The Quick Report

10 Reasons Everyone Will be Driving EVs Soon

Love them or hate them, electric vehicles are here to stay. In fact, they’re more likely to outlive internal combustion engines than you might realize. With every major car manufacturer now offering EVs as part of their lineup, it’s time to review the reasons why everyone will be driving electric cars soon.

Chargers are Everywhere


These days, the idea of it being extremely difficult to charge your car is a bit outdated. There are dedicated charging stations for EVs all over the place, and they’ll get you considerable range on a short charge, contrary to popular misconceptions. And they’re fast! The idea of your road trip taking several extra days in an EV is just misinformation at this point.

Ranges are Getting Better

Image via Openverse

Newer EVs are developing better efficiencies in battery technology to allow for better overall range. Between regenerative braking, efficient powertrains, and just larger batteries, ranges are going up every model year. This, combined with the more plentiful charging stations, means that previous hurdles involving range anxiety are significantly reduced these days.

Home Charging


And, yes, you can also just charge your EV at home. You might need some specialized equipment, like installing a special type of outlet. However, this cost is easily offset by the money you don’t spend on buying gas for your car! You can also keep the cost of your electricity cheaper by charging your car at night and on the weekends, when power consumption isn’t as costly. And, speaking of that…

It’s Affordable


Between tax credits for buying EVs and the affordability of power when compared to gas, it’s actually more affordable for many people to own an EV. While some people are put off by the higher base price of EVs when compared to internal combustion engine vehicles, it’s actually a bit of an illusion. And, naturally, as they become more commonplace they’ll become even more affordable for adopters.

Better for the Environment

windmill on grass field during golden hour
Karsten Würth

There’s no way around this one, everyone. EVs are better for the environment. They just are! Burning fossil fuels releases emissions that contribute to climate change. Drilling for crude oil is also extremely deleterious to the environment, as are the pipelines used to transport the substance.

No Tailpipe Emissions


Importantly, EVs emit no waste products while in use. Some people have pointed out that they are, however, often supplied power from grids that use coal. Coal is, in fact, a fossil fuel. However, there are some important distinctions between an EV being powered by a coal-fed power plant and an internal combustion engine.

Efficient Power

yellow Dodge Charger
Uillian Vargas

First, EVs are better at converting the power it takes from the grid into actual torque on the road than a conventional engine is. A combustion engine uses small explosions to fire pistons, resulting in a chaotic and energy-inefficient propulsion process. An EV, on the other hand, just uses simple servos to turn the tires.

Easy Maintenance


How often do you need to get your conventional engine serviced? If the answer is anything more frequent than once a year, an EV could help you reduce those costs. EVs don’t have nearly as many moving parts, they don’t need engine oil, and they’re much simpler to maintain. Basically, you just need to rotate the tires and keep the coolant topped off.

User Friendly

a person driving a car with a computer on the dashboard
Jonas Leupe

In addition to the easier maintenance, EVs also tend to just be more user friendly than conventional cars. Electric torque is immediate and offers great performance on the road, and the handling of electric cars is remarkably tighter and smoother than even ICE sports cars. Now that’s saying something!

They’re Fun to Drive

panning photography of sedan
Moritz Kindler

At the end of the day, the most important element of EVs when compared to ICE vehicles is that they’re just plain fun to drive! Between their unparalleled acceleration and plentiful performance features, it just feels good to be behind the wheel of an EV in a way that few ICE vehicles can replicate.

Read More: This Is Why People Still Avoid Electric Cars