The Quick Report

10 Amazing Benefits of Cutting Down on Meat

Meat consumption is a big part of some people’s daily lives. However, reducing your meat intake can be a really good thing. Here are 10 benefits of cutting down on meat.

To Be a Part of the Changing World

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Times are changing. Are you ready to keep up? Eating less meat will reduce your carbon footprint which is good for the earth. Many sources cite how eating less meat is better for the environment, which is better for humans and all creatures alike. Do your part in helping our planet stay healthy and eat less meat.

To Adopt a Healthier Diet

bowl of vegetable salads
Photo by Anna Pelzer

Limiting red meat is an essential part of the Mediterranean Diet. This diet is healthy because it contains mostly vegetables and plant-based foods. It also includes healthy fats like olive oil. Most people on this diet only eat red meat a few times a month, which is better for their health and the environment. The less red meat, the better!

To Have More Energy

people exercising
Photo by Anupam Mahapatra

Everyone likes having a good amount of energy. But did you know that red meat can affect your energy levels? That’s because your body works harder to digest red meat as opposed to vegetables. If you eat more veggies, then you will have more energy. Think of a meal where you consumed red meat and felt terrible afterward. If you eat lighter foods that are vegetarian, that will help you keep up your energy for a longer time.

To Lose Weight

a person working out in a gym
Photo by Centre for Ageing Better

If you replace your meat with different whole foods (foods that are close to the state in which they were harvested), you will slim down. Whole foods have more vitamins and minerals in them, unlike meat. Adding those great ingredients to your diet will help you lose weight. The first thing to do when trying to lose weight is to cut back on your meat intake.

To Be More Ethical

a small pig standing on top of a dirt field
Photo by Calum Hill

Most factory farms do not have the best conditions for the animals that are there. You want to believe that everything is on the up and up, but chances are things are not. The less meat you consume, the fewer factory farms that exist. You will be more ethical in your thinking and fight for your beliefs with your purchases.

To Avoid Illness

hospital bed near couch
Photo by Martha Dominguez de Gouveia

Eating meat has been linked to many different health issues, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. The biggest culprit for these diseases is red meat. Changing your diet can reduce the risk of illness. Even switching to lean proteins like fish and turkey can help you lessen your chances of getting these diseases.

To Save Your Money

pink pig figurine on white surface
Photo by Fabian Blank

Meat products can get expensive. Buying vegan or vegetarian options will be cheaper than buying meat. The key to having cheaper options is to buy less processed vegan and vegetarian foods. Buying rice, beans, and pasta in bulk will save you money in the long run! All you have to do is add some fruits and vegetables and you are looking at a wallet-friendly diet.

To Try Vegan/Vegetarian Alternatives

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Photo by No Revisions

Vegan and vegetarian options have increased in the past couple of years! Some sweets are made without animal products and are pretty tasty. There are even meat substitutes that taste good, such as Beyond Meat, which is almost eerily indistinguishable from meat.

Read More: 10 Extreme Diets You Should Stay Away From

To Live a Longer Life

man in black tank top holding yellow ceramic mug
Photo by FlipClip Marketing

If you choose to eat a plant-based diet, you will live a longer life. The less meat you consume, the less likely you are to get the diseases mentioned earlier. And cutting down on your meat consumption will not only give you a longer life, but will also improve the quality of your life.

Read More: The Least Healthy “Health” Foods on the Market

To Save Earth

orange flowers
Photo by Henry Be

We only have one planet, so why not treat it right? Reducing your meat intake will make the earth a better place. The land is being plowed for factory farms so the animals can graze. But the less people eat meat, the less need there is for factory farms! Win-win!

Read More: 15 Plant-Based Meat Substitutes that Don’t Suck