The Quick Report

20 Traits That Define the Worst Drivers — Are You One of Them?

Everyone wants to be seen as a good driver. However, some drivers should retake their driver’s test because of how poorly they drive. Here are 20 traits of the worst drivers on the road.

Red-Light Running

traffic lights near white concrete building during day time
Photo by Roberto Júnior

We all have seen those people who go straight through a red light. Not only is it not safe to do that, it’s also sort of rude. It shows that their time is more precious than anyone else’s, and that’s why they can’t follow the law. Yes, it is illegal to run red lights!


cars on road
Photo by Nabeel Syed

Tailgating is when the driver behind you drives dangerously close to you. These are usually impatient drivers who just want to get in front of a car that they perceive is going too slow. When encountering these cars, if you can, just change lanes. Then they can get in front of you.

Inconsistent Speeding

timelapse photography of green SUV on road
Photo by JD Weiher

An inconsistent speeder makes their speed go up and down during traffic. They don’t have a consistent speed, making it hard for you to have one too. Don’t be this person!

Honking For No Reason

classic red and white car interior
Photo by Debby Hudson

Some people honk their horns when it is not needed. These people are usually impatient and want you to do something unsafe even though they can’t see what is in front of you. It is best to ignore these people because they are trying to intimidate you into doing things you might not usually do.

Lane Weaving

silver sports coupe on asphalt road
Photo by Erik Mclean

When someone is lane weaving, they usually are trying to switch lanes to get out of traffic. Sometimes, they signal, and sometimes they don’t. When you encounter a lane weaver, it is best to keep a safe distance and try not to get in their way.

Non-Signal Using

man driving a car wearing wrist watch
Photo by why kei

Those who don’t use their signal to show what their next move is are people who drive me crazy. If you are turning or changing lanes, it’s not that hard to turn your signal on. Don’t be a non-signal user!

Early Braking

man sitting on car front seat
Photo by Kenny Eliason

Early braking is when you are coming up to a light or stop sign, and you start braking, well, early. This makes you unpredictable and can cause an accident. Make sure you are braking at an appropriate time from your stop.

Oblivious Driving

man in white dress shirt driving car during daytime
Photo by Fortune Vieyra

If you are obliviously driving, you are not aware of your surroundings. You could look like you are paying attention, but you miss important things like stop signs, crosswalks, other cars, etc. This type of driving is very dangerous and should be avoided at all costs!

Distracted Driving

man holding black smartphone
Photo by Alexandre Boucher

Distracted driving is when the driver is doing other things besides focusing on the road. This could include watching something on their phone, eating fast food, or playing with their infotainment center (even though most of those don’t work while moving, but they can try). It is best to steer clear of someone driving distracted and give them plenty of space.

Not Using Headlights

vehicle headlight close-up photography
Photo by Erwan Hesry

When it is dark out and someone is not using their headlights, there is an issue. Or when it is raining, and they don’t have their headlights on, there is an issue. The issue? They are driving dangerously! Headlights help you see where you are going, and they also help others see you. It is important to have them on when there is low visibility.

Brake Tapping

gray vehicle close-up photography
Photo by Martin Katler

Brake tapping is when someone taps on their brakes unnecessarily. This can give those behind them annoyance because they don’t know why the person is braking. It can also create a potentially unsafe situation, so make sure you keep your distance just in case you encounter a brake tapper.

Road Raging

angry girl in black and white striped shirt
Photo by Julien L

Road raging is probably one of the worst ways you can drive. If you have road rage, you get aggressive while driving and honk your horn, yell obscenities, or do rude hand gestures. It is important to remain calm even when something unexpected happens on the road.


black SUV near grass and trees
Photo by Zac Ong

Those who speed seem to be in a huge hurry. They sometimes weave from lane to lane really fast and drive above the posted speed limit. If you encounter a speeder, it is best to let them pass you. It’s not worth getting into an accident because someone needs to get somewhere fast.


black mercedes benz suv on road during daytime
Photo by Aaron Doucett

Rubbernecking is when you pay more attention to some sort of accident on the road than the actual road itself. This causes traffic to move slowly and can potentially be dangerous. When something is going on, and you have to pass it, make sure you don’t rubberneck!

Driving Slow

person in brown pants driving car
Photo by Jordan Goetsch

Some speed, and then some drive slower than the speed limit. Slow drivers are not only infuriating, but they are also not safe drivers. If you encounter a slow driver, wait until it is safe (and make sure it is legal) to pass them.

Double Parking

asphalt road and green grass field
Photo by Dan Gold

Double parking is when you park in the middle of the road and not a parking spot. Always park in a designated parking spot or parking area.

Shoulder Driving

timelapse photography of vehicles on road at night
Photo by Adam Śmigielski

Driving on the side of the shoulder on the highway is extremely dangerous. You should not ever drive on the shoulder to get past traffic. It is not safe and it could cause a potential accident.

Intersection Blocking

low-angle photography of vehicles passing road at daytime

Intersection blocking is when you stop in the middle of an intersection, making it impossible for those in traffic to go past you. You should only go into an intersection if you know you will clear it.

Read More: The 10 Best Road Trips For Serious Car Lovers

Left Lane Hogging

green coupe on gray asphalt road
Photo by Michele Spinnato

Left lane hogging is when you stay in the left lane and don’t pass. The left lane should be used for passing, and then you should get over to the right lane.

Read More: Teach Your Kid to Drive Without Losing Your Mind

Last-Minute Merging

vehicles crossing Golden Gate Bridge at daytime
Photo by Saketh

If you merge last-minute, that is when you merge over into traffic at the last second possible. This usually involves cutting other drivers off and making for an unsafe situation. When merging, make sure you merge as soon as you can and do it safely.

Read More: Who REALLY Has the Worst Traffic in the US? We Found Out