The Quick Report

Increase Your Energy Naturally With These Tips

There’s no need to take an energy shot or consume copious amounts of caffeine. Those solutions can backfire with an inevitable crash. Here are 30 activities that can increase your energy in the right way.

30. Drink Less Alcohol

assorted-color bottle lot on shelf
Photo by Adam Wilson

Alcohol can slow you down. I don’t know if that is a scientific fact, but it just seems to do that. It can also zap you of your energy. Drinking less alcohol will give you more energy and make you all around feel better.

29. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

white cat sleeps under white comforter
Photo by Kate Stone Matheson

A good night’s sleep can solve so many problems. But it can also solve your low-energy problem too! Make sure you are getting at least eight hours of sleep a night and the next day you will be refreshed and rejuvenated.

28. Manage Your Stress

And breathe sign
Photo by Max van den Oetelaar

Being stressed can take away a lot from you, especially energy-wise. If you are stressed, you might not feel like doing many things, and you might feel sluggish. Finding a way to manage your stress can give you overall more energy.

27. Eat More Whole Grains

brown bread on white plate
Photo by Young Shih

Whole grains are good for you, and they are good for energy, too. Unlike sugars, whole grains slowly and steadily release fuel, giving you more energy. Instead of that sweet, pick up a whole grain to make your day more energetic.

26. Have a Power Snack

person holding black ceramic mug with coffee beans
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez

A power snack gives you, you guessed it, energy. A power snack combines protein, fiber, and a little bit of fat. These three combined will provide you with the pick-me-up you need!

25. Always Eat Breakfast

variety of foods on top of gray table
Photo by Ali Inay

It is a bad idea to skip your breakfast! Breakfast gives you fuel that you need after a good night’s sleep. Eating a balanced breakfast will give you the energy you need to take on the day.

24. Eat Lean Proteins

four raw fish meat
Photo by Christine Siracusa

Lean proteins are good for energy because they take a longer time to digest. This means that your blood sugar will be steady for a longer period. Food that’s good for you with no sudden crash? I’ll take it!

23. Spread Out Meals

woman holding fork in front table
Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes

Having one gigantic meal a day will do nothing for you energy-wise. You will just feel like you want to take a nap after you eat. It is better to have smaller meals throughout the day so you can get a boost of energy each time you eat. It is important to make sure that the meals you eat are nutritious and not just bad-for-you foods.

22. Go to Therapy

woman wearing gray jacket
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez

Talking to a therapist not only has mental health benefits, but it can also have energy benefits as well. It’s a great way to release some of the stress built up inside, so you can feel calmer. Feeling less stressed is a great way to boost your energy (as mentioned before).

21. Drink a Protein Drink

woman in white crew neck t-shirt holding red plastic cup
Photo by Kelly Sikkema

Drinking a protein drink is a great way to beat fatigue. It will give you a boost of energy and also usually has some nutrients in it too. You will be getting a two for one deal with just one protein drink!

20. Have Some Chocolate


Yes, chocolate does contain some caffeine. However, that’s not the only reason consuming chocolate will give you a boost. Research has found that the flavanols found in cocoa may boost cognitive performance and improve mood. Flavanols give chocolate its bitter taste. Dark chocolate has more beneficial flavanols than milk chocolate.

19. Take a Few Deep Breaths

woman in black tank top and black pants sitting on green grass field during daytime
Photo by Benjamin Child

While this may seem like something you’d do to calm down, taking deep breaths using a specific technique can give you an energy boost. A 2006 study found that performing yoga breathing from your diaphragm will get your blood pumping. This short exercise may boost your energy all day long.

18. Walk, Jog, Bike, or Work Out

man riding bicycle on road during daytime
Photo by Jonny Kennaugh

Activities that get you breathing deeper can boost your energy. Go for a walk, jog, bike, or run to get your heart pumping. A short 15-minute workout with weights can do the same. A 2011 study found that working out during the middle of your workday can increase productivity enough to counteract the time spent away from your desk.

17. Light Things Up

green-leafed tree
Photo by Markus Spiske

Research has found that people will feel more awake at any time of day in a well-lit area. Sunlight is likely the best way to light up rooms, but that’s not always possible depending on weather conditions. Therefore, if you’re feeling drowsy, flip on some lights. Keeping your space brightly lit will help you stay more alert.

16. Visit the Great Outdoors

blue and brown steel bridge
Photo by Tim Swaan

Spending time outdoors, specifically about 20 minutes, can give you an energy boost, according to a 2010 study. According to the study, a walk in a natural setting, such as the woods, is best. But if there is no nature trail nearby, a green park will do to provide the same energy-boosting result.

15. Drink Some Water

ice cubes dropped in clear drinking cup with water
Photo by Lanju Fotografie

Studies have found that even mild dehydration can make you sleepy. Busy schedules can sometimes make it hard to remember to drink enough water. Therefore, whenever you’re feeling fatigued, instead of reaching for something caffeinated, try chugging a glass of water or two. You may find you’ll get the same energy boost without the crash that can occur later.

