The Quick Report

The 10 Songs to Never Play at a Party

Music choices when hosting a party can set or ruin the vibe. Play the wrong song and your bash goes from fire to fizzle — or has people heading for the exit. As a public service, we present the 10 songs to never play at a party.

10. Chicken Dance

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This well-known drinking and dancing song is often played at Oktoberfest events and weddings. It’s known by many other names, such as the Bird Song, and there are over 140 versions worldwide. Even Disney recorded some. But unless you’re hosting a party for little kids or purposely want to torture people, skip this one.

9. “Free Bird” by Lynyrd Skynyrd

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Even in the 70s after this song came out it was old already. Most cover bands will tell you they’ve never played a gig where some yahoo didn’t yell out a request for: “Free Bird!” It’s too long and the repetitious guitar solos go on and on and on. “Just say no,” to this song (and drugs).

8. “The End” by The Doors

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This song definitely sits near the top of the list among the most depressing songs of all time. Not only that, but the song takes a turn in the midsection with its suggestive noises and repeated use of the F-word. Then it goes totally psycho with repetitions of “kill, kill, kill.” Really? It’s the audio equivalent of a bad acid trip.

7. Nickelback

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Don’t play anything by Nickelback. Not anything. Especially not “How You Remind Me.” Nobody wants to be reminded of Nickelback. Why all the hate for Nickelback? Have you ever met a diehard Nickelback fan, seriously? Their lyrics are alpha male cringe to the extreme. (i.e., “Something In Your Mouth.” Mmm-kay?) No bro-rock, please.

6. “Closing Time” by Semisonic

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Many a misguided person plays this tune hoping to send a subliminal message to a certain someone with the line: “I know who I want to take me home.” But there is no reason to play this song unless you are trying to send a not-so-subtle hint to all your party guests that it’s time to get the heck out.

5. “Gagnam Style” by PSY

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No, “Gagnam Style” isn’t going to get the party going. To say this song was a phenomenon isn’t a compliment. First of all, no one understands the lyrics. But worst of all, this song possesses all the cringe of the Macarena. Not playing the latter is so obvious, we felt we didn’t even need to add it to the list.

4. Coldplay

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Much like the example of Nickelback given previously in this list, don’t play anything by Coldplay. Pretty much any song by Coldplay is just too depressing. (And people thought grunge was dark music. No that was Seattle, not the music). Especially don’t play “Viva la Vida.” It makes people anxious and drunk people think they can sing it – they can’t.

3. “Crank That (Soulja Boy)” by Soulja Boy

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When you see little kids singing and dancing to this at the start of the music video, that’s your first clue this isn’t a song for your party. For starters, isn’t Hip-hop line-dancing an insult to the entire genre? This is like a nursery rhyme set to a beat. Leave it behind with your childhood.

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2. “Cotton Eyed Joe” by Rednex

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Adding a bunch of synthesizers to an old traditional American folk song doesn’t make it cool. These Europeans never understood that or they wouldn’t have recorded it in the first place. Playing this song at your party isn’t a funny way to prompt some awkward dancing. It’s just embarrassing as all get out and torture to listen to.

Read More: 10 Actors with Failed Music Careers

1. (TIE) “Sexy and I Know It” by LMFAO / “I’m Too Sexy” by Right Said Fred

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These two tunes are more or less the same song but different. We know what you’re trying to do playing either one of these songs. You’re trying to get people acting loose and horny in a not-so-subtle way with the “sexy” lyrics. But skrrt… both these songs are way too cheugy.

Read More: Catchy Pop Songs With Secretly Dark Lyrics