The Quick Report

The 15 Tourist Attractions Most Likely to Disappoint Travelers

These tourist attractions draw millions of travelers from around the world. But don’t get your hopes up too high. You’ll likely find yourself saying: “Is that all there is?” These 15 attractions will likely leave you disappointed.

15. Copacabana Beach, Rio De Janeiro

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At the Copa, Copacabana… It’s a catchy tune, but this destination is more mystique than substance. Those photos everyone’s seen of people playing in the sand with that giant mountain behind them in Rio aren’t Copacabana, but Ipanema Beach. Although it’s one of the most famous beaches in the world, Copacabana is really not that exciting.

14. The View From the Top of the Eiffel Tower, Paris

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This is a destination for tourists the world over. People are excited to ride the elevator to the top and take in the view of this famous city. However, what’s the best thing to see in Paris? The Eiffel Tower. What’s the one thing you can’t see from the top of the Eiffel Tower? You’re standing on it.

13. Hobbiton, New Zealand

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This is a big draw for Lord of the Rings nerds. It’s an odd attraction. For casual fans of the movies, you’ll be underwhelmed. There’s nothing more here than a few little houses with round doors. If you’re not a diehard Tolkien fan, you probably shouldn’t bother. There’s more to enjoy in New Zealand than this tiny movie set.

12. Forbidden City, Beijing

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The name of this place has an aura of mystique and danger which makes it seem exciting. Visitors walk through, shoulder to shoulder, with a huge crowd of people, waiting to see something amazing. Nope. The next thing you know, you’re out the other side and it’s over. It should be forbidden to tourists because it’s just not very interesting.

11. Floating Markets, Bangkok

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The idea of traversing through the water to buy produce from boats seems exciting. But you’re a tourist and you’re not really out shopping for produce, are you? The thrill is gone quickly here, just watching people buying food in a manner that seems like a pain. If anything, you’ll be grateful you don’t have to shop this way.

10. Manneken Pis, Brussels

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This is one of those destinations that people go to see because everyone else tells them they have to see it. Then you arrive and wonder if you’re even in the right place. The most famous monument here is a small statue of a boy taking a pee. That’s it. Much ado about nothing.

9. Madam Tussauds, Anywhere

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The big appeal of Madam Tussauds seems to be going to this wax museum and snapping a selfie of yourself with one of the figures in the hopes of fooling your gullible friends. But anyone who wastes their vacation to look at figures of the Kardashians and Jenners deserves what they get.

8. Bruges, Belgium

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This tiny little Belgian town is a charming place. Its architecture, cobblestone streets, and network of canals are a remarkable work of art. Its chocolate is delicious. Unfortunately, it’s spoiled by one thing. Tourists. Millions come to see it. What ruins it is the fanny pack-toting Americans who run around shouting at one another all day.

7. The Little Mermaid, Copenhagen

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This has nothing to do with the Disney movie. You won’t find Ariel here. Instead, there’s a very small statue of a reclining Mermaid. This has become one of the most popular tourist attractions in Denmark. No one knows why. It could be because there aren’t many tourist attractions in Denmark. People say you should see it, so people go.

6. Plymouth Rock, USA

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This is where the pilgrims arrived from England aboard a ship called the Mayflower and started this big place we now call the USA. There’s a rock inscribed at the landing place with the year they arrived – 1620. Other than that, the rest of the place is just a very small, plain, and extremely underwhelming tourist attraction.

5. Hollywood Walk of Fame, Hollywood, California

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Along a certain stretch of Hollywood Boulevard, the sidewalk contains plaques with the names of celebrities from television, movies, music, radio, and comedy. Basically, it’s just names of famous people on the ground. Some of the area is sketchy, so you’d best pay attention to what’s around you. The shops and strange people along the way are far more interesting.

4. Spanish Steps, Rome

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Rome is filled with history and tourist attractions. But not everything there is breathtaking. For example, the Spanish Steps. Yes, they are old. But in person, they’re not as grand as you would expect. Basically, they’re just a plain old staircase. They take you from nowhere particularly interesting to something uninteresting at a higher elevation. That’s it.

3. Mona Lisa, Paris

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Many people are in the camp of being unable to figure out what makes this picture so great. However, the painting itself is not what’s so disappointing. The overwhelming volume of tourists you’ll find crammed into the room where the Mona Lisa is kept is a huge letdown. You’ll probably never get close enough to appreciate it.

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2. Stonehenge, UK

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The most fascinating part of Stonehenge is its backstory, or lack of backstory. No one knows what the stones are for. No one definitively knows how they got there. That’s the interesting part of this monument. The uninteresting part is going there. It’s just a bunch of big rocks that you can’t even get all that close to.

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1. Loch Ness, Scotland

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People go here because they think they’ll see the Loch Ness Monster. But once you’re there – there’s not much to see. Mostly, a great big, cold freshwater lake located in the middle of nowhere in the Scottish Highlands. The only attraction is the ruins of Urquhart Castle on the western shore. And that’s not a whole lot to see.

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