The Quick Report

How to Find a Remote Job

Remote jobs have many benefits, but they do have higher costs, more risk, and a greater potential for downtime. But many people believe the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. Here is how to find and land a remote job.

Is Remote Work Right for You?

Before going through the effort to find a remote job, you need to start with self-examination to determine if that lifestyle is right for you. There are pros and cons, and you don’t want to go into remote work without understanding the full picture of what you’re getting into.

The Cons of Remote Work


Sure, being able to work on your own sounds like a great idea, but there are some drawbacks that you need to be aware of before you jump in, as they might be a dealbreaker for you.

Let’s start by taking a look at the cons of remote work.

1. Isolation & Loneliness

In some remote jobs, you may never interact with another person. You may only receive an email from someone specifying what needs to be done. You may never even speak with another person. There may be limited or no “team moments.” There may be no one to brainstorm with or bounce ideas off of. Loneliness is a real possibility.

2. Overworking & Burnout

Remote work can be demanding and/or high-volume. Remote workers can easily fall into the tendency of overworking and having difficulty drawing the line between work life and home life. There is a strong risk of burnout.

3. Underworking

For those without a strong sense of discipline and/or work ethic, remote work, especially if done at home, can be interrupted by distractions. Self-motivation is a crucial factor in successful remote work. Generally speaking, people who do better with supervision aren’t the best candidates for remote work. Underperforming and not delivering timely work will quickly end your remote work career.

4. Expenses

When you are an employee of a company, your employer deducts state and federal taxes, as well as Social Security and Medicare taxes from your paycheck.

However, when you are a remote worker, you are often working as a contract worker, which means you are responsible for paying your own taxes. This means you should put a portion of your earnings (typically around 25-30%) into a savings account so that you can make estimated quarterly tax payments (every 3 months) to the IRS as required. You can also do this for your state taxes or just save for the full amount to pay at the end of the year.

Most importantly, when you are an employee your employer pays the cost of 50% of your Social Security and Medicare taxes. When you are self-employed, you have to pay 100 percent of that amount yourself.

5. Inconsistent Work

Depending on the source(s) that provide your remote work, the amount of work that is available for you can be inconsistent. There can be stretches when you have no work and, thus, no income. 

However, if you are lucky enough to secure a gig with a stable company (or companies) then you may be able to keep your workload consistent.

The Pros of Remote Work

If you can handle the downside of a remote job, have no problem working and being alone, and are highly self-motivated and disciplined, then working remotely could be an ideal way for you to work.

1. No Commute

One of the best benefits of remote work is not having to commute. This saves both time and money. If you own a vehicle, this reduces fuel, maintenance, and repair costs. For example, if you live in a large city such as Los Angeles, not having to commute could save you two hours a day.

2. Work From Anywhere

While many remote workers do their work from home, depending on the requirements of the work, you could potentially work from anywhere. Some remote workers prefer to work from countries where they will get more bang for their buck and be able to enjoy a higher standard of living for less money. 

Other remote workers take advantage of the freedom by traveling and working from a hotel or RV.


3. Flexible Schedule

Depending on the requirements and deadlines of the work you are doing, you may only have a deadline to meet. It won’t matter when you do the work, only that it be delivered on time.

However, some remote work does require contact with office staff, which might mean you have to follow a set schedule of working hours.

4. Less Distractions and Office Stress

The isolation of remote work provides less distraction and allows you to be more productive. Remote work also eliminates office drama that doesn’t have to be dealt with.

5. Save Money Overall

In addition to no transportation costs, remote work also means not having to pay for pricey food and beverages outside of the home. You can also save on clothing costs by not having to buy “office attire.”

6. More time for self and family

The time you save by not having to commute is more time for yourself and your family. Also, the potential of having a flexible schedule means you are free to take advantage of daylight hours and work at night if you prefer.

How to Find and Land a Remote Job

If you are looking for a remote job, the best place to start is by searching remote job boards that exclusively focus on remote work.

But before you begin looking for a remote job, there are a few things you need to prepare first. Start by:

  • Creating a remote work resume.
  • Using an ATS-friendly resume template.
  • Tailor your application and/or resume to the job.
  • Do some research to make sure any companies you’re applying for will hire in your location (even though it is remote, there still may be regional requirements).
  • Make sure to demonstrate good communication skills.

The Best Remote Job Boards


1. FlexJobs: Features over 50 categories of remote jobs, including freelancing, full-time, and part-time positions. FlexJobs screens jobs before posting to avoid scams.

2. WeWorkRemotely: Has one of the largest remote work communities in the world. Their virtual job board connects users with remote work opportunities around the world. Most of their jobs are in software engineering or design.

3. JustRemote: Post hundreds of new remote jobs each month, and offers a powerful search platform across a wide range of industries and job functions. Find remote work opportunities from anywhere in the world.

4. Jobspresso: Has curated job listings for remote careers in tech, customer support, marketing, and more.

5. AngelList: Has many remote opportunities, including for startups like Uber, Facebook, Stripe, and Postmates. New job postings are added daily and there is no fee.

6. Posts a large number of jobs daily. Jobseekers can apply for free when their profile matches the requirements for a job. There is also a paid premium option.

7. Hubstaff Talent: Search for hourly freelance, fixed-price, and full-time remote jobs. Hundreds of openings across numerous industries.

8. Pangian: Search for remote jobs from more than 120 countries around the world. Currently boasts more than 12,000 jobs from 312 companies.