

Leo is known to be the most theatrical sign in the zodiac. So you know they will love tickets to any sort of theatrical production. It doesn’t matter if it’s a play, musical, ballet, or concert. They will be incredibly grateful for any excuse to dress up and be entertained.

6. Jewelry Made With Their Birthstones

woman looking outside through window
Photo by Pat Kwon

Leos are known to be one of the most extravagant signs in the zodiac. So it goes without saying that they will always love to buy and receive jewelry. If you’re having trouble trying to figure out what they would like, you can’t go wrong with necklaces, rings, and bracelets made with amber, ruby, or tiger’s eye. Your Leo loved one will want to wear a tiger’s eye especially if there is blood on the moon. The witchy readers know what I’m referencing.

5. Self Help Books

assorted books on black couch
Photo by Alexandra Fuller

Despite all of their charm and confidence, Leos can be a little insecure, particularly if they feel lonely. Self-help books or daily inspirational books can do wonders for their self-esteem. Though I would warn against books that utilize “toxic positivity.” 

4. Psyche In A Dress by Francesca Lia Block

Psyche In A Dress Book

Leos exude goddess/god energy! So naturally I recommend the book Psych In A Dress. This book is a collection of poetic, modern retellings of Greek myths that all center around a common narrative. Block’s writing is so vivid, the fixed fire sign will feel immersed in the sensual and glamorous imagery.

3. Vinyl Records

black vinyl record on white textile
Photo by Mick Haupt

Leos are ruled by the sun, so they need an album that will make them feel like they’re walking on sunshine. Which is exactly why they need the Katrina And The Waves vinyl record that features the hit song “Walking On Sunshine.” They may also really enjoy a Whitney Houston record, since she herself was a beautiful and talented Leo.

Read More: Hey Leo, These Are Your Best and Worst Zodiac Love Matches

2. Karaoke Machine

a neon sign on the side of a building
Photo by Aleksi Partanen

Every Leo I have met is an utter rockstar at karaoke. So you can’t go wrong with a karaoke machine. Leos will live hosting karaoke parties with all of their friends.

Read More: 10 Must-Watch Movies for Leo Season

1. Gold Accessories 

gold chain necklace on white surface
Photo by Syed F Hashemi

As I stated earlier one of Leo’s signature colors is gold, so it is safe to say that they will rock any good accessory. However, it’s best  to steer clear of the gold lamé. I don’t care if the 80s are making a comeback. But I digress. When in doubt, go for gold. If you want to try something different than regular jewelry, get some of those temporary metallic gold tattoos.

Read More: 10 Characters That Embody Big Leo Energy