Some movies are bad. Everyone knows The Room is a complete misfire of a film, and Cats is a joke of a production. But they’re not even as bad as these ten maligned films, experiences so unpleasant they have an astonishing 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Yes, apparently, movies can have a 0% rating!
One Missed Call (2008)

This J-Horror remake was critically panned upon release for what moviegoers said were bland performances and limp scares. This virtually unknown horror remake had little fanfare at its release and is widely considered unbearably bad—not even bad enough to be entertaining, just bad.
Left Behind (2014)

Even Nic Cage couldn’t save this weird movie from being a let-down. It’s ostensibly about what happens to the human race after the Rapture, shown through the eyes of airline pilot Ray Steele, played by Cage. Unfortunately, the entire budget seems to have gone to the leading man, as the effects and sets are laughably amateurish throughout.
Gotti (2018)

John Travolta has a habit of appearing in either really excellent movies (Pulp Fiction, Saturday Night Fever) or really terrible movies (Staying Alive). Unfortunately, Gotti is one of the terrible ones. Critics say it’s more interested in the raw facts of its protagonist’s life than in being an entertaining film.
The Last Days of American Crime (2020)

The Last Days of American Crime is a phenomenal name but a genuinely terrible film. The “cool” factor of the name comes from the comic book it’s based on—as does the interesting premise, in which the American government plans to use sci-fi tech to make people incapable of breaking the law. Sadly, the movie bungles its premise with bad acting, nonsensical plotting, and awful-looking action.
The Ridiculous 6 (2015)

The Ridiculous 6 being as bad as it is was a huge blow to Netflix in the early days of the streaming service offering its own bespoke content. The patently absurd film stars Adam Sandler and was roundly criticized for being lazy, meandering, and bizarrely racist toward Native Americans.
Dark Crimes (2016)

Quickly: can you think of a dumber, more derivative name for a movie than Dark Crimes? The people behind this Jim Carrey drama wanted to call it True Crimes, but, by any name, this one is a dud. It’s overly depressing, mean-spirited, and generally just squanders any charisma Carrey could have injected into the proceedings.
Stratton (2017)

Do you know how hard it is to make a good James Bond movie? If you ever want to look at what happens when a Bond look-alike fails to launch, check out Stratton. This genuinely awful “action” movie based on the Duncan Falconer novel series of the same name. Henry Cavill was initially attached to star but dropped out after reading the script. Smart move!
Return to the Blue Lagoon (1991)

This terrible sequel to the already-not-great Blue Lagoon received even worse reviews than its predecessor. Despite starring a pretty pair of actors and being populated with gorgeous tropical scenery, the film failed to captivate, well… anyone. That’s how you end up with a 0% rating, after all.
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Wagons East! (1994)

Wagons East! might have been intended to be an effective satire of westerns, like Blazing Saddles. It fails in this regard, and instead is remembered simply for being the last movie John Candy ever appeared in. What a downright depressing final turn on the silver screen.
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Staying Alive (1983)

What set Saturday Night Fever apart from lesser dance-based films was its gritty realness, its Brooklyn oddities, and John Travolta’s all-around strangeness as a leading man. All of these points of friction were sanded off in the awful Staying Alive, the oldest film on Rotten Tomatoes to hold a 0% rating.
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