The Quick Report

The Zodiac Signs, Ranked from Least to Most Generous

Is your zodiac sign known for being altruistic or stingy? Read on to find out!

12. Capricorn, Least Generous

man sitting on sofa while using laptop
Photo by Austin Distel

Capricorns can be quite loving and protective over their loved ones. And yes, part of their need to protect means that they can be generous with their time and money. But because of their ambition and success it can be hard for them to empathize with people whom they believe are not working as hard as they do.

11. Gemini

woman holding her eyeglasses
Photo by Isaac Jenks

No one can deny that Geminis are sweet-natured and sympathetic. But that doesn’t necessarily mean they are generous. It’s not that they want to be stingy, it’s just that they aren’t always reliable. You can’t really count on their generosity.

10. Scorpio 

silhouette of a person sitting in front of a laptop
Photo by Hannah Wei

Scorpios aren’t incredibly stingy. They are fixed signs, so they want to help people. And they are water signs, so they tend to be soft touches. But sadly, they are the least generous water sign. Their envy and need for instant gratification tend to make them a bit more selfish.

9. Aries

woman selecting packed food on gondola
Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris

There are many positive words to describe Aries. But “generous” may not be one of them. It’s not that they aren’t generous, they just tend to be more generous and loyal to their loved ones rather than strangers. They do like to help. They are just a bit choosy with who they help.

8. Virgo

woman near green leafed plants
Photo by Brooke Cagle

We all know that Virgos are more than happy to help anyone in need. However, due to their loyalty, they are more likely to help those whom they are close to. They also tend to be a bit too critical of their loved ones, which undercuts any generosity they may show.

7. Leo

silhouette of person standing near plants
Photo by Jason Mavrommatis

It may be hard to believe, but the bombastic Leos are actually quite warm-hearted and generous. They may steal the spotlight but they are always happy to share the spotlight as well. But that being said, the fixed fire sign will almost always put themselves first and their loved ones second. Though sometimes it’s a close second.

6. Taurus 

a group of people sitting around a living room
Photo by Microsoft 365

Taureans have garnered a reputation for being wonderful “mom-friends.” Like most fixed signs, they want their loved ones to feel safe and secure. However, they know that they have to take care of themselves before bending over backwards for others. They can’t pour from an empty cup.

5. Sagittarius

woman in white tank top holding microphone
Photo by Boxed Water Is Better

As a whole, Sagittarians are high-minded and well-read individuals. And because of that they are known to be quite altruistic. They are always happy to donate to charities. However, because of their self-aggrandizing nature, I had to put them a bit lower on the list.

4. Pisces

man in black crew neck shirt wearing black framed eyeglasses and black hat

Pisces are sensitive and empathetic. And they are always ready to give money when they can. They are the quintessential people-pleasers. However, they are a bit lower on the list because they tend to people-please to make themselves feel better rather than the ones they are helping.

3. Aquarius 

people hands reaching out
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez

Aquarians are revolutionaries who are dedicated to justice and equality. They are the ones who will volunteer and donate to worthy causes. But they come in third on the list because they tend to be a bit standoffish when it comes to interacting with their fellow man. Plus, Aquarius is a fixed sign and most fixed signs like to fix things for their loved ones.

Read More: Hey Leo, These Are Your Best and Worst Zodiac Love Matches

2. Libra

three women sitting on brown wooden bench
Photo by Ben White

Libras are known for their dedication to peace and justice, but they are also known for their sociable and generous spirit. Sometimes they are even over generous. The only reason they are second on the list is because they tend to play devil’s advocate a bit too much. It can be hard to be magnanimous when you waffle on who you should extend your generosity too.

Read More: 10 Underrated Zodiac Love (and Friend) Matches

1. Cancer, Most Generous

two people shaking hands
Photo by Cytonn Photography

The moon-child gets the honor of being the most generous sign in the zodiac. Like Taureans, Cancerians are the quintessential mom-friends. They are compassionate, empathetic, and will do anything to make sure their friends feel emotionally and financially secure. They just want their loved ones to feel safe.

Read More: Each Zodiac Sign Ranked from Least to Most Demure