14. Listen to Some Music

iPhone with EarPods beside feathers
Photo by Juja Han

Research has found that listening to uplifting music can improve alertness, attention, and memory. One study found that listening to medium-tempo music was best for reducing fatigue and increasing alertness on long drives. Medium tempo music ranges from 108-120 beats per minute (BPM). Most electronic music, dance, funk, and disco is in this range.

13. Sing Along to Music

woman in white crew neck shirt
Photo by Miguel Bautista

In addition to listening to medium-tempo music, singing along will also boost your alertness. Singing requires breath control and pushing from the diaphragm. This use of the lungs and extra oxygen gets the blood pumping and can boost adrenaline. A 2008 study found singing increased energy levels among college students.

12. Laugh

2 women smiling and standing near trees during daytime
Photo by Omar Lopez

The proverbial wisdom that laughter is the best medicine holds true, as studies suggest laughing reduces stress and has many other health benefits. According to a 2016 study, one of laughter’s proven benefits is boosting energy levels. Feeling drowsy? Surf over to YouTube and watch a few funny videos to get energized.

11. Take a Cold Shower


Although telling someone to “take a cold shower” is often said when someone is all worked up or is expressing too much libido, exposure to cold water can boost energy. A 2007 study suggested that a cold shower for as little as 3 minutes can be enough to counteract some of the effects of chronic fatigue.

10. Chew Some Gum

time lapse photo of woman making gum bubble
Photo by Karina Miranda

The next time you find yourself nodding off at your desk or during a meeting that seems to be lingering forever, try popping a piece of gum in your mouth. A 2016 study found that chewing gum can improve mood, cognitive performance, and well-being as well as increase alertness. The research found that chewing gum enhanced attention and work performance.

9. Use Stimulating Scents

votive candle
Photo by Chelsea shapouri

Aromatherapy works on the principle that aromatic materials can improve psychological well-being and manage symptoms. Researchers have found that certain scents have stimulating properties. The most significant of these is lemon oil, which produces a stimulating scent. A 2008 study showed it improved participants’ moods. Other scents said to be stimulating are rosemary oil and eucalyptus oil.

8. Stretch

woman in black tank top and black shorts lying on floor
Photo by Anastasia Hisel

Research suggests that doing some stretching at your desk may be enough to stimulate alertness. Stretching can increase blood flow, boosting dopamine and serotonin, which helps with motivation, stabilizing mood, and reducing stress. However, for an even bigger boost, a 2017 study suggested performing yoga increased subjective energy. The study also found that yoga also increased self-esteem. 

7. Have a Caffeinated Drink

Monster Punch can

It’s not that you shouldn’t have some caffeine for an energy boost, but the emphasis is on some. At some point, caffeine has diminishing returns and will produce the opposite of the desired effect by causing an energy crash. However, a 2012 study found that a single cup of coffee was enough to keep drivers alert on a long drive.

6. Add Green to Your Environment

iMac on desk
Photo by Andreas Rasmussen

A houseplant or three may keep your air a little cleaner, especially in a stuffy office. Studies have shown that indoor air pollutants can have short- and long-term effects on health. These include energy-draining allergies and headaches. Adding plants to your workspace or home may absorb pollutants from your indoor air.

5. Be More Social

three man sitting on gray surface
Photo by Toa Heftiba

A 2006 study found that workers who chat with one another were more alert than those who worked quietly in an office. Other research has shown that people who have strong social ties are generally happier and healthier. Social people also get more sleep and, thus, are more rested and alert.

4. Straighten Up

woman sitting on white bed while stretching
Photo by bruce mars

A slouching posture is a physical queue to tiredness. Interestingly, research found that slouching can cause fatigue. A 2012 study found that sitting up straight with your shoulders back, your lower back slightly arched, and your eyes forward can make you feel more energized. A 2009 study found that maintaining a straight body posture can also boost your confidence.

3. Get Away From Work and Your Desk

man holding bag walking on road
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions

According to research, you should avoid having lunch at your desk. A 2016 study found that taking a mental break away from work during lunch can improve your energy levels at work. In addition to taking lunch outside the office, boost your energy further by squeezing in a quick walk as well.

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2. Do Something Interesting

two people playing Sony PS4 game console

Midday fatigue usually occurs anywhere between 1-4 PM, brought on by any of several factors including circadian rhythms, adenosine build-up, blood sugar, warming temperatures, and more. When this feeling comes on, combat it by doing something you find engaging or interesting. A 1994 study found that interest in a task can make it significantly easier to remain alert.

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1. Take a Power Nap

woman sleeping on blue throw pillow
Photo by bruce mars

Sometimes the best way to boost your energy is to take a rest. Power naps have long been theorized to be revitalizing and can help with concentration. Power naps are typically 10-20 minutes, ending before entering deeper stages of sleep. Some of the greatest minds in history took power naps including Einstein, Tesla, Dali, and Churchill.

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