The Quick Report

‘Hypergamy’ is a New Name for an Old Dating Game

Around 40% of Americans pursue a form of romantic attraction in a new dating trend called “hypergamy,” according to a new survey. But in reality, hypergamy is just a new name for an age-old dating game.

What Is the New Dating Trend “Hypergamy” All About?

A new study conducted by the luxury dating site looked at the trends, attitudes, goals, and beliefs of modern daters. The results of the poll were very revealing in unveiling the modern dating mindset.

According to the study, nearly half (47%) of US adults considered it “luxurious” if, while on a date, they learn something about their date that includes information about the person’s background. They also find it “luxurious” if the conversations are intelligent and in-depth.

It’s Okay to Flex, and Other “Attractive” Qualities

Those who prefer to play it humble or are self-conscious about the occasional ‘humblebrag,’ be forewarned; that stance could actually hurt you.

The survey found that 45% of Americans surveyed believed it was okay to showcase your success and affluence on a first date. Further, 31% said that a person’s financial success played a major or significant factor in their “attractiveness.”

The survey found that 80% of people find it “attractive” if their date shows self-confidence. Those who have pride in what they have accomplished in life are “attractive” to 75% of people. A date that goes “above and beyond” for the other person on a first date was “attractive” to 73% of people.

New Name, Old Dating Game

“Hypergamy” is a new dating trend and term you may be unfamiliar with. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Of those surveyed, only 43% of Americans were familiar with the term.

Hypergamy refers to a form of romantic attraction in which one person is drawn to another who possesses a higher socioeconomic status than themselves. They are attracted to someone who can support and enhance their own life.

Nearly half (47%) of Americans surveyed have no problem with hypergamy and perceive it positively. Nearly four in 10 (39%) thought finding a partner who exhibits hypergamic traits could add a major or significant contribution to their personal growth and discovery.

Although the name may be new, what it represents and the motives in the dating game are old and have been previously defined by several other terms.

A gold digger is a familiar term, that refers to someone, usually a woman, who seeks relationships with a financially well-off person, usually a man to share luxurious and extravagant experiences and material goods, receive gifts, and/or acquire wealth. The motivation for establishing a relationship is often chiefly for material gain.

These terms apply to all genders and include gigolo, Lothario, boy toy, opportunist, money grubber, money hunter, bloodsucker, exploiter, profiteer, parasite, leech, sponge, freeloader, user, lounge lizard, Don Juan, Casanova, and more.

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Are These First-Date Expectations Too Much?

One surprising result from the study revealed how much people are expecting from their date on their first time out together. The findings seem to indicate that people set the bar for the first date pretty high. Some may feel it is impossibly high.

According to the study, 35 percent of the respondents believe the relationship is doomed if they don’t feel “swept off their feet” on a first date. It brings to mind the saying: “You only get one chance to make a good first impression.”

Further, the majority of respondents put a high value on feeling like they’ve been “swept off their feet.” This was rated as “important” by 65% of the respondents.

Other expectations were that 39 percent believed the other person should pay for the date in full.

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