The Quick Report

Eat These 30 Foods to Boost Your Immune System

While no food you eat can cure you of a disease or immunize you against pathogens, maintaining a diet with plenty of vitamins and nutrients can make your immune system stronger than it would be with poor nutrition. With the right diet, you could be much more resilient against colds, flus, and other common ailments.

Oats and Barley

bowl of cereal with sliced fruits and spoon
Photo by Alexander Mils

Oats and barley contain a great deal of fiber, which is good for your gut and promotes healthy gut bacteria. This means you have an immune system that is being supported. Who doesn’t like a good amount of support now and then?


two steaks on a cutting board with herbs and spices
Photo by Sergey Kotenev

Beef has a good amount of zinc in it. Zinc helps with developing white blood cells, which are good for attacking bad bacteria. Having more zinc in your diet is a good idea if you want to stay healthy!

Sweet Potatoes

sliced vegetable on brown wooden chopping board
Photo by Rajesh Kavasseri

Do you need a good dose of Vitamin A to help you have healthy skin? Then grab yourself a sweet potato! These potatoes are a good source of Vitamin A that will help your skin. Your skin might not necessarily be a part of your immune system, but it helps keep you safe too.


sliced meat on brown wooden chopping board
Photo by Usman Yousaf

Pork is another food that has a lot of zinc in it. Zinc is very good for your immune system and it is recommended that you have something with zinc in it every day. So get your favorite pork product and help boost your immune system!


macro shot photography of lettuce
Photo by Char Beck

Kale is a good source of Vitamin A. Vitamin A is not only good for your skin, but it can also give your immune system an added boost. Make that salad a kale one – your immune system will thank you later!


white and beige eggs on tray
Photo by Caroline Attwood

Eggs have a lot of Vitamin D in them. Vitamin D is good for getting calcium into your bones and is also good for your immune system. Eggs can give you the boost you need to make sure you are getting enough of that vitamin in your diet.


a bunch of mushrooms sitting on top of a wooden cutting board
Photo by blackieshoot

Mushrooms are great for producing white blood cells, which help ward off infections. Mushrooms can also be a good source of Vitamin D. Eat one of these bad boys and feel your immune system getting stronger and healthier.


vegetable salad with grilled salmon
Photo by Toa Heftiba

Salmon is full of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids can help fight inflammation and protect you from various infections. Salmon also has a good amount of Vitamin D in it.


bowl of black berries
Photo by Don Lu

Blackberries have a couple of different nutrients in them. They have antioxidants, which are good for warding off germs. Blackberries also have fiber and Vitamin C, making them ideal for good gut health.


a person chopping celery on a cutting board
Photo by Monika Borys

Celery is a great option if you are looking to get more fiber in your diet. Feeling dehydrated? Celery can also give you some much-needed hydration since it has a lot of water in it.


blueberries on white ceramic container
Photo by Joanna Kosinska

Blueberries have antioxidants that can help prevent inflammation. It is not only good for your immune system but also helps you have a healthier heart. Blueberries are not just tasty; they are also good for you!

Brazil Nuts

Brazil Nuts
Photo by Wikipedia and Quadell

Brazil nuts contain something called selenium. Selenium is good because it helps with the breaking down of toxins that can damage tissues. Don’t risk it – eat a Brazil nut today!

Dark Chocolate

cut chocolate bars
Photo by Dovile Ramoskaite

Dark chocolate is good for you because it has magnesium. Magnesium can be good for quite a few different reasons, such as heart health sleep, and help improve your anxiety. When you go for something a little more sweet, go for dark chocolate!


closeup photo of bunch of orange carrots
Photo by Harshal S. Hirve

Carrots have fiber in them. Fiber can be good for your immune system because it helps fight infections and gives your body strengthened immunity. Get yourself a carrot and get that fiber in you!


sliced avocado
Photo by Thought Catalog

Avocados have a great deal of health benefits. They contain Vitamins E and K, which are both good for your immune system and help ward off infections. They are even good for your hair and skin if that is something you care about.


Image via Openverse

Broccoli is great for you, loaded with vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. It’s also full of antioxidants and dense in fiber, making it a veritable superfood that deserves a spot on your plate. Steam your broccoli for the best results!


garlic bulb and garlic on white surface
Photo by Sanjay Dosajh via Unsplash

Garlic is more than just yummy: it’s also pretty good for you! Eating garlic can slow the rate at which your arteries harden, and it’s been used as a blood pressure treatment in the past. These effects are likely due to the presence of allicin and other sulfurous compounds in garlic.

