The Quick Report

The 10 Foods Most Likely to Upset Your Stomach While Traveling

Whether you’re on a bus, plane, boat, or train, there’s nothing worse than having an upset stomach while you’re traveling. Sometimes you need to make a pit stop but can’t. What you can do is avoid these 10 foods!

10. Fried food

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Deep-fried delights are in abundant supply, but even French fries should be avoided before travel. Fried foods are notorious for causing heartburn thanks to the oils and fat they contain. Plus, they are also high in sodium, which can cause you to retain fluids. This can cause bloat or swelling. None of these symptoms are fun while jostling around.

9. Red meat

medium rare sliced steak in white ceramic plate
Photo by Jason Leung

A big juicy burger right before your journey might sound appetizing, but it has its drawbacks. For many people, red meat is difficult to digest. Besides the discomfort, do you want to sit close to a stranger with your stomach gurgling? While struggling to digest the meat, your body could also emit some unpleasant odors during the process.

8. Coffee

closeup photo of ceramic coffee mug with brown liquid inside
Photo by David O. Andersen

Many people consume coffee to stay awake, but there are several drawbacks. First, caffeine can cause stomachache or nausea. Secondly, caffeine can leave you dehydrated, causing a headache. Thirdly, it can increase the need to use the bathroom when there may not be facilities to do so (or that you want to use).

7. Alcohol

clear drinking glass
Photo by Pooja Chaudhary

A lot of people enjoy consuming their favorite alcoholic beverage while traveling. But there are several reasons not to. First, alcohol dehydrates you by increasing urination. That can sometimes be a problem. Plus, dehydration can leave you with a headache. Alcohol can leave you feeling hungover. Is that really how you want to feel when you reach your destination?

6. Beans

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Beans are a great source of protein, especially for vegetarians. However, beans cause gas. This could be a big problem if you’re stuck close to others while you’re traveling. The discomfort from trying to hold that gas in for hours can be excruciating. But what if you can’t? If you must eat beans, a product such as Beano may help.

5. Apples

bunch of red apple on grass field
Photo by Andriyko Podilnyk

Apples might seem like one of the healthiest things you can eat before traveling, but they do have their drawbacks. Apples are loaded with fiber, which makes them difficult to digest. The result is gas and bloating. Trying to hold gas in for hours can be painful. Releasing it can be embarrassing.

4. Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower

green and white vegetable salad
Photo by Önder Örtel

These cruciferous vegetables are good for your diet, but not right before traveling. Broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower have a well-known reputation for causing gas. Consuming them can make it an uncomfortable and potentially smelly journey for you and those around you. If you must consume these vegetables, you may be able to counteract the effects by taking Beano.

3. Carbonated drinks

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Carbonated drinks should be avoided before traveling, as well as if they are offered during travel. Carbonated beverages cause gas and can cause heartburn. This can mean passing gas from high and low and leaving an unpleasant aroma in the air. Carbonated beverages containing caffeine will also increase your need to urinate.

Read More: The Perfect Coffee Isn’t Hard to Make – Here are the Basics

2. Spicy food

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Spicy food is notorious for causing gastric distress from stomach cramps to heartburn to vomiting to diarrhea. To ensure a pleasant journey, it is far better to stick with something bland and mild that’s easy to digest and unlikely to upset your gastrointestinal system. Postpone indulging in spicy food until you reach your destination.

Read More: 15 Plant-Based Meat Substitutes that Don’t Suck

1. Gum

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Chewing gum isn’t something you even ingest, so how can it be a problem? Well, every time you chew, you are taking in excess air into your body. In turn, this causes gas and bloating. If you are chewing gum as a way to freshen your breath on the go, you can avoid this problem by consuming mints instead.

Read More: The 15 Travel Items You’re Most Likely to Forget at Home