Experts tell us we need to get 10,000 steps in daily for health. On average, most people only get half that. Ten thousand steps equate to roughly 5 miles. This may sound like a lot, but the good news is it’s simpler than you think. Here are 15 easy ways to increase your daily steps without hitting the treadmill!
15. Park Farther Away

Every extra minute of walking you do per day earns you 84 steps. A simple way to add more steps to your day is to park farther away. Instead of trying to find that spot closest to your destination, do the opposite. Park in the farthest corner of the lot.
14. Double Locations? Do Double Duty

What if you are going somewhere and you need to visit double locations? Rather than parking close to one, and then driving to the other, seek out a centrally located parking spot that gives you a long walk each way. That way, you’ll get in your 84 steps per minute walk to each.
13. Take the Stairs

Any time you’re at a multi-floor building, opt for taking the stairs rather than riding the elevator. Each flight of stairs you take is the equivalent of roughly 38 steps on flat ground. Therefore, a trip from the first floor to the third floor nets 152 additional steps each way.
12. Dance to Your Favorite Song

Dancing to a single song is a simple way to unknowingly work in a few extra steps. Your average three-minute pop song will earn you roughly 400 additional steps. So blast your favorite tune and get your boogie on. The movement will also benefit your cardiovascular and respiratory systems and release some feel-good hormones.
11. Mow or Rake the Lawn

Doing some outdoor chores, and moving at a pace that’s a bit more brisk than a leisurely stroll, is another way of sneaking in some extra steps. Performing outdoor chores for fifteen minutes at a pace of 120 steps per minute will earn you an additional 1,800 steps for your daily count.
10. Take an Extra Lap at the Store

When browsing the aisles of a store most people move at the leisurely pace of roughly 67 steps per minute. A round of grocery shopping might net you as many as 600 steps. An easy way to double that is to browse the aisles another time before checking out. You might even find something you forgot or would like!
9. Exit One Stop Early

If you take public transit to work, get off the bus or train one stop early. You might want to try it on the way home first. It could be enough to earn you an extra 1,260 steps within 15 minutes. Once you can walk fast enough not to be late, do it on the way to work too.
8. Choose a Farther Restroom

If you work in an office building, when you take your bathroom break, don’t choose restroom nearest you. If you work in a multi-floor building, choose a restroom on another floor. That way it will force you to take the stairs. You’ll gain another 200 or so extra steps from the walk and another 80 from the stairs.
7. Go Window Shopping on Your Lunch Break

If you work near a shopping area, use part of your lunch break to take a leisurely stroll. To keep things interesting, walk along the sidewalk of nearby shops and simply gaze at the displays. A slow stroll nets about 61 steps per minute. A lunchtime jaunt can nab you another 1,200 steps. Bonus: Window shopping won’t impact your wallet.
6. Walk Your Dog

Taking your dog for a walk will give you both some beneficial exercise, as well as some fresh outdoor air and some sunshine for a dose of vitamin D. Even with some pauses for your pooch to sniff some interesting things along the way, you’ll net nearly 1,000 steps after 15 minutes.
5. Don’t Message When You Can Walk Over and Talk

Because texting and messaging are so convenient, we tend to use these at work and at home even though the other person is right down the hall. Earn some easy extra steps by walking to the coworker or other person and talk to them instead. You can earn 61 steps per minute every time you do.
4. Get Some Vacuuming Done

Who doesn’t put vacuuming off as long as possible? So just get that dang vacuuming done already. Vacuuming will gain you 94 steps per minute. Therefore, vacuuming the entire house can net you a significant number of steps toward your daily quest of getting in 10,000 steps. Plus, the house will look great afterward.
3. Go For a Round of Miniature Golf

If you have kids, and even if you don’t, you’ll have fun. Go miniature golfing. Walking from hole to hole (including going after the ball that landed in the water or the sand trap) can earn you an additional 91 steps per minute. You won’t even notice how quickly those steps add up when you’re having a good time.
2. Wash the Car

This doesn’t mean taking your vehicle to the car wash or drive-through. Fill up a bucket with soapy water and do the scrubbing yourself. All the action doesn’t come from your arms and hands. You’ll unknowingly get in some extra steps as you work your way around the vehicle. Within fifteen minutes you can earn around 1,000 steps.
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1. Handle Some Phone Calls On-the-Go

Rather than sitting at your desk or somewhere else when you have some phone calls to make or return, use an earpiece and make your calls while walking. Go hands-free and make your calls during a leisurely stroll. Each 30 minutes on the phone can net you more than 1,800 steps.