Citrus Fruits

a pot filled with oranges and herbs
Photo by Krystal Black via Unsplash

This one is straightforward. Everyone knows vitamin C helps when you’re sick, so eating lots of oranges, clementines, grapefruits, and tangerines can help you get over a cold. Getting enough vitamin C into your body is a daily endeavor: your body won’t create or store it!

Red Bell Peppers

a group of red tomatoes
Photo by suradeach saetang via Unsplash

As great as oranges and citrus fruits are at getting vitamin C into your system, red bell peppers are even better! They’ve got a ton of beta-carotene, too. This can all help you keep your skin healthy and your vision sharp!


green vegetables
Photo by Heather Barnes via Unsplash

Spinach is, of course, high in vitamin C. Like red bell peppers, it’s also densely loaded with beta-carotene, which breaks down similarly to vitamin A. And what’s more, spinach is full of antioxidants. It’s best for you when you cook it as little as you can.


white garlic on brown wooden table
Photo by sentot setyasiswanto via Unsplash

Ginger might be helpful for reducing inflammation, and some people take it to help with issues like sore throats. It’s also been said to have some ability to suppress nausea, hence the popularity of ginger ale for people with upset stomachs.


red lobster on white ceramic plate
Photo by David Todd McCarty via Unsplash

Assuming you’re not allergic to it, shellfish is quite good for you. Crab, lobster, oysters, and mussels are all high in zinc. Zinc plays a major role in your immune function, so make sure you’re getting your daily recommended amounts!



It’s important to not overlook the power of vitamin E when you’re fighting a cold. Vitamin C always gets top billing, but if you want to help it out with its cousin vitamin E, make sure you eat plenty of almonds. Almonds are also rich in healthy fats!

Green Tea

green plant in white ceramic mug beside brown wooden brush
Photo by Matcha & CO via Unsplash

Green tea is great for your health due to its high concentration of antioxidants. It’s high in epigallocatechin gallate, an antioxidant that occurs infrequently in other foods. Epigallocatechin gallate might even have antiviral properties! Interestingly, epigallocatechin gallate occurs in all tea plants, but the fermentation process needed to create black tea destroys it.


close-up photo of white cream in clear shot glass
Photo by Sara Cervera via Unsplash

Yogurt is rich in probiotics, which is a fancy way of saying it’s got helpful bacteria in it. Don’t worry, bacteria aren’t all bad. In fact, the kind of bacteria that get you sick are much rarer than the ones that want to help you! Yogurt can encourage the growth of those helpful bacteria which, in turn, benefits your health.

Sunflower Seeds

brown and black coffee beans
Photo by engin akyurt via Unsplash

Believe it or not, sunflower seeds are packed full of helpful nutrients. Everything from vitamins B6 and E to magnesium and phosphorous is in sunflower seeds. They’re tasty to snack on, too! Just make sure you don’t get the salted ones or you might take in too much sodium.


Rich Broth with Chicken in Bowl
Photo by Hayden Walker

Believe it or not, chicken can be good for you when you’re sick. The meat is rich in vitamin B6, which can help fight inflammation and can grow new, healthy red blood cells. Broth made from boiling chicken bones is also high in nutrients.


clear drinking glass with brown liquid
Photo by Prchi Palwe via Unsplash

The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric are well-documented and largely agreed upon. It’s great for helping your muscles after you work out, too! Some research even suggests that turmeric might have antimicrobial properties, making it function as an immune booster.

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sliced carrots on black plate
Photo by Pranjall Kumar via Unsplash

Eating even one papaya gives you your daily recommended volume of vitamin C. Moreover, papayas contain papain, a digestive enzyme that is said to have anti-inflammatory properties that are similar to turmeric. They’re also high in potassium, folate, and magnesium.

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brown round fruit on brown wooden table
Photo by Pranjall Kumar via Unsplash

Are you eating enough kiwi? Kiwis, like papayas, are completely loaded with potassium, folate, and other nutrients. They’re a great source of the unusual (but necessary) vitamin K, and, as you’d expect, they’re also a major source of vitamin C.

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