The Quick Report

Each Zodiac Sign’s Best Traits

Every zodiac sign has pros and cons to them. But today we’re dwelling on the pros. Read on to find out what your sign’s best trait is!

All The Zodiac Signs Have Their Stereotypes

woman in blue and white floral shirt holding her face
Photo by Caroline Veronez

You may have clicked on this gallery and thought “oh come on! Surely these traits don’t apply to all of these signs right?” Well these summaries of the best zodiac traits may be more accurate than you initially thought.

Aries – Passionate

woman sitting on cliff raising both hands
Photo by Becca Tapert

Aries tend to feel things rather intensely. But this doesn’t have to be a bad thing. In fact, their passionate nature is one of their most wonderful traits. They care a lot about the people and circumstances around them and they want others to care as much as they do. They wish to ignite the zeal of others with their own passion. 

Taurus – Dependable 

man in blue jacket standing beside woman in white jacket
Photo by Ismael Paramo

If there is one friend or loved one on whom you know you can rely, chances are they are a Taurus or at least they have Taurus somewhere in their chart. Taureans are some of the biggest mom friends in the entire zodiac. They are always ready to lend an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on or a hand to help. 

Gemini – Inquisitive 

girl in blue and white tank top
Photo by Jeremiah Lawrence

Geminis can never stop learning. Their minds are like sponges that are never fully quenched. They never want to be accused of being ignorant. Geminis are quite sympathetic, and you could credit their sympathy with their need to learn as much as they can about other cultures and the experiences of other people.

Cancer – Creative

person holding book with sketch
Photo by Rachael Gorjestani

The moon has been known to inspire many artists, writers, and poets. So it is only fitting that the sign that is ruled by the great glowing inspirational orb is one of the most creative signs in the zodiac. The cardinal water sign’s mind is like a deep ocean of creative ideas. They are always thinking of a new artistic project.

Leo – Generous

close up photography of woman holding grey and red box
Photo by Kira auf der Heide

The astral lion is one of the most warm-hearted and generous signs in the zodiac. Leos share the spotlight more than they steal it. They are always ready to shower their loved ones with gifts and praise. They will give you the shirt off their back.

Virgo – Pragmatic 

person writing on white paper beside white ceramic mug on white textile
Photo by Paico Oficial

We all need a friend who will talk us off a ledge and that is where the kind-hearted yet level-headed Virgo comes in. When our thoughts are cloudy and we can’t see the forest for the trees, in comes the mutable earth sign to help us see the bigger picture. They are never ones to catastrophize a situation. They just handle their circumstances with a clear and rational mind.

Libra – Diplomatic 

person holding peace flag
Photo by Alice Donovan Rouse

While it is important not to equivocate, sometimes a disagreement requires a peace-keeper. That is where Libra comes in. The cardinal air sign likes to balance the scales. Libras are the ideal mediators and always try to listen to all sides of a situation to bring about harmony. They will never make one side feel wrong, they will make all sides feel seen and heard.

Scorpio – Adventurous 

person above mountain and body of water
Photo by Jakob Owens

You know those friends that text you at 11:00 pm, asking you if you want to go on an adventure? You couldn’t imagine life without those friends, just as you can’t imagine life without Scorpios. The fixed water sign’s adventurous nature is unmatched by any other sign in the zodiac. They are always up for new experiences and new challenges. 

Sagittarius – Self-Reflective

woman wearing silver-colored ring
Photo by Giulia Bertelli

Sagittarians are incredibly self-aware. They are not particularly prideful and often question their own decisions. This may not seem like a positive attribute on the surface, but it is probably one of the most positive traits on this list. The mutable fire sign’s ability to self-reflect allows them to make rational and compassionate decisions.

Capricorn – Self-Disciplined 

man wearing karate gi standing on road
Photo by Thao LEE

Capricorns are exceptional leaders. Their incredible leadership skills can be attributed in part to their self-discipline. They pride themselves on their ability to think rationally and make good decisions. They like to protect their loved ones but they also like to protect themselves from any negative influences.

Aquarius – Innovative 

a light bulb being held by a hand
Photo by Jakub Żerdzicki

To say that Aquarians think outside of the box is a huge understatement. Aquarians don’t just think outside of the box, they think outside of our atmosphere. They always look at things with a fresh perspective, and their mind is always teeming with newfangled ideas. The sky is never the limit, because they have no limit.

Pisces – Empathetic

two hands
Photo by Toa Heftiba

There are many astrologers who believe that people with Pisces in a prominent place in their birth charts have psychic abilities. These abilities really shine through with their empathetic nature. “Empath” is a title that the compassionate and sensitive Pisces can rightfully claim.

Read More: Which Tim Burton Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Ophiuchus – Everything 

man in black white and red striped shirt holding purple balloon
Photo by Sammy Xu

You are the kindest, most sincere, most intelligent, and the most beautiful of all the signs… or at least you would be if you were a real zodiac sign!

Read More: The Definitive Disney Villain Zodiac Guide

Wait, What’s Ophiuchus?

Photo by Tim Mossholder

Ophiuchus is allegedly the 13th zodiac. But most astrologers don’t acknowledge the existence of the sign.

Read More: The Zodiac Signs, Ranked from Least to Most Generous