The Quick Report

10 Healthier Alternatives to Popular Junk Foods

Junk food is usually seen as comfort food. It is what you go to in times of joy and in times of sadness. However, you should try to eat healthier foods during those times instead. Here are 10 healthier alternatives to popular junk foods.

Eat Dark Chocolate Instead

red and brown plastic pack
Photo by American Heritage Chocolate

Chocolate is a delicious sweet. Instead of eating milk chocolate, opt for the healthier dark chocolate. The dark variety has a great deal of nutrition and antioxidants. Some of the nutrients it has are fiber, iron, magnesium, and potassium. Who wouldn’t want that in their sweet treat?

Get Rid of Fries and Eat Sweet Potato Wedges

sliced vegetable on brown wooden chopping board
Photo by Rajesh Kavasseri

Fries are a snack that can sometimes leave you feeling bloated after you eat them. On the other hand, sweet potatoes are good for you and will make you feel nice and full, but not bloated. Sweet potatoes have Vitamins B6, C, and D, which are all good for your body. Opt for these instead of fries and your body will thank you.

Replace Ice Cream With Frozen Yogurt

four assorted flavor of ice cream on white wooden table
Photo by Dan Gold

Ice cream is a yummy dessert. However, it is full of fat and sugar. Replacing your ice cream with frozen yogurt is a good idea because frozen yogurt has less fat and sugar. It also has probiotics which are good for your gut health. Pair it with some fresh fruit and you have a healthy sweet treat to enjoy.

Instead of Beer Opt for Wine

clear glass bottle with red liquid
Photo by Apolo Photographer

Beer is full of calories and the calories can add up if you have a good amount of beer each week. Wine has fewer calories per glass, making it a better alternative. Grab your favorite glass of wine and know that you are having the healthier option of the two.

Have Grilled Chicken Sandwiches Instead of Hamburgers

burger with cheese and patty
Photo by Amirali Mirhashemian

Hamburgers are full of cholesterol and fat, making them really bad for you. When looking at a menu, look at the grilled chicken sandwich options. Grilled chicken has fewer calories and is all around better for you than a hamburger. Who wouldn’t want a juicy sandwich that doesn’t clog all your arteries?

Exchange Butter for Margarine

Photo by

When baking, butter is usually an essential ingredient. However, you can make your baked goods a little healthier by adding margarine instead. Some margarines are made mostly of vegetable oil making them the better option to use. Bake smarter by using this ingredient instead of regular butter.

Replace Pizza with Pita Pockets

green vegetable on brown bread
Photo by Sandie Clarke

Pizza tastes good, with its cheeses, toppings, and sauce. Pizza is not very good for you though. Instead of grabbing a slice of your favorite pizza, get a pita pocket and fill it with chicken and vegetables. Instead of all the fattening ingredients, you will give yourself a healthy alternative.

Eat Popcorn Instead of Chips

popcorns on clear glass bowl
Photo by Georgia Vagim

Chips are a nice salty snack that tastes good but is bad for you. Instead of eating fatty chips, try eating popcorn instead. Both are salty treats, but one has less fat than the other. If you cook your own popcorn at home, then you can control how much salt and butter you put on it.

Replace Sweets With Dried Fruit

A pile of oranges sitting next to each other
Photo by Engin Akyurt

Everyone wants a sweet treat now and then. But you can satisfy your sweet tooth by grabbing dried fruit instead of sweet and fatty treats. Dried fruit is not only sweet but also full of antioxidants. You will get nutrients in every bite!

Read More: No One Can Agree When It Comes to These 20 Controversial Food Takes

Instead of Cake Have Banana Bread

bread beside butter and milk
Photo by Whitney Wright

Cake is a wonderful treat but it is full of fat and sugar. Banana bread is a good alternative and has a sweetness to it too! You won’t be missing your slice of cake when you are eating a slice of banana bread.

Read More: Top 10 Exotic Fruits You Need to TryÂ