The Quick Report

10 Ways To Overcome Imposter Syndrome 

People who suffer from imposter syndrome doubt their skills and accomplishments. And they are afraid of being exposed as frauds. Read on to learn how you can overcome this phenomenon.

10. Positive Affirmations 

a woman standing in front of a mirror brushing her hair
Photo by tabitha turner

Negative self talk is one of the most detrimental things for your mental health. A negative inner monologue contributes heavily to imposter syndrome. Try starting each day by looking in the mirror and repeating positive affirmations. Repeating these affirmations over a prolonged period of time can help give you a more optimistic outlook on life.

9. Stop Overthinking

woman in blue and black striped long sleeve shirt
Photo by Elyas Pasban

Overthinking everything you say and every decision you make in regards to your career and personal projects can make you look at your accomplishments with an overly critical eye. Stop being your harshest critic. Criticizing every little thing that you do will make your imposter syndrome worse.

8. Create An Alter Ego

a close up of a person wearing a leopard coat
Photo by Alex Sheldon

When imposter syndrome has its hold over you, it can be so hard to say nice things about yourself. Try creating an alter ego of yourself who you can compliment. That way you can trick yourself into complimenting yourself.

7. Believe Compliments

man in black crew neck shirt wearing black framed eyeglasses and black hat

People probably compliment you all the time. As they should — because you’re awesome! But you probably never believe what they say. Here is a little fact about humans. If they are not impressed by you, they won’t compliment you. If they are going out of their way to praise you, their praise is probably genuine. Believe them!

6. Compliment Yourself 

woman in infinity pool making heart hand gesture facing green leafed trees
Photo by Jon Flobrant

After you learn to accept compliments, you need to start complimenting yourself. We mentioned earlier that an alter ego can help you compliment yourself. But you can’t use the alter ego as a crutch forever. It’s time to praise yourself. You deserve it.

5. Write Down Your Accomplishments

person holding pen with coffee on table
Photo by Gabrielle Henderson

Praising yourself may be easier said than done. You may not know where to begin. Take some time for yourself and find a quiet place to be alone. Once you find that quiet place, gather your thoughts and try to visualize all of your accomplishments. After you visualize these accomplishments, write them down on a sheet of paper. Tape that list to your bathroom mirror and repeat those achievements to yourself every day.

4. No More Self-Deprecating Jokes

photography of man in gray sweater covering his mouth
Photo by Kawin Harasai

Now that you have learned to compliment and validate yourself, it’s time to move on to the most difficult task on this list. STOP PUTTING YOURSELF DOWN! Seriously, self-deprecating jokes do not make you seem quirky or relatable. They just make you feel worse about yourself! Stop being a bully! You are not a one-person roast!

3. Listen To Uplifting Music

a woman wearing red headphones and a green jacket
Photo by Lucas van Oort

Now that we got the tough love out of the way, let’s focus on a fun task. Wistful ballads can be so cathartic to listen to. But sad songs can make the imposter syndrome worse. If you’re having a particularly bad day, try listening to positive pop songs. These songs will uplift your spirit and give you a more positive attitude throughout the day. Try “I Love It” by Icona Pop or “Good As Hell” by Lizzo. 

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2. Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

woman in black jacket sitting beside woman in black jacket
Photo by Jametlene Reskp

Comparing yourself to others is the quickest and easiest way to make yourself miserable. Your peers are your colleagues, not your competition. The only person you should compete with is yourself. Comparing yourself to others will only make you hate yourself and resent people in your community. 

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1. Remember How Amazing You Are

woman waving her hair
Photo by George Bohunicky

I have a secret to tell you. Come here. Come closer… You are amazing! You have accomplished so many things. And you have overcome so many obstacles to get where you are. You are not an imposter. You are you! And you deserve everything you worked for.

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