The Quick Report

10 Things To Know About This Aries/Libra Eclipse Season

We all just celebrated a full moon eclipse. But did you know that each eclipse season brings a different energy based on the zodiac signs the sun and moon tend to fall in? The Aries-Libra axis started in April of 2023 and it won’t end until March 2025. Read on to find out what the Aries/Libra eclipse season has in store for us.

10. We Need To Go With The Flow And Let Things Happen

woman in infinity pool making heart hand gesture facing green leafed trees
Photo by Jon Flobrant

Under any eclipse it is important to remember that we need to just let things happen. Try not to force outcomes. This is a time for renewal, meaning we will lose some things and gain other things. We need to let the chips fall where they may. Don’t fight the current, just go with the flow.

9. Your Aries And Libra Friends Will Need More Love

man and woman hugging each other photography
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez

This is the Aries/Libra eclipse season, so naturally it is going to affect people who have Aries and Libra in prominent places in their charts. Eclipse season can put us on edge, but this particular season is going to be extra intense for the cardinal fire sign and the cardinal air sign.

8. We Tend To People Please

person holding babys hand
Photo by Markus Spiske

Libra is the peacemaker of the zodiac. But they are also the people pleaser of the zodiac. And during this eclipse season, we will all be feeling Libra’s acquiescent energy. We may feel more driven at this time to tend to everyone else’s needs while neglecting our own.

7. We Feel Angrier

smiling girl in black and white striped shirt
Photo by Julien L

Aries is the warrior of the zodiac. And they have garnered a reputation for being quick tempered. During this eclipse season we may feel like we have a shorter fuse. Aries explosive energy may cause all of us to become overstimulated and lash out at others.

6. Libra May Need To Be More Assertive

woman standing in front of man during daytime
Photo by Toa Heftiba

Libras and anyone who has Libra in a prominent place in their chart may take the people pleasing a bit too far. Libras need to take a cue from their solar opposite, Aries, and stand up for themselves. This is not to say that you should get angry at every little inconvenience. But if something makes you angry, you need to honor that feeling rather than shoving it down.

5. Aries May Need More Peace

woman in black jacket sitting on brown grass during daytime
Photo by Andriyko Podilnyk

Aries and anyone with Aries in a prominent place in their chart may have more trouble controlling their anger than usual. They can learn a thing or two about harmony from their solar opposite, Libra. It is important to find things that bring you joy and peace during this eclipse season.

4. We Are More Open To Love

couple kissing in front of trees
Photo by Danie Franco

Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet that governs our romantic inclinations. During this season we may feel the sting of Cupid’s arrow. It is important that we do not close ourselves off to the idea of romance. If you find yourself feeling a particular way about a person, honor the feeling and see where this budding relationship can go.

3. We Crave Balance And Harmony

woman sitting on sand
Photo by Dingzeyu Li

Libra is represented by The Scales, so it goes without saying that they value balance above all things. Eclipses can make us feel erratic and emotionally unstable. So it is important to evoke that Libra energy and try to find harmony and balance in our everyday lives.

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2. We Feel More Passionate

a person with a red hat writing on a laptop
Photo by Dillon Wanner

Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet that governs our passion and drive. During this eclipse season we may feel more passionate about our romantic partnerships, our careers, and our creative endeavors. We may also crave more personal freedoms in our day-to-day lives.

Read More: 10 Underrated Zodiac Love (and Friend) Matches

1. The Autumn Equinox May Be More Intense

yellow pillar candle in black lantern
Photo by Marko Blažević

Eclipses are intense. The Autumn Equinox is intense. But the Aries/Libra eclipse season may make the energy we feel during the Autumn Equinox even more palpable. And why is that? Well, the Autumn Equinox heralds the Libra season as well as lunar Aries season. Meaning we will feel more romantic, passionate, amicable, and angry all at the same time during the fall. May the odds be ever in your favor.

Read More: 10 Things We CAN’T WAIT to Do This Autumn