The Quick Report

10 Ways to Turn into a Morning Person

Not everyone is a morning person, that’s just a fact. But did you know there are ways to trick yourself into becoming one? Follow these 10 tips to thrive — not just survive — in the morning!

Wake Up a Little Earlier Each Day

woman sitting on white bed while stretching
Photo by Bruce Mars

If you want to wake up earlier, setting the clock hours before you usually get up is not a good idea. This will shock your system and you probably won’t feel terrific throughout the day. Take the easier approach — set your alarm 15 minutes earlier each day so you can gradually start waking up earlier.

Have a Nightly Routine

pink and white hair band
Photo by Julia Zyablova

Getting ready for bed is extremely important if you are trying to wake up earlier. A consistent routine before bed will signal to your body that it’s about time to catch some z’s, and help you get in the mood for sleeping. The more consistently this becomes a nightly behavior, the more you will be ready to wake up with the sun.

Create a Sleep Schedule

Photo of Sleeping Man
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Creating a sleep schedule will help you throughout the day. If you go to bed really late and wake up really early, that probably isn’t going to be sustainable. It is recommended for adults to get 7 hours of sleep a night, so a consistent sleep schedule is key.

Create the Right Sleep Environment

gray table lamp beside white bed pillow
Photo by Rhema Kallianpur

Creating the right sleep environment will help you get to sleep faster. Try having the room nice and cool, block out as much light as possible, and sleep in a noiseless room (earplugs do wonders for a good night’s sleep). If you have the right environment to sleep in, it will make waking up in the morning easier!

Go to Bed Earlier

woman sleeping on bed under blankets
Photo by Gregory Pappas

It is probably a no-brainer to go to bed early, but it is always good to have a reminder! Going to bed earlier means you will get your 7 hours of sleep earlier. Then you will be able to wake earlier feeling nice and refreshed!

Create a Morning Routine You Enjoy

a cup of coffee and a book on a table
Photo by Elin Melaas

If you have a routine you enjoy in the morning, then you have something to look forward to every day! Sometimes motivation is needed to wake up early. When you know that you can sit and enjoy a cup of coffee with a book, you are more likely to be excited about your morning. Do something that you enjoy, and you will have joy throughout your whole day.


woman exercising indoors
Photo by Jonathan Borba

Exercising is not only good for your body, but is also good for your mind! Regular exercise will help you sleep better at night and feel more refreshed throughout the day. So get moving and grooving so you can sleep better at night!

Drink Less Caffeine

Diet Coke can
Photo by Kenny Eliason

The more caffeine you drink, the more your body will want to stay awake. Caffeine intake in the afternoons can mess up your sleep (yup, even if you drink it hours before bedtime). It is best to limit how much caffeine you drink, and the less you drink, the better night’s sleep you will get.

Read More: The Science Behind Night Terrors and Sleep Paralysis

Don’t Eat Right Before Going to Sleep

top view photo of pepperoni pizza beside brown cup filled with yellow liquid and ice cubes
Photo by Thomas Tucker

We all love a good slice of pizza, but eating it too close to bedtime will affect how you sleep. Going to sleep right after you eat can mess with your sleep cycle. Also going to sleep on a full stomach can cause discomfort which can in turn affect your sleep cycle. Just say no to late-night snacks!

Read More: 10 Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep

Get Some Natural Sunlight

sun rays passing through forest tree
Photo by Sodbayar Photography

Natural sunlight will make you feel like a million bucks in the morning! Getting that natural Vitamin D is one of the best ways to help you become a morning person. If it’s a rainy day and you can’t get natural sunlight, you can also use a light therapy lamp that imitates natural sunlight.

Read More: Sleep Better With this Bedtime Routine