The Quick Report

10 Items You Should Always Buy in Bulk

Buying in bulk is a good way to always have the things you need on hand. You will be stocked up and have things when you need them. Here are 10 items you should always buy in bulk.


person slicing juicy medium rare meat on top of brown wooden cutting board
Photo by José Ignacio Pompé

Meat prices have risen in the past couple of years. So when you see a good sale on meat, it might be good to stock up. Not all meat is good for freezing though, such as bacon, hotdogs, and lunch meat. It is best to freeze hamburgers, chicken, steaks, and roasts. These will all last months in the freezer.


white, blue, and green toothbrush with blue toothpaste
Photo by William Warby

The prices of toiletries have gone down lately, making this the perfect time to buy them in bulk. Some common toiletries to stock up on are toothpaste, deodorant, and shampoos. While there might be an expiration date on these products, it usually refers to how effective a product is. You won’t get sick by using old shampoo, but it might not be as effective in cleaning your hair.


three bowls of nuts
Photo by Rachael Gorjestani

The best time to buy nuts in bulk is the beginning of the year because the prices are usually marked down after the holidays. Nuts do have a shelf life though and keeping them past it might make them stale. Did you know you can freeze nuts to make them last longer? Now you do!


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Diapers can be very expensive. That is why it is a good idea to stock up on them when they are on sale. You won’t have to worry about an expiration date, only if your baby will outgrow them faster than you use them. Another idea to save money on diapers is to use cloth diapers. However, be warned: cloth diapers can be a lot of work.

White Sugar

White Sugar
Photo by

Sugar is non-perishable, meaning it will last on your shelf for a long time. Sugar doesn’t technically go bad, but it can lose its quality over time. To make sure your sugar stays fresh, it is recommended to put it in an air-tight container.

Canned Goods

white and red labeled cans
Photo by Claudio Schwarz

Canned goods are the perfect item to buy in bulk because their prices are usually reasonable. They also can last a really long time, as long as you store them in a dry, cool pantry. It is important to know that more acidic canned foods, like tomatoes or fruits, do not last as long as other canned foods.

Fresh Fruits and Veggies

focus photography of strawberries and cherries on blue bowl
Photo by Iwona Łach

This one might sound odd, but there is a method to the madness. If you buy fruits and vegetables in bulk, you can freeze them so they last longer. You just have to know how to freeze them the right way. If you just put berries in a bag, they will freeze together becoming a giant blob. With vegetables, it is recommended to blanch them so you have fresh-tasting food when you defrost them.

Toilet Paper and Paper Towels

white toilet paper roll on white table
Photo by Anastasiia Chepinska

Do you remember the time at the beginning of the pandemic when people were hoarding toilet paper and paper towels? Don’t let yourself get caught in a situation without those items ever again. You can buy them in bulk and the best thing is they don’t expire. You might need to make some room for them, but it will be worth it in the long run because you can always use toilet paper and paper towels.

Read More: 10 Best Things to Buy at Costco 

Herbs and Spices

brown powder in clear glass jar
Photo by Diana Polekhina

Different dried herbs can last for a long time. Some of the dried herbs that last for years are rosemary, oregano, and basil. Spices can also last for years in the cabinet. Salt can last for almost forever as long as it is natural salt (don’t worry, table salt can last for years too).

Read More: 10 Must-Buys at Sam’s Club

White Rice

rice in bowl
Photo by Pille R. Priske

White rice is the perfect thing to buy in bulk. It can last up to 10 years in storage if stored properly. You need to store white rice in an air-tight container.

Read More: DO NOT Buy These Items at Costco