The Quick Report

Hey Leo, These Are Your Best and Worst Zodiac Love Matches

Are you a Leo looking for love? Then check out this list of potential zodiac matches ranked from worst to best.

But first, a few words: Compatibility is complicated. These matches will not be right for every Leo. And obviously, if you have found a healthy and stable relationship with a Pisces or a Taurus, then by all means, stay where you are loved and celebrated. This list only serves as a bit of advice for those who have not found love yet.

10. Worst: Scorpio

man sitting on chair covering his eyes
Photo by christopher lemercier

The worst partner for Leo is Scorpio. There could potentially be a lot of sexual tension and this could be a fun short-lived fling. But it could prove to be disastrous in the long term. The two signs are both incredibly obstinate and want different things out of life. Though Scorpios are very flirtatious, they will want Leos complete and undivided attention. And that is something the lion will not always be able to give.

9. Worst: Virgo

two person sitting on wood slab
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez

Sometimes opposites can attract, but Leos and Virgos will not be able to provide what the other one needs. Leos crave the spotlight and they need a partner who will validate them and give them attention. Virgos need structure and stability. Leos will find Virgos stuffy and Virgos will find Leos exhausting.

8. Worst: Pisces

woman leaning on beige concrete wall
Photo by Raychan

Leos and Pisces would probably be great friends. They are both creative and warm hearted. But that doesn’t mean they would be a good romantic couple. Pisces tend to be a little over sensitive and the audacious Leo would undoubtedly hurt their feelings without meaning to.

7. Worst: Taurus

person holding fan of U.S. dollars banknote
Photo by Alexander Grey

On paper, this match should work. And maybe for some people it can work. Both of these signs have a penchant for luxury and living life to the fullest. However, as an earth sign, Taureans are much more thrifty and frugal than the spendthrift fire sign. I am not saying this is an impossible match. But I will say that there are a few obstacles they will have to work through.

6. Worst: Capricorn

smoke coming out from woman's mouth
Photo by Alex Mihai C

This match could potentially work. Leos and Capricorns have similar personalities, but that is where the trouble lies. Both of these signs will want to fight for control. Capricorns like to get things done in the most orderly way possible. While Leos prefer to take the lead because they just like the idea of being in charge. 

5. Best: Aquarius 

man and woman lying on gray concrete surface looking at each other
Photo by Toa Heftiba

Leo and Aquarius are solar opposites. That means that they are on opposite sides of the zodiac wheel. It’s true that Leos may find Aquarians to be too aloof and Aquarians might think Leos are too bombastic. But these two signs understand each other better than they think. Aquarius wants to be a safe space for Leo and Leo wants to make Aquarius smile. If you get over some hurdles, this could be a beautiful relationship.

4. Best: Gemini

a man and a woman riding a bike together
Photo by Albertus Gilang Drigantoro Saputro

Fire needs oxygen to survive, and air needs to be warmed by the flame. Gemini and Leo understand each other’s emotions and outbursts. They both can be a little frivolous. Neither of them will ever tell the other one to “calm down,” which I think we can all agree, never works. They will validate each other’s emotions and have tons of fun together!

3. Best: Aries

woman in white and black bikini top and white hat standing beside man in black shirt
Photo by Anna Hecker

Leo and Aries have a lot in common. They are both brave and warm hearted. Leos are invigorated by the cardinal sign’s passion, and Aries are constantly charmed by the fixed sign. Because Leo is a fixed sign, Aries will always feel at home with them. And Leos will feel like every day is a new adventure with the ram. Plus, they both like to keep those intimate moments fresh and exciting.

Read More: 10 Things To Do When Mercury Is In Retrograde 

2. Best: Libra

man holding hands with woman near trees
Photo by Amber Kipp

This relationship provides the perfect balance. Both of these signs are incredibly flirtatious but, unlike Scorpio, Libra will not demand all of Leo’s  attention. The calming air sign will provide the fire sign with a much needed sense of peace without dimming their shine. And Leo will bring so much fun and excitement to Libra’s life.

Read More: What We Can Learn From JLo’s Zodiac Chart

1. Best: Sagittarius 

man and woman holding hands
Photo by freestocks

This is Leo’s ideal partner and this match is the ideal power couple. With the lion’s charisma and the archer’s animal magnetism, the pair will wow any crowd that they step into. They entertain and compliment each other. Sagittarius makes Leo feel alive and adventurous, and Leo sees the mutable sign’s endless potential, motivating them to be their best selves.

Read More: 10 Characters That Embody Big Leo Energy