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10 Older Movies with CGI That Still Holds Up

A lot of modern movies overuse CGI and end up looking plastic-y, fake, and cheap. This is in stark contrast to the approach used by studios in years past when CGI was paired with practical effects to much better results. Here are ten older movies with computer-generated shots that have really held up.

Starship Troopers

TriStar Pictures

The biting satire of Starship Troopers might have been lost on some critics in the 90s, but the movie remains a cult classic. Part of the reason for its enduring appeal is the fantastic CGI that brought the “bug” aliens to life in startling clarity.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Lucasfilm | Disney

Where Raiders of the Lost Ark used practical effects to melt faces in the climactic sequence, Crusade used then-cutting-edge computer graphics for its memorable finale. When Elsa leads Walter astray by handing him the wrong Holy Grail, a memorable CG sequence sees the villain rapidly age before crumbling to dust.



Disney brought their computer-generated A-game to Tron back in the early 80s. This sci-fi film takes place largely in a digital world and set a record at the time for its sheer volume of CGI shots. It still looks great, if a bit retro, today. Its sequel, Tron: Legacy, also really holds up, though it’s a much more recent outing.

Star Wars

Luke Skywalker
Lucasfilm | Disney

The original Star Wars blew everyone’s minds back in 1977. While it’s largely comprised of practical, in-camera effects, A New Hope still features plenty of computer imagery. This includes the iconic look of lightsabers, blasters, and other armaments, as well as the numerous space battle explosions seen in the film’s climax.

The Matrix

Image Credit: Warner Bros

The Wachowskis created bullet time from whole cloth for the most visually stunning sequences of their masterful 1999 film The Matrix. Despite that movie coming out 25 years ago, no other film has ever quite nailed the slow-motion, death-defying action The Matrix perfected in its very first outing.

Pirates of the Caribbean


You might remember the Pirates franchise for its great-looking naval combat, but Disney’s accidental masterpiece also stuffed with some unbelievable-looking computer-generated shots. The first movie, in particular, knows how to use CGI sparingly to create the spooky effect of zombie sailors battling under the light of a full moon.

Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park
Universal Pictures

It’s been said before but it bears repeating: Jurassic Park somehow looks better than Jurassic World: Dominion, a movie that was released nearly 30 years later. Spielberg and his team managed to create such enduringly realistic dinosaurs that they still hold up on-screen to this day.

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Terminator 2
TriStar Pictures

James Cameron has long been known for his pioneering vision regarding both practical and computer-generated effects. Nowhere are these two halves of his creative process more evident than in the second Terminator outing. Liquid-metal villains, high-speed chase scenes, and the T-800’s numerous new functionalities.

Read More: 10 Modern Movies With Atrocious CGI

The Fifth Element

Columbia Pictures

The Fifth Element is a beloved sci-fi cult classic that uses a blend of practical effects and CGI to create a believable, if campy, vision of the future. From flying cars to 3D printers that can make entire people, the movie features numerous CG shots that are visually arresting.

Read More: The Best Movies (and TV Shows) About Pirates

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

New Line Cinema

You knew this one was going to be at the top. Between careful shot composition and genuine artistic genius, Peter Jackson and his team were able to create some unforgettable CGI creatures. There’s the iconic Gollum, of course, portrayed by the masterful Andy Serkis, but don’t forget about the Ents or the terrifying Balor, both of which look amazing to this day.

Read More: 10 Movies with Practical Effects Better Than Modern